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#10YearChallenge: harmless trend or boon to facial recognition technology?

The #10YearChallenge gained widespread traction on social media this month. It calls for posting two photos of yourself side by side—one from today and one from a decade ago—to show how you’ve changed. People are participating mostly on Facebook and Instagram, which is owned by Facebook.
这个月,#10年挑战#这个话题在社交媒体上广泛传播起来。规则是,上传两张自己的照片,一张来自今天,一张来自十年前,以此展示自己的变化。人们主要在 Facebook 和 Instagram 上参与了这个话题,后者是 Facebook 旗下的应用。

Some made jokes, paid tribute to old hairstyles or drew attention to issues like global warming. Celebrities posted glamour shots that showed negligible changes from one decade to the next.

But one post went viral without featuring any side-by-side photos. It was written by Kate O’Neill, author of the book “Tech Humanist: How You Can Make Technology Better for Business and Better for Humans.”

“Me 10 years ago: probably would have played along with the profile picture aging meme going around on Facebook and Instagram,” she wrote in a tweet last week. “Me now: ponders how all this data could be mined to train facial recognition algorithms on age progression and age recognition.”
“十年前的我:大概会跟风参加那个火遍 Facebook 和 Instagram 的个人照片变老挑战,”她在上周的一条推文中写道,“现在的我:正想着这么多的数据会怎么被挖掘,并用来训练那些专攻年龄增长和年龄识别的人脸识别算法。”

Her words hit a nerve. People responded with concerns about whether they were helping the tech giant get better at identifying people. O’Neill’s post got more than 10,000 retweets and more than 20,000 likes.
她的话可谓戳到痛处。人们的回应中,有许多声音担心自己是在帮助 Facebook 这家科技巨头提升识别人脸的能力。奥尼尔的帖子得到了超过 1 万次的转发和超过 2 万次的点赞。

Lauren A. Rhue, an assistant professor at the Wake Forest School of Business, said people should be wary of any company being in possession of such a large trove of biometric data. “There are things we don’t think of as being threats,” Rhue said. “And then five or ten years from now, we realize that there is a threat, but the data has already been given.”

————— 文章来源 / 纽约时报


n. 好处,宝藏

  • A is a boon to B.
  • Radio is a real boon to the blind.

n. 附着力,摩擦力,牵引力;知名度

  • The car loses traction.
  • It takes less time for new words to gain traction. (= become popular)

call for

  • I’ll call for you at eight.
  • This calls for a celebration!

paid tribute to

  • be a tribute to
  • = praise sth./sb.
  • It is a tribute to his teaching.

adj. 可忽略不计的,极小的

  • = neglect (v.)

go viral

  • A promotional clip for a movie featuring Peppa Pig has gone viral.
  • top ten viral videos of 2018

play along

  • She was fired because she refused to play along with the coverup.

n. 互联网上迅速传播的概念、事物;迷因

v. 开采;挖掘(数据)

  • gold mining

hit a nerve

touch a nerve

  • lose one’s nerve
  • You had the nerve to insult my cooking.

n. 宝库

  • treasure trove

adj. 生物测定的;生物特征的

  • 词根词缀:bio- 表生物,-metry 表测量
  • biology, geometry

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