职场常用口语 (星火英语)1-4


  1. 更好的前途: have a better prospect

  2. 同事: colleague

  3. 初来乍到: be new to everything here

  4. 指教: guidance

  5. 办公室主任: office director

  6. 很高兴见到您: It‘s my pleasure to meet you

  7. 很高兴能和您共事: Glad to have you with us

  8. 我对这一带不熟,麻烦告诉我一下: I don’t know anywhere here. Please inform me.

  9. 让我带您熟悉一下环境: Let me show your around.

  10. 我没有什么工作经验: I am new to the working world.

tips: 英语中没有Manager xxx 的说法, 应直接称呼为Mr/s.xxx


  1. 办公软件:office software

  2. 表格数据: tabular data

  3. 能: can = be competent in 在。。。方面有能力的

  4. 真不错 : that’s great

  5. 熟练掌握: have a good command of

  6. 熟练使用: use skillfully = use proficiently

  7. 胜任某种职位: be qualified for the position of xxx.

  8. 谢谢您的认可: Thanks for your approval。

  9. 确认日期: set the date.

  10. 画面延迟(通常用于视频通话会议): video seems to be laggiing.

  11. 订单发货: order has shipped。

  12. 确认细节: confirm the details

  13. 画面的清晰度: clarity

  14. 复印机: copying machine

  15. 传真机: fax machine

  16. 饮水机: water cooler

  17. 投影仪: projector

  18. 档案柜: filing cabinet

  19. 笔记本电脑: lap top


  1. 具体的职责: definite duties

  2. 留一个备忘录: leave a memo for xxx

  3. 布置任务: allocate assignment

  4. 算钱: calculate the money

  5. 收据: receipt

  6. 我马上就去: I will go in no time.

  7. 接电话: answer phone calls

  8. 打电话: make phone calls

  9. 欠银行钱: owe money to the bank

  10. 用合理的方式: in a reasonable way


  1. I really enjoy this job.

  2. I like this new job.

  3. I am satisfied with this job

  4. This job is suitable for me.


  1. 员工培训: staff training
  2. 别大惊小怪: stop fussing (fuss +ing) = Don’t have a cow
  3. 制定可行且符合实际的计划: make a workable and reasonable plan
  4. 新员工: newcomers
  5. 认识本质: grasp the essence
  6. 工作时间: working hour
  7. 缺勤: absent
  8. 员工卡: employee card
  9. 您放心吧: set your heart at rest
  10. 记在心中: keep in my mind
  11. 办公室规程: office routine(常规,惯例)
  12. 熟悉: be fammilar with
  13. 公司: corprate = company
  14. 荧光笔; highlighter
  15. 胸牌: chest (胸膛)card
  16. 请假: ask for leave
  17. 职业培训: vocation training (vacation 假期)


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