Find K-th largest element in an array.


用了heapSort的思想。需要注意的是调用vector的size()函数返回的是unsigned int类型,当为负时会越界,所以要转换为int类型。

class Solution {
public:/** param k : description of k* param nums : description of array and index 0 ~ n-1* return: description of return*/void maxify(vector<int>& num, int parent ,int end) {int leftchild = (parent + 1) * 2 - 1;int rightchild = (parent + 1) * 2;int maxChild;if (leftchild > end)return;if (rightchild > end || num[leftchild] > num[rightchild])maxChild = leftchild;elsemaxChild = rightchild;if (num[parent] < num[maxChild]) {swap(num[parent], num[maxChild]);maxify(num, maxChild,end);}}void buildHeap(vector<int>& num) {int numsize = num.size();int i = numsize / 2;for (; i >= 0; i--) {maxify(num, i, numsize - 1);}}public:int kthLargestElement(int k, vector<int> nums) {// write your code herebuildHeap(nums);for(int i = nums.size()-1;i>(int)nums.size()-k-1;i--){swap(nums[0],nums[i]);maxify(nums,0,i-1);}return nums[nums.size()-k];}

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