



Male, 21,

Education: college

Working lives: fresh graduates

Expected salary: negotiable

Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

Objective: the network administrator | technical support/maintenance

Strong learning ability A strong sense of responsibility Sunshine is bright

Work experience (work for 7 months, made a job)

When dispatch communications companies

Working time: July 2015 to February 2016 (7 months)

Job title: the background

Education experience

Graduated in July 2016 Guangzhou utilities technical school computer network

Professional skills

Computer installed maintenance: skilled experience: 1 year

TCP/IP protocol: general experience: 1 year



Male 22 years old The cantonese

Education: college

Working lives: fresh graduates

Expected salary: 2000-3000 yuan

Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

Objective: the network administrator | | hardware engineer web design/graphic design | production | network promotion

Strong interpersonal communication skills Ability to perform The good faith integrity a strong sense of responsibility Sunshine is bright Be good at innovation

Education experience

The light industry in guangzhou technician college computer network application in school today

Professional skills

The network administrator: proficient in experience: more than 4 years

Dreamweaver web design: proficient in experience: 3 years

Self description

My open and frank disposition, is sincere, optimistic upward, the interest is extensive, has the strong organization ability to adapt to the ability and the ability to execute, and has strong management planning and organization management coordination. Has a deeper understanding of computers, entering the society, is a piece of white paper, although not too many work experience, but the school learning and practice make me to know this, work experience is accumulated, after all, no one come out to have working experience. Request you to give me a platform, I will try to do the job, please believe me!!!!!!!


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