
Sql Alias


There are cases when the column name or the table name that is existing in the database is not so human readable. We can use SQL ALIAS feature to assign a new name to the table or columns in our query.
在某些情况下,数据库中存在的列名或表名不是很容易理解。 我们可以使用SQL ALIAS功能为查询中的表或列分配新名称。

SQL ALIAS is used for temporary naming of table or column of a table for making it more readable. The renaming is temporary in nature and does not affect the real name of the table or the column of the table.

SQL ALIAS用于​​临时命名表或表的列,以使其更具可读性。 重命名本质上是临时的,不会影响表或表的列的真实名称。

The lifetime of the SQL ALIAS is till the duration of the query where SQL ALIAS is defined.

SQL ALIAS的生存期一直到定义SQL ALIAS的查询持续时间为止。

SQL ALIAS is more useful where multiple tables are involved like in case of JOINS.

SQL ALIAS在涉及多个表(如JOINS的情况)时更有用。

We will discuss the usage of SQL ALIAS for table and column name of the table in detail in the below-mentioned sections.

我们将在以下各节中详细讨论表的表名和列名SQL ALIAS用法。

表名称SQL别名 (SQL Alias For Table Name)



SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name AS alias_name;

In the syntax above the alias_name is the name that will be temporarily assigned for the table_name.


Let’s try an understand in detail about aliasing a table name using the below-mentioned example.


We will consider the below mentioned Product and Supplier table for example purpose.


Product Table:


ProductID ProductName SupplierID
1 Cookies 2
2 Jam 2
3 Butter 1
4 Bread 3
5 Cake 1
产品编号 产品名称 供应商编号
1个 饼干 2
2 果酱 2
3 牛油 1个
4 面包 3
5 蛋糕 1个

Supplier Table:


SupplierID SupplierName
2 ACD Industries
3 XYZ Pvt
供应商编号 供应商名称
1个 美国广播公司
2 ACD产业
3 XYZ列印

Scenario: Get the name of all the products and their supplier name along with the productid.

场景 :获取所有产品的名称及其供应商名称以及productid。

SQL Select Query:


SELECT p.ProductID, p.ProductName, s.SupplierName FROM Product AS p, Supplier AS s WHERE p.SupplierID = s.SupplierID;
ProductID ProductName SupplierName
1 Cookies ACD
2 Jam ACD Industries
3 Butter ABC Company
4 Bread XYZ Pvt Ltd
5 Cake ABC Company
产品编号 产品名称 供应商名称
1个 饼干 ACD
2 果酱 ACD产业
3 牛油 ABC公司
4 面包 XYZ Pvt Ltd
5 蛋糕 ABC公司

In the output above SQL ALIAS, is used for aliasing the table name, making it easy to differentiate the two SupplierID columns of Product and Supplier table.

在SQL ALIAS上方的输出中,使用别名表名称,可以轻松区分Product和Supplier表的两个SupplierID列。

列名称SQL别名 (SQL Alias For Column Name)



SELECT column_name AS alias_name FROM table_name;

In the syntax above the alias_name is the name that will be temporarily assigned for the column_name.


Let’s try an understand in detail about aliasing a column name using the below-mentioned example.


Scenario: Get the name of all the products and their supplier name along with the productid. The ProductName column should be displayed as Product and SupplierName column should be displayed as Supplier.

场景 :获取所有产品的名称及其供应商名称以及productid。 ProductName列应显示为Product,而SupplierName列应显示为Supplier。



SELECT p.ProductID, p.ProductName AS Product, s.SupplierName AS Supplier FROM Product AS p, Supplier AS s WHERE p.SupplierID = s.SupplierID;
ProductID Product Supplier
1 Cookies ACD Industries
2 Jam ACD Industries
3 Butter ABC Company
4 Bread XYZ Pvt Ltd
5 Cake ABC Company
产品编号 产品 供应商
1个 饼干 ACD产业
2 果酱 ACD产业
3 牛油 ABC公司
4 面包 XYZ Pvt Ltd
5 蛋糕 ABC公司

In the example above we have seen the usage of alias for table and column both in a single query.


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/24784/sql-alias



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