import; //导入方法依赖的package包/类

private void untrackOrDelegate(Target> target) {

boolean isOwnedByUs = untrack(target);

// We'll end up here if the Target was cleared after the RequestManager that started the request

// is destroyed. That can happen for at least two reasons:

// 1. We call clear() on a background thread using something other than Application Context

// RequestManager.

// 2. The caller retains a reference to the RequestManager after the corresponding Activity or

// Fragment is destroyed, starts a load with it, and then clears that load with a different

// RequestManager. Callers seem especially likely to do this in retained Fragments (#2262).


// #1 is always an error. At best the caller is leaking memory briefly in something like an

// AsyncTask. At worst the caller is leaking an Activity or Fragment for a sustained period of

// time if they do something like reference the Activity RequestManager in a long lived

// background thread or task.


// #2 is always an error. Callers shouldn't be starting new loads using RequestManagers after

// the corresponding Activity or Fragment is destroyed because retaining any reference to the

// RequestManager leaks memory. It's possible that there's some brief period of time during or

// immediately after onDestroy where this is reasonable, but I can't think of why.

if (!isOwnedByUs && !glide.removeFromManagers(target) && target.getRequest() != null) {

Request request = target.getRequest();





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