
通过php composer下载sdk:
composer require paypal/rest-api-sdk-php
git clone https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK.git



require 'autoload.php';
require 'common.php';use PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential;
use PayPal\Rest\ApiContext;// Suppress DateTime warnings, if not set already
// Adding Error Reporting for understanding errors properly
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
require ROOT . 'config/api/pay/pay.php';
// Replace these values by entering your own ClientId and Secret by visiting https://developer.paypal.com/developer/applications///配置参数
if ($_REQUEST['uid'] == 664590) {//某个用户测试sandbox//sandbox测试配置$clientId = TEST_PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID;$clientSecret = TEST_PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET;$mode = 'sandbox';
else {//live正式配置$clientId = PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID;$clientSecret = PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET;$mode = 'live';
}$apiContext = getApiContext($clientId, $clientSecret, $mode);
return $apiContext;/*** @param $clientId* @param $clientSecret* @param $mode //模式,sandbox或live* @return ApiContext*/
function getApiContext($clientId, $clientSecret, $mode) {$apiContext = new ApiContext(new OAuthTokenCredential($clientId,$clientSecret));$apiContext->setConfig(array('mode' => $mode,'cache.enabled' => true,));return $apiContext;


<?php// # Create Billing Agreement with PayPal as Payment Source
// This sample code demonstrate how you can create a billing agreement, as documented here at:
// https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/#create-an-agreement
// API used: /v1/payments/billing-agreements// Retrieving the Plan from the Create Update Sample. This would be used to
// define Plan information to create an agreement. Make sure the plan you are using is in active state.
/** @var Plan $createdPlan */
require 'bootstrap.php';use PayPal\Api\Amount;
use PayPal\Api\Details;
use PayPal\Api\Item;
use PayPal\Api\ItemList;
use PayPal\Api\Payer;
use PayPal\Api\Payment;
use PayPal\Api\RedirectUrls;
use PayPal\Api\Transaction;$ordernum = $_REQUEST['ordernum'] ?? '';//自定义参数
$custom = json_encode(['infoid' => $_REQUEST['infoid'],'ordernum' => $ordernum,'paidtime' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'],'returnUrl' => $retUrl,
]);$amount = new Amount();
$amount->setCurrency("CAD")->setTotal($_REQUEST['payprice']);$transaction = new Transaction();
$baseUrl = getBaseUrl();$redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
$redirectUrls->setReturnUrl($baseUrl . '/ExecutePayment.php?success=true&paytype=paypal&ordernum=' . $ordernum . '&infoid=' . $_REQUEST['infoid'])->setCancelUrl($baseUrl . '/ExecutePayment.php?success=false&paytype=paypal&ordernum=' . $ordernum . '&infoid=' . $_REQUEST['infoid']);$payer = new Payer();
$payer->setPaymentMethod("paypal");$payment = new Payment();
$request = clone $payment;
try {$payment->create($apiContext);
} catch (Exception $ex) {ResultPrinter::printError("Created Payment Using PayPal. Please visit the URL to Approve.", "Payment", null, $request, $ex);exit(1);
$approvalUrl = $payment->getApprovalLink();
header('Location:' . $approvalUrl);



// #Execute Agreement
// This is the second part of CreateAgreement Sample.
// Use this call to execute an agreement after the buyer approves itrequire 'bootstrap.php';// ## Approval Status
use PayPal\Api\ExecutePayment;
use PayPal\Api\Payment;
use PayPal\Api\PaymentExecution;// echo '<script>var FROM = "' . ($_GET['os'] ? 'app' : '') . '; var OS = "' . $_GET['os'] . '";</script>';
// Determine if the user accepted or denied the request
$infoid = (int)($_GET['infoid'] ?? 0);
$paymentId = Mstr()->encode($_GET['paymentId'] ?? '');
$ordernum = Mstr()->encode($_GET['ordernum'] ?? '');
if (isset($_GET['success']) && $_GET['success'] == 'true') {try {$payment = Payment::get($paymentId, $apiContext);$execution = new PaymentExecution();$execution->setPayerId(Mstr()->encode($_GET['PayerID'] ?? ''));$result = $payment->execute($execution, $apiContext); //这里如果支付失败,或异常则会抛出异常throw Exception,下面语句不会执行//记录支付成功状态程序echo "<script>goto('" . $returnUrl . "', 1, 1);</script>";} catch (Exception $ex) {echo "<script>goto('" . $returnUrl . "', 1, 1);</script>";}

webhook 签名验证和确认订单支付成功,修改订单状态


//webhook 确认订单支付成功,修改订单状态$headers = getallheaders();
$headers = array_change_key_case($headers, CASE_UPPER);
$body = file_get_contents('php://input');
$returnData = json_decode($body, true);// 创建了webhook在PayPal开发者后台查找webhookId
$webhookId = '5BM77961TW281551X';
// 签名字符串
$signData = $headers['PAYPAL-TRANSMISSION-ID'] . '|' . $headers['PAYPAL-TRANSMISSION-TIME'] . '|' . $webhookId . '|' . crc32($body);// 加载证书并提取公钥
$pubKey = openssl_pkey_get_public(file_get_contents($headers['PAYPAL-CERT-URL']));
$key = openssl_pkey_get_details($pubKey)['key'];$signature = base64_decode($headers['PAYPAL-TRANSMISSION-SIG']);
$verifyResult = openssl_verify($signData,$signature,$key,'sha256WithRSAEncryption'
if ($verifyResult == 1) {//订单支付完成if ($returnData['event_type'] == 'PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED') {$ordernum = $returnData['resource']['invoice_number'];//由于webhook不能file_put_contents写入文件,将调试日志记录在数据库M('c')->insert('test_paypal', ['content' => json_encode($returnData),'log' => 'sigData:' . $signData . ' ++++ verifyResult:' . $verifyResult . ' ++++ key:' . $key . ' ++++ orderNo:' . $ordernum . ' ++++ headers:' . json_encode($headers),]);//以下是支付成功修改订单状态程序}else {return 'Not Completed';}
else {return 'sign error';//签名验证失败 或请求错误
return 'success';


function returnMoney()
{try {$txn_id = "xxxxxxx";  //异步加调中拿到的id$amt = new Amount();$amt->setCurrency('USD')->setTotal('99');  // 退款的费用$refund = new Refund();$refund->setAmount($amt);$sale = new Sale();$sale->setId($txn_id);$refundedSale = $sale->refund($refund, $this->PayPal);} catch (\Exception $e) {// PayPal无效退款return json_decode(json_encode(['message' => $e->getMessage(), 'code' => $e->getCode(), 'state' => $e->getMessage()]));  // to object}// 退款完成return $refundedSale;

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