
The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) has infiltrated every level of social life. International grandmaster Arnold Denker studies the pieces on the board in front of him. He realizes there is no hope; he must resign the game. His opponent, Hitech, becomes the first computer program to defeat a grandmaster in a game of chess in 1988. Since almost that time, AI has not only existed in science fiction but has truly spread into the lives of every one of us.

人工智能(AI)一词已渗透到社会生活的各个层面。 国际大师级大师阿诺德·登克(Arnold Denker)在他面前的板上研究棋子。 他意识到没有希望。 他必须辞职。 他的对手Hitech成为1988年在国际象棋比赛中击败大师的第一个计算机程序。从那时起,人工智能不仅存在于科幻小说中,而且已经真正传播到我们每个人的生活中。

In painting, in 2016, an AI model called “Image Style Transfer” was launched, which can transform any Image into the art style of the great masters such as Van Gogh and Monet. Furthermore, there are artificial intelligence models that can directly generate artistic paintings [1].

在绘画方面,2016年推出了名为“图像样式转换”的AI模型,该模型可以将任何图像转换为凡高和莫奈等大师的艺术风格。 此外,还有一些可以直接生成艺术画的人工智能模型[1]。

The application of AI in artistic creation not only brings surprises to people but also makes people involuntarily think and question: Do AI creations belong to artistic works? Can models of AI be called artists? Can AI models really “understand” art and “know” how they are creating it?

AI在艺术创作中的应用不仅给人们带来惊喜,而且使人们不由自主地思考和质疑:AI创作是否属于艺术作品? 可以将AI模型称为艺术家吗? AI模型真的可以“理解”艺术并“知道”它们是如何创作的吗?

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Chapter 1 [2]

There are many definitions of “artificial intelligence.” As defined by the author of “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,” artificial intelligence needs to have four modes: thinking like a person, thinking rationally, acting like a person, and acting rationally. It makes a distinction between thinking and acting, so we can also think of “artificial intelligence” as a machine simulating human thinking and behavior.

“人工智能”有许多定义。 正如“人工智能:一种现代方法”的作者所定义的那样,人工智能需要具有四种模式:像人一样思考,理性地思考,像人一样行动以及理性地行动。 它在思考和行动之间进行了区分,因此我们也可以将“人工智能”视为模拟人类思考和行为的机器。

The definition of “art”, according to Oxford Dictionaries and Merriam-Websters Dictionary: Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author’s imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

根据牛津词典和梅里亚姆-韦伯斯特词典,“艺术”的定义是:艺术是创造视觉,听觉或表演文物(艺术品)的各种人类活动, 旨在表达作者的想象力,概念或技术意图主要因为它们的美丽或情感力量而受到赞赏。

It can be seen that the prerequisite for a work of art is the need to contain “beauty”; Secondly, art is a kind of social activity, a kind of “social performance”. Artworks are the emotional communication link between artists and audiences as well as between audiences.

可以看出,一件艺术品的前提是必须包含“美”。 其次,艺术是一种社会活动,是一种“社会表现”。 艺术品是艺术家与观众之间以及观众之间的情感交流纽带。

There is a professor of philosophy in a Chinese university who proposes the concept of “the Aesthetics of Artificial Intelligence”: “Aesthetics is the study of artificial intelligence in the process of artificial intelligence technology development of some problems related to aesthetics, its main contents include artificial intelligence of human perceptual (including emotional) and the style of the art of the simulation, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, and appreciation view the human emotion and artistic nature, its method is mainly the philosophy and aesthetics, and require a combination of many disciplines, such as brain science, neuroscience, biological evolution theory and recent advances in the field of artificial intelligence to study.” [3]

一所中国大学的一位哲学教授提出了“人工智能美学”的概念:“美学是人工智能技术发展过程中对人工智能的一些与美学有关的问题的研究,其主要内容包括人工智能对人类的感知(包括情感)和艺术风格进行了模拟,人工智能,人工智能以及欣赏观人类的情感和艺术本质,其方法主要是哲学和美学,并且需要多种结合脑科学,神经科学,生物进化论等学科以及人工智能领域的最新进展。” [3]

In his opinion, artificial intelligence needs to simulate two aspects of human beings in order to complete the artistic creation of real intelligence. One is the simulation of human artistic behavior; Second, it stimulates the emotional behavior of human beings in artistic activities.

