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China’s coffee upstart is pouring millions into overtaking Starbucks

  • 中国咖啡新企业投资百万欲赶超星巴克

Luckin Coffee, a Chinese startup that’s banking on selling cappuccinos to on-the-go office workers, is spending millions of dollars a year opening outlets to unseat Starbucks Corp. as the top java seller in the country.

  • cappuccino 卡布奇诺
  • on-the-go/ɑːn ðə ˈɡoʊ/
    adj. 忙个不停的,特别忙的
  • Corp:corporation:大公司;大企业;
  • java 咖啡

Launched about a year ago, the local challenger is confident it’s got a winning model: small coffee outlets that will outnumber Starbucks cafes by year’s end, an app that rushes out deliveries in about 18 minutes and lots of steep discounts. Chasing the entrenched rival, it’s burning through $130 million a year, according to the Xiamen-based company on China’s southeast coast.
瑞幸成立于 1 年前,这名土生土长的挑战者对自己拥有一个制胜的模式而感到自信满满:即到今年年末,瑞幸的小型咖啡店数量将超过星巴克的门店;瑞幸手机应用上赶制配送(订单)的时间在 18 分钟左右;除此之外,瑞幸还拥有很多丰厚的折扣。这家公司总部设于中国东南海岸的厦门市。据其透露,为了赶上已经站稳脚跟的竞争对手,瑞幸每年烧钱的金额高达 1.3 亿美元。

  • outnumber/ˌaʊtˈnʌmbər/
    v. 在数量上超过,比…多
  • chase:追;赶;撵;
  • rush out
  • entrenched:根深蒂固的
  • burn through
  • rival 竞争者;对手;敌手;

“China is Starbucks’ best and most profitable market now, but it took them nine years of making huge losses,” said Chief Strategy Officer Reinout Schakel in an interview in Beijing this week. “We will be faster than that.”
“目前,中国是星巴克最好、利润最多的市场,但在这之前,星巴克曾经有 9 年时间都在承受巨大的亏损。”本周,瑞幸首席战略官 Reinout Schakel 于北京接受采访时表示, “我们会比这更快。”

  • profitable 盈利的;有利润的;赚钱的;

Questions abound whether Luckin can parlay customer discounts and media hype into as powerful a brand as its rival. Starbucks reported last month that comparable sales growth could be as low as 1 percent over the long term, sparking concern that competition and cannibalization are taking their toll.
瑞幸能否利用给顾客的折扣和媒体炒作晋升成与其竞争对手并驾齐驱的品牌?这样的问题多如牛毛。上个月,据星巴克报道,从长期上看,其可比销售增长率可能会低至 1%,这引起了人们的担忧——竞争和同类相残正造成严重的影响。

  • abound/əˈbaʊnd/
    v. 大量存在;有很多
  • parlay sth. into sth.
  • hype/haɪp/
    n. 炒作
  • cannibalization/ˌkænɪbələˈzeɪʃn/
    n. 品牌替代;同类相残
  • take their toll

Seeking to shift focus from its competition with Starbucks, Schakel said that China has enough potential to sustain more than one chain. Even as it mounts its challenge, Luckin still looks to Starbucks to lead the way with its considerably larger resources in promoting coffee consumption in China.
为了把重点从与星巴克的竞争上转移,Schakel 表示,中国有足够的潜力去维持不止一个连锁品牌的生存。瑞幸发起挑战的同时,在提升中国咖啡消费水平方面,它仍然指望星巴克凭借其明显大得多的资源在前面带路。

  • chain/tʃeɪn/
    n. 连锁店;连锁品牌

“Of course we are competitors, but ultimately we both want the market to grow,” he said.

  • ultimately 根本上;归根结底;

————— 文章来源 / 彭博社

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