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Top S. Korean animal rights group slammed for destroying dogs

The leader of one of South Korea’s largest animal rights groups has been accused of secretly exterminating hundreds of rescued dogs—despite a declared no-kill policy—to ensure a continued stream of donations.

For years, Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) has spearheaded campaigns to rescue canines from dogmeat farms across the country, accumulating some 23,000 members and around two billion won ($1.8 million) in annual donations.
多年来,地球动物权利共存会一直带头领导着在全国范围内将犬类从狗肉市场中解救出来的运动,积聚了大约 23,000 名成员,每年的捐款数额达到了 20 亿韩元(180 万美元)左右。

Staff members at CARE told the Hankyoreh newspaper that the organisation’s head, Park So-yeon, had more than 230 rescued dogs destroyed because of a shortage of space at the shelter.
地球动物权利共存会的员工们向《韩民族日报》透露,因为庇护所空间不足,该组织的负责人朴昭妍已经下令杀害了超过 230 条被营救的狗。

Only 10 percent of the dogs were suffering from incurable illnesses and most were killed because of their large size, a CARE employee was quoted as saying. The animals were then listed as having been adopted.
(《韩民族日报》)引用了地球动物权利共存会一名员工的话,据介绍,在这些狗当中,只有 10%患有不可治愈的疾病,大部分的狗被杀是因为它们庞大的体型。之后,这些被杀的狗会被列为“已领养”。

The organisation has long asserted in appeals that it does not kill dogs even if they are not adopted.

But Park said in a statement that a “small number” of exterminations had been “inevitable” since 2015 due to a “surge in requests for rescue missions”. She added that only severely aggressive dogs or those with incurable illnesses were destroyed, and only after extensive efforts to treat them first.
但是朴昭妍在声明中表示,自 2015 年以来,“拯救狗的任务要求激增”,杀死“一小部分”是“不可避免的”。她还说,只有那些生性极具侵略性的狗和患有不可治愈疾病的狗才会被杀死,而且杀死它们的前提是已经通过多方面的努力对它们进行过治疗。

CARE staff members mounted a protest in the organisation’s offices at the weekend to demand Park’s resignation.

According to a 2017 survey, 70 percent of South Koreans do not eat dogs, but far fewer—about 40 percent—believe the practice should be banned. It also found 65 percent support raising and slaughtering dogs in more humane conditions.
根据一项 2017 年的调查显示,70% 的韩国人不吃狗肉,更少的人(40%左右)认为应该禁止吃狗肉。调查还显示,65%的人支持在更加人性化的条件下养育和杀死狗。

—————文章来源 / 法新社

v. 猛烈抨击;猛地关闭

  • She slammed the door and left the building.
  • Although the reviewers slammed the play for the simple plots, the audience loved it.

v. 毁灭

  • Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews during the second World War.

adj. 公开宣布(或声明、表态)的

  • He is a declared supporter of the plan.

a stream of

  • a stream of visitors
  • a constant stream of enquiries
  • a never-ending stream of jokes

v. 领导,倡导

v. 引述,引用

  • I quoted Shakespeare when I was preparing for the speech.

v. 坚称,断言

  • He asserts that he is innocent.

adj. 不可避免的,不能防止的

  • You can spend a lot on skincare, but the elapsing of time is inevitable.

adj. 大量的,广泛的

  • an extensive range of wines
  • an extensive collection of silver

v. 安排,组织开展

  • to mount a campaign / exhibition

n. 辞职

  • tender one’s resignation
  • The Secretary of Defense tendered his resignation.

v. 屠宰,宰杀

  • Whales are still being slaughtered for commercial gain.
  • a lamb to be slaughtered

adj. 人道的,仁慈的

  • a caring and humane society
  • the humane treatment of refugees

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