
  • Word Preparation
    • annoyed: 烦恼的,生气的
    • outing: 短途旅游
    • go on a trip: 去旅行
    • heavy traffic: 交通拥挤
    • day trip: 一日游
    • take it easy: 慢慢来
  • Grammar
    • *past participle* and *present particle* as adjective

Word Preparation

annoyed: 烦恼的,生气的

angry or upset

I was really annoyed in the meeting this morning.

His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors.

outing: 短途旅游

a short journey made by a group of people, usually for pleasure or education

We plan on having an outing next month.

It was such a fine day yesterday and we all went for an outing.

go on a trip: 去旅行

to travel or take a short journey

We should go on a trip for the next holiday.

They went on a trip to New Mexico just yesterday.

heavy traffic: 交通拥挤

a situation because of too many cars on a road

We might take more than three hours to get there because of heavy traffic.

I hate driving when there is heavy traffic.

day trip: 一日游

a trip to somewhere for the whole day, and not overnight.

We should go on a day trip to the beach.

I only have one day off work, so we can only go on a day trip.

take it easy: 慢慢来

to rest or relax

Don’t worry about anything. Just take it easy.

It’s hard for me to take it easy when I have so many things to get done.


past participle and present particle as adjective

  1. 动词的过去分词做定语时,用于描述某人或某物的感受或状态。过去分词被修饰的名词 在逻辑上是被动关系,过去分词的动作发生在谓语之前(已经完成)或没有时间性。例如,a developed country(发达国家)。
  2. 动词的现在分词做定语时,用于描述由什么原因引起某人的感受。现在分词被修饰的名词 在逻辑上是主动关系,表示动作正在发生或与谓语同时发生。例如,a developing country(发展中国家)。

类似的还有:bored, boring。bored和boring两者所表达的意思完全不一样。前者bored是指(某人)感到无聊,后者boring是“某物/事/人令人感到无聊”。例如,I talked to a very boring guy at the party. He talked about himself for an hour! I felt so bored.

  • I’m bored with my job. I want to find an interesting one.
  • This film is boring. Let’s stop watching it.
  • I’m interested in American history.
  • I watched an interesting TV show about American history last night.

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