他认为,人工智能需要模拟人类的两个方面,以完成真实智能的艺术创作。 一种是模拟人类的艺术行为; 其次,它激发了人们在艺术活动中的情感行为。

中国水墨画的“ X”风 (The “Xieyi” style in Chinese ink painting)

In 2018, an AI portrait hangs at Christie’s in New York, opposite a Paint by Andy Warhol, and next to a bronze work by Roy Lichtenstein. “Edmond de Belamy, from La Famille de Belamy” sold for $432,000, including commission, more than 40 times Christie’s initial estimate of $7,000 to $10,000. The buyer is an anonymous telephone bidder. It sold for more than twice the combined price of the two works next to it.

2018年,一幅AI肖像在纽约佳士得悬挂,与安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)的一幅油画相对,并与罗伊·利希滕斯坦(Roy Lichtenstein)的青铜作品相邻。 “爱德蒙·德·贝拉米,来自La Famille de Belamy”以432,000美元的价格售出,包括佣金,是佳士得最初估计的7,000美元至10,000美元的40倍以上。 买方是匿名电话竞标者。 它的成交价是其旁边两幅作品总和的两倍以上。

This made me start to think about a problem. Oil paintings in the Western world, especially portraits and landscapes, are mostly accurate descriptions of the details of models. The painter’s skills are reflected in the use of light, the accurate capture of the expression of the figures, and the accurate depiction of the figures’ body details. This “technique” allows the AI to learn a lot to imitate and “create” new works of art on top of that.

这使我开始考虑一个问题。 西方世界的油画,尤其是肖像画和山水画,大多是对模型细节的准确描述。 画家的技能体现在光线的使用,对人物表情的准确捕捉以及对人物身体细节的准确描绘上。 这种“技术”使AI可以学习很多东西,以模仿和“创造”新的艺术品。

painter: Peter Paul Rubens

However, according to the means of expression, Chinese painting can be divided into two categories: the Xieyi style and the Gongbi style. The Xieyi style is marked by exaggerated forms and freehand brushwork. The Gongbi style is characterized by close attention to detail and fine brushwork. A famous painter once said: “ The Gongbi Style” can be learned in three years, but “ the Xieyi Style” may not be learned in 30 years.

但是,根据表达方式,中国画可分为两类:谢夷风格和工笔风格。 谢意风格以夸张的形式和写意的笔法为特征。 龚壁风格的特点是对细节的关注和精细的笔法。 一位著名画家曾经说过: “工笔式”可以在三年内学到,但是“斜式”在30年内可能不学。

The Xieyi style of classic Chinese ink painting is more than a technique that features a reduction in detailed brushstrokes. Essentially it describes a philosophy of Chinese culture to emphasize freedom, spirituality, individuality, and expressiveness.

中国古典水墨画的写意风格不仅仅是减少细节笔触的技术。 本质上,它描述了强调自由,灵性,个性和表现力的中国文化哲学。

Bodhidharma, by Luo Pin, collection of Tianjin Museum. [Photo provided to China Daily]菩提达摩 ,罗品,天津博物馆收藏。 [照片提供给中国日报]

Even in ancient times, Chinese artists were unwilling to be restrained by reality. A famous artist of the Jin Dynasty Gu Kaizhi (348–409) was the first to put forward the theory of “making the form show the spirit”. In his opinion, a painting should serve as a means to convey not only the appearance of an object but express how the artist looks at it.

即使在古代,中国艺术家也不愿被现实所束缚。 金代著名画家顾开之(348-409)最早提出“使形式彰显精神”的理论。 在他看来,绘画不仅可以传达物体的外观,还可以表达艺术家的观感。

painter: Wu Guanzhong

This technique can be applied not only to portraits but also to animals and landscapes. Take wu Guanzhong, one of my favorite painters, as an example. The object of his painting is his hometown, but he only uses a few strokes to outline what his hometown looks like in spring. He does not paint it as it is in real life; only its essence has shown as a result of the artist’s long-term observation and profound understanding of the subjects.

