
  • latex使用记录
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    • latex 设置超链接跳转对应章节






\textbf{Table 2}~~Improved table.\\
{\begin{tabular}{cccccc} \topruleModels  &  $\hat c$  &  $\hat\alpha$  &  $\hat\beta_0$  &  $\hat\beta_1$  &  $\hat\beta_2$  \\ \hlinemodel  & 30.6302  & 0.4127  & 9.4257  & - & - \\model  & 12.4089  & 0.5169  & 18.6986  & -6.6157  & - \\\bottomrule\end{tabular}



\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.5}\begin{table}\centering\caption{The 6 relationships between the two interval numbers}%\vspace{.2cm}\label{tab:The 6 relationships between the two interval numbers}% l表示left, r表示right, c表示center ; 对齐方式\setlength{\tabcolsep}{1mm}{\begin{tabular}{| c | c | c | }\hlineSituations & Interval value size relation & Graphic \\Situation 1 & 1&2 \\\hline\end{tabular}}


\vspace{-0.8cm}  %调整图片与上文的垂直距离\setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-0.2cm}   %调整图片标题与图距离\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{-1cm}   %调整图片标题与下文距离


% eps 转 pdf
\usepackage{graphicx} %use graph format
\usepackage{epsfig}\begin{figure*}[ht]\sidecaption \centering\includegraphics[width=18cm]{epsfilename.eps}\caption{title} \label{label of graph}

遇到的问题:Package pdftex.def Error: File converted-to.pdf not found: using draft setting

  1. latex版本问题
  2. 文件夹问题
  3. eps文件名之间不能有空格!


Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.\bibitem{test2}
Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.

Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.\bibitem{test2}
Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.\bibitem{test3}
Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.\bibitem{test4}
Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.\bibitem{test5}
Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.\bibitem{test6}
Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.\bibitem{test7}
Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.\bibitem{test8}
Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.\bibitem{test9}
Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.\bibitem{test10}
Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.\bibitem{test11}
Information  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible. ormation  inference lligent systems: inference  networks of plausible.% etc

// 换为



\usepackage[colorlinks,linkcolor=blue,  % link 颜色 修改此处为你想要的颜色urlcolor=blue,  % url 颜色 修改此处为你想要的颜色anchorcolor=blue,    % anchor 颜色 修改此处为你想要的颜色citecolor=blue]{hyperref} %cite 颜色 修改此处为你想要的颜色




latex 设置超链接跳转对应章节

首先需要导入 hyperref 包,如下所示:

\usepackage[colorlinks,linkcolor=blue,  % link 颜色 修改此处为你想要的颜色urlcolor=blue,  % url 颜色 修改此处为你想要的颜色anchorcolor=blue,    % anchor 颜色 修改此处为你想要的颜色citecolor=blue]{hyperref} %cite 颜色 修改此处为你想要的颜色

cmd 命令窗口中输入: texdoc hyperref 可以查看对应包的文档。其他tex包同理。

// 显示的是\label{sec:Experiments}对应的名称





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    1 Latex十字,双数字标记 -- 标注官方结果或论文作者时使用 单十字:  † \dag 双十字: ‡ \ddag 2 引用文献 官网链接:Bibtex bibliography styles - ...

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    1,一些基础资源 安装参考的这里:最简单傻瓜式的 Latex+Texstudio 安装教学.前期基本练习也可使用在线latex编辑器:www.overleaf.com.资源如图片通过左侧上传,右侧 R ...

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