
对于GPIO操作 linux 有一套标准的 API,set value、get value之类的,当然也有关于中断的。


static inline int gpio_to_irq(unsigned int gpio)


return __gpio_to_irq(gpio);


1 使用gpio中断



static irqreturn_t myIntHandler(int irq, void *dev_id)


printk("Interrupt IN\n");




int xxx_init()


int ret, irqno;

ret = gpio_request(gpioNo, "mygpiopin");


printk("irq pin request io failed.\n");

return -1;


irqno= gpio_to_irq(gpioNo);

ret = request_irq(irqno,myIntHandler , RQF_TRIGGER_RISING|IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING, "myinterrupt", NULL);

if(ret) {

printk(KERN_ERR "can not get irq\n");

return ret;



gpio_request  通常用来检测这个gpio是否可用,是否已经在使用了。

gpio_to_irq 转换gpio编号到对应irq号。


有时候还会加一个gpio_is_valid,判断一下gpioNo是否合理,通常自己察看芯片手册填入正确gpio number,不需要再再在这里判断一下。



int gpio_request(unsigned gpio, const char *label)


return gpiod_request(gpio_to_desc(gpio), label);





static struct gpio_desc *gpio_to_desc(unsigned gpio)


if (WARN(!gpio_is_valid(gpio), "invalid GPIO %d\n", gpio))

return NULL;


return &gpio_desc[gpio];



struct gpio_desc {

struct gpio_chip*chip;

unsigned longflags;

/* flag symbols are bit numbers */


#define FLAG_IS_OUT1

#define FLAG_EXPORT2/* protected by sysfs_lock */

#define FLAG_SYSFS3/* exported via /sys/class/gpio/control */

#define FLAG_TRIG_FALL4/* trigger on falling edge */

#define FLAG_TRIG_RISE5/* trigger on rising edge */

#define FLAG_ACTIVE_LOW6/* sysfs value has active low */

#define FLAG_OPEN_DRAIN7/* Gpio is open drain type */

#define FLAG_OPEN_SOURCE 8/* Gpio is open source type */

#define ID_SHIFT16/* add new flags before this one */

#define GPIO_FLAGS_MASK((1 << ID_SHIFT) - 1)



const char*label;


};主要就是有个 struct gpio_chip类型的指针


static int gpiod_request(struct gpio_desc *desc, const char *label)


struct gpio_chip*chip;

intstatus = -EPROBE_DEFER;

unsigned longflags;

if (!desc) {

pr_warn("%s: invalid GPIO\n", __func__);

return -EINVAL;


spin_lock_irqsave(&gpio_lock, flags);

chip = desc->chip;//取得desc中的struct gpio_chip.

if (chip == NULL)

goto done;

if (!try_module_get(chip->owner))

goto done;

/* NOTE: gpio_request() can be called in early boot,

* before IRQs are enabled, for non-sleeping (SOC) GPIOs.


if (test_and_set_bit(FLAG_REQUESTED, &desc->flags) == 0) {

desc_set_label(desc, label ? : "?");

status = 0;

} else {

status = -EBUSY;


goto done;


if (chip->request) {

/* chip->request may sleep */

spin_unlock_irqrestore(&gpio_lock, flags);

status = chip->request(chip, gpio_chip_hwgpio(desc));//调用desc[gpio]-〉chip-〉request

spin_lock_irqsave(&gpio_lock, flags);

if (status < 0) {

desc_set_label(desc, NULL);


clear_bit(FLAG_REQUESTED, &desc->flags);

goto done;



if (chip->get_direction) {

/* chip->get_direction may sleep */

spin_unlock_irqrestore(&gpio_lock, flags);


spin_lock_irqsave(&gpio_lock, flags);



if (status)

pr_debug("_gpio_request: gpio-%d (%s) status %d\n",

desc_to_gpio(desc), label ? : "?", status);

spin_unlock_irqrestore(&gpio_lock, flags);

return status;




* Return the GPIO number of the passed descriptor relative to its chip


static int gpio_chip_hwgpio(const struct gpio_desc *desc)


return desc - &desc->chip->desc[0];


看注释也很清楚,gpio号相对于它的chip的偏移。 看来这个struct gpio_chip非常重要,看看这个chip是在哪里赋值到gpio_desc[]这个数组的。


* gpiochip_add() - register a gpio_chip

* @chip: the chip to register, with chip->base initialized

* Context: potentially before irqs or kmalloc will work


* Returns a negative errno if the chip can't be registered, such as

* because the chip->base is invalid or already associated with a

* different chip. Otherwise it returns zero as a success code.


* When gpiochip_add() is called very early during boot, so that GPIOs

* can be freely used, the chip->dev device must be registered before

* the gpio framework's arch_initcall(). Otherwise sysfs initialization

* for GPIOs will fail rudely.


* If chip->base is negative, this requests dynamic assignment of

* a range of valid GPIOs.


int gpiochip_add(struct gpio_chip *chip)



if (status == 0) {

chip->desc = &gpio_desc[chip->base];

for (id = 0; id < chip->ngpio; id++) {

struct gpio_desc *desc = &chip->desc[id];

desc->chip = chip;

/* REVISIT: most hardware initializes GPIOs as

* inputs (often with pullups enabled) so power

* usage is minimized. Linux code should set the

* gpio direction first thing; but until it does,

* and in case chip->get_direction is not set,

* we may expose the wrong direction in sysfs.


desc->flags = !chip->direction_input

? (1 << FLAG_IS_OUT)

: 0;






而这个gpiochip_add会在底层芯片厂商各自的gpio初始化函数里调用。 位置通常在各厂商各自的gpio-xxx.c

struct gpio_chip也会在那里定义,通常与硬件寄存器相关,不做分析。

gpio_request完了,还有gpio_to_irq,其实是一样的,还是最终会调用,stuct gpio_chip中的to_irq。

反过来说bsp的编写者,初始化之后,只要实现stuct gpio_chip 再调用gpiochip_add,gpio的API就可以供用户使用了。

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