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Section I Abbreviations
Directions: Listen to a short talk about the abbreviations used on the Internet. What do these abbreviations mean? Write down the full meaning. (30 points)

  1. AISI _____________________________
  2. IMHO in my humble _________________
  3. FWIW for what it is __________________
  4. CMIIW correct me ____________________
  5. AAMOF _____________________________
  6. BION _____________________________
  7. FYI for your ______________________
  8. MYOB mind your ____________________
  9. SOP ____________ operating procedure
  10. TAFN that’s all _____________________

Section II Dialogues
Directions: Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answers for each of the following statements. Each dialogue will be read once. (30 points)

Dialogue 1
11. When did the children last have a party? _____.
A. In November B. In December C. In January D. In February
12. What will they buy? _____.
A. Sausages B. Potato chips C. Carrot cake D. Fruit punch
13. What is Mother worried about? _____.
A. She will have to make cakes for the children
B. She will have to buy the food for the children
C. She will have to do the cleaning up later
D. She cannot go to the theatre that evening

Dialogue 2
14. The two speakers are _____.
A. in the street B. in an office C. on the phone D. at a meeting
15. The woman wants to explain to the man why _____.
A. she must stay home B. she can’t come to the party
C. she come to the meeting D. she must take an examination
16. The man probably wants the woman _____.
A. to come to the party B. to come to the meeting
C. to visit him someday D. to stay home

Dialogue 3
17. Why is the girl in the shop? _____.
A. To buy something for herself
B. To buy something for her parents
C. To find out the prices of the presents she received
D. To find out what sort of things she could ask people to buy
18. What does she think would be the best sort of presents? _____.
A. Things for the kitchen B. Things for the bathroom
C. Things for the dining room D. Things for the sitting room
19. What kind of cooker does she want? _____.
A. An electric cooker B. A gas cooker
C. A cheaper one D. An expensive one

Dialogue 4
20. Ann has _____ spiders at the moment.
A. 8 B. C. 60 D. 80
21. Ann bought the first one in _____.
A. 1980 B. C. 1992 D. 1998
22. Ann feeds them on _____.
A. meat B. bread C. living insects D. vegetable

Dialogue 5
23. The woman went to _____ first.
A. Australia B. C. Indonesia D.
24. She worked there for _____.
A. two months B. three months C. half a year D. two years
25. She _____ mostly between the islands in .
A. flew B. swam C. boated D. dived

Section III Passages
Directions: Listen to the passages and choose the best answers for each of the following statements. Each dialogue will be read once. (40 points)

Passage 1
26. At _____ inauguration, the weather was terribly cold.
A. George Washington’s B. Abraham Lincoln’s
C. Ronald Reagan’s D. George Bush’s
27. Not until _____ did Americans know that George W. Bush was elected president.
A. January 13th B. February 17th C. November 7th D. December 13th
28. Bush’s wife will lead an event honoring _____.
A. American women B. American writers
C. the American army D. the inauguration committee

Passage 2
29. Some of the planet’s important environmental systems have been harmed. Which of the following is not included in the statement? _____.
A. Rivers B. Forests C. Wetlands D. Arctic ice
30. Natural disasters have cost more than _____ dollars during the past ten years.
A. 6,000,000 B. C. 600,000 million D. 160 billion
31. The earth’s temperature could increase as much as _____ degrees above the 1990 level by 2100.
B. C. 1.6 D. 16

Passage 3
32. The protected area covers _____ hectares underwater around the .
A. 3,004,000 B. C. 340,000 D. 340,000,000
33. _____ grow together to form coral reefs.
A. Several small organisms B. Polyps
C. Millions of limestones D. Millions of corals
34. The underwater preserve contains almost _____ of the coral refs in the .
A. 17% B. 7% C. 70% D. 60%

Passage 4
35. The story is about _____.
A. a ship
B. the chartroom of a ship
C. a message for help sent by a Dutch cargo ship
D. a radio operator on a ship




Section I Abbreviations (30 points)

2. in my humble ________________
3. for what it is _________________
4. correct me ___________________
5. ____________________________
6. ____________________________
7. for your _____________________
8. mind your ___________________
9. ___________ operating procedure
10. that’s all ___________________

Section II Dialogues (30 points)
11. _____ 12. _____ 13. _____ 14. _____ 15. _____
16. _____ 17. _____ 18. _____ 19. _____ 20. _____
21. _____ 22. _____ 23. _____ 24. _____ 25. _____

Section III Passages (40 points)
26. ____ 27. ____ 28. ____ 29. ____ 30. ____
31. ____ 32. ____ 33. ____ 34. ____ 35. ____

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