Windows 网络通讯开发



1. Header:Winsock.h 和 Winsock2.h(最新的)

具体Winsock2.h包含两大块内容:Socket Functions和Microsoft Windows-Specific Extension Functions

Socket Functions:

  • socket:An incoming connection is acknowledged and associated with an immediately created socket. The original socket is returned to the listening state.
SOCKET socket(int af,int type,int protocol);
  • bind:Assigns a local name to an unnamed socket.
  • listen:Listens for incoming connections on a specified socket.(一般在服务器端使用)
  • accept:An incoming connection is acknowledged(被确认) and associated with an immediately created socket. The original socket is returned to the listening state.(一般在服务器端使用)
  • connect:Initiates a connection on the specified socket.(一般在客户端使用)
  • send:Sends data to a connected socket.
  • sendto:Sends data to either a connected or unconnected socket.
  • recv:Receives data from a connected or unconnected socket.
  • recvfrom:Receives data from either a connected or unconnected socket.
  • htonl/htons/ntohl/ntohs:
  • inet_addr:Converts a character string representing a number in the Internet standard ".'' notation to an Internet address value.
  • inet-ntoa:Converts an Internet address value to an ASCII string in ".'' notation that is, "a.b.c.d''.

    Microsoft Windows-Specific Extension

2. Library:Use Ws2_32.lib.

#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")

3. 使用方法举例:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Winsock2.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int PORT = 10051;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{WSADATA wd;WSAStartup(0x202,&wd);SOCKET sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);//侦听套接字if(sock == INVALID_SOCKET){cout << "socket函数失败:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;return -1;}sockaddr_in sa = {AF_INET,htons(PORT)};int n = bind(sock,(sockaddr*)&sa,sizeof(sa));if(n == SOCKET_ERROR){cout << "bind函数失败:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;return -1;}listen(sock,5);int nLen = sizeof(sa);SOCKET socka = accept(sock,(sockaddr*)&sa,&nLen);//如何循环等待多个客户端同时连接进来if(socka==INVALID_SOCKET){cout << "accept函数失败:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;return -1;}cout << "有人连接进来:" << inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr) << "-" << htons (sa.sin_port)<< endl;char s[256];while(( n = recv(socka,s,sizeof(s)-1,0)) > 0){s[n] = 0;cout << s << endl;}cout << WSAGetLastError() << endl;return 0;

详情参见:MSDN October 2001->Platform SDK: Windows Sockets

二、CAsyncSocket Class

  • 定义:
    Class CAsyncSocket encapsulates the Windows Socket Functions API, providing an object-oriented abstraction for programmers who want to use Windows Sockets in conjunction with MFC.
    这个类封装了Window 套接字API,是比较底层的通讯类。
  • 主要通讯流程:
    To use a CAsyncSocket object, call its constructor, then call the Create function to create the underlying socket handle (type SOCKET), except on accepted sockets. For a server socket call the Listen member function, and for a client socket call the Connect member function. The server socket should call the Accept function upon receiving a connection request. Use the remaining CAsyncSocket functions to carry out communications between sockets. Upon completion, destroy the CAsyncSocket object if it was created on the heap; the destructor automatically calls the Close function. The SOCKET data type is described in the article Windows Sockets: Background.

    详细使用情况参见Microsoft Help Veiwer 2.0

    三、CSocket Class

    Derives from CAsyncSocket and inherits its encapsulation of the Represents a higher level of abstraction of the Windows Sockets API than that of a CAsyncSocket object.
    这个类是继承CAsyncSocket Class 的,它使用比其父类更加便捷。

    详细使用情况参见Microsoft Help Veiwer 2.0


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