
We were setting up a new Minecraft server at HTG headquarters to play the awesome Captive Minecraft survival mode game (which uses vanilla Minecraft, no mods required), when we realized we didn’t have an article about how to find your saved games folder.

当我们意识到我们没有关于如何找到保存的游戏文件夹的文章时,我们正在HTG总部设置一个新的Minecraft服务器,以玩真棒的Captive Minecraft生存模式游戏(该游戏使用Vanilla Minecraft,无需修改)。

There are tons of Minecraft worlds on the Internet that you can download, unzip, and then play on your local computer without having to join a server or set one up, but to do that, you’ll need to know how to get to your saved games, and Minecraft doesn’t put those worlds into a place you’d expect, like your Documents folder.


We do have an article about how to backup, sync, and store your Minecraft saves in Dropbox, so if you want to do that, make sure to read the article.

我们确实有一篇文章介绍了如何在Dropbox中备份,同步和存储Minecraft保存的内容 ,因此,如果要这样做,请务必阅读该文章。

在Windows上查找Minecraft保存的游戏 (Finding Your Minecraft Saved Games on Windows)

Your saved games are stored inside of the AppData folder, which isn’t that easily to find or get to because the whole AppData folder is hidden. Which makes it more confusing why they decided to put all the saved games there.

您保存的游戏存储在AppData文件夹中,由于整个AppData文件夹都被隐藏了,因此不容易找到或进入。 这使得他们为什么决定将所有保存的游戏放在这里更加令人困惑。


C:\ Users \ <用户名> \ AppData \ Roaming \ .minecraft

Luckily there’s an easy way to get to the Minecraft saved games folder. Just copy and paste this into the Search or Run box:

幸运的是,有一种简单的方法可以进入Minecraft保存的游戏文件夹。 只需将其复制并粘贴到“搜索或运行”框中:



And hit the Enter key, of course.


Once you are there, you can browse down into the saves folder and copy, move, or do whatever you need to do.


That’s all there is to it.


在Mac OS X上查找您的Minecraft保存的游戏 (Finding Your Minecraft Saved Games on Mac OS X)

On OS X, your saved games folder is located inside of the Library/Application Support directory inside of your user folder, but of course these folders aren’t easy to find the normal way.

在OS X上,已保存的游戏文件夹位于用户文件夹内“库/应用程序支持”目录中,但是,这些文件夹当然很难以通常的方式找到。

/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/minecraft

/用户/ <用户名> /库/应用程序支持/ minecraft

The easy way to get there is to just paste this into the Spotlight search window and hit the enter key.


~/Library/Application Support/minecraft

〜/图书馆/应用支持/ minecraft

From there you can browse into the saves folder, and you’ll see all of them there.


在Linux上查找Minecraft保存的游戏 (Finding Your Minecraft Saved Games on Linux)

We don’t have screenshots for Linux, but it’s all stored inside of the .minecraft directory inside of your user folder. The problem is that any directory that starts with a period is hidden in Linux.

我们没有Linux的屏幕截图,但是它们全部存储在用户文件夹内的.minecraft目录下。 问题是Linux中隐藏了所有以句点开头的目录。


/ home / <用户名> /。minecraft

You can also get there by using the ~ shortcut which represents your user folder directory.



〜/ .minecraft

加载已保存的游戏 (Loading Saved Games)

Once you click to Single Player mode, you’ll see the list of saved games. If you exit this screen and then click back in, you’ll immediately see the new saved game that you unzipped or otherwise copied into this folder.

单击单人游戏模式后,您将看到已保存游戏的列表。 如果退出此屏幕,然后单击返回,则将立即看到解压缩或复制到此文件夹的新保存的游戏。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/207484/how-to-find-your-minecraft-saved-games-folder/



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