该技术不仅可以应用于肖像,而且可以应用于动物和风景。 以我最喜欢的画家之一吴冠中为例。 他的绘画对象是他的家乡,但他只用了几下笔画就勾勒出他的家乡春天的样子。 他没有像现实生活中那样描绘它。 由于艺术家的长期观察和对主题的深刻理解,其实质才得以体现。

So I’m wondering, can AI deep learn this Xieyi Style in Chinese ink painting?


我的中国水墨画模型 (My Chinese ink painting model)

On the training model, Due to the limited materials, I only used less than 300 pieces in the end but used 3000 steps. The training of the model took three hours.

在训练模型上,由于材料有限,我最终只使用了不到300件,却使用了3000步。 该模型的训练花费了三个小时。

In this training, there were many shortcomings. For example, I needed to distinguish the Gongbi Style painting technique from the Xieyi Style by myself. This step of finding materials consumed a lot of time.

在这次培训中,有很多缺点。 例如,我需要自己区分“工笔式”绘画技巧和“谢义式”绘画技巧。 查找材料的这一步骤消耗了大量时间。


please slow down the speed

I can’t judge whether this transformation can be called successful, because the human face has undergone a transformation similar to Chinese ink painting, but it still lacks the core soul of Xieyi style.


There may be a few conveniences that I can improve in the future: for example, many of the paintings this time have text next to them, which may cause problems with the machine. Another example is that some of the drawings have yellow paper backgrounds instead of white, which may also affect the machine’s learning. Whatsmore is that my model contains landscapes, plants, animals, people, etc., which are too complex and could interfere with deep learning.

我将来可能会改善一些便利:例如,这次的许多绘画旁边都有文字,这可能会导致机器出现问题。 另一个例子是,某些工程图的背景纸是黄色而不是白色,这也可能影响机器的学习。 而且,我的模型包含景观,植物,动物,人等,它们太复杂了,可能会干扰深度学习。

Generated images

尽管如此,人工智能的艺术创作是否具有自我意识 (Still, whether the artistic creation of artificial intelligence has a sense of self)

My model is not perfect, but there are already people in the world who can produce “perfect” Chinese ink paintings. Here’s the link:

我的模型并不完美,但是世界上已经有人可以制作“完美”的中国水墨画。 这是链接: https : //

Made by AI

But to me, even if the AI creations look just like humans, I still “feel” that such a system is not intelligent enough for humans. Just like bees unconsciously make beautiful trajectories in the air and roses unconsciously open their eye-catching flowers, these behaviors may be “beautiful” to humans, but I don’t think bees and roses are artists.

但是对我来说,即使AI创作看起来像人类,我仍然“觉得”这样的系统对人类来说不够智能。 就像蜜蜂在不知不觉中在空中形成美丽的轨迹,而玫瑰在不知不觉中打开它们夺目的花朵一样,这些行为对人类可能是“美丽的”,但我不认为蜜蜂和玫瑰是艺术家。

I hope that the creator of a true artistic creation possesses emotions, not just expresses them; I hope that the creator is self-conscious and knows exactly what he is doing, not just unconsciously simulating an artistic act (although there may already be emotions present in such an act).

我希望真正的艺术创作的创造者能够拥有情感,而不仅仅是表达情感。 我希望创作者具有自我意识,并且确切地知道自己在做什么,而不仅是在不知不觉中模仿艺术行为(尽管这种行为可能已经存在情感)。

From this point of view, we come back to the general philosophical question that all general AI systems face: do AI systems possess or are they capable of possessing, self-awareness?


AI Gemini

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[1] Elgammal A, Liu B, Elhoseiny M, et al. CAN: Creative Adversarial Networks, Generating “Art” by Learning About Styles and Deviating from Style Norms[J]. arXiv: Artificial Intelligence, 2017.

[1] Elgammal A,Liu B,Elhoseiny M等。 CAN:创造性的对抗网络,通过学习样式并偏离样式规范来生成“艺术” [J]。 arXiv:人工智能,2017年。

[2]Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Chapter 1,


[3]陶锋. 人工智能美学如何可能[J]. 文艺争鸣, 2018, 5: 80–85.

[3]陶锋。 人工智能美学如何可能[J]。 文艺争鸣,2018,5:80-85。

[4] Gan training: RunwayML





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