
The effcet of the medicine is noticeable especially in young prople.

Especially for women there is a clear penalty at work for being overweight or obese.Some studies also found an impact for men,though a less noticeable one.

(penalty n.处罚,不利     obese adj.肥胖的  obesity n.肥胖)

stretch:(v.延伸,撑大   n.伸展,张开)

You should stretch before you do vigorous exercise to avoid strain.

(vigorous adj.充满活力的,剧烈的)

These clouds can be huge,some of them stretch hundreds of kilometers from end to end,NASA officials said.

There was a similar accident on the same stretch track four years ago.


He is working in his photographic studio.

Honestly,i didn`t need to open a second studio.

Over the next two years ,they made their most  groundbreaking work,turning the recording studio into a megical instrument of its own.


The laywer cited a previous case to support his argument.


Supplies of food are almost exhausted.

They can also harm other wild species through indirect competition rather than eating them or shrinking their food supply.


He worked in a car component company.

That said,curiosity does has a genetic component .


All the archives were plied on a long table in the center of the center of the room.

In the center of the main road,there is a long line of flags of the world.


The effect of the medicine is noticeable,especially in young people.(2)

Especially for women,there is a clear penalty at work for being overweigth or obese.some study have also found impact for men though a less noticeable one.(n+)

You should stretch before you do vigorous exercise to avoid strain.(2)

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