aws 认证

the highly important and carefully crafted piece, * this will only be useful after completing the entire course on Udemy


适用于AWS ML专业的Udemy课程 (Udemy Course for AWS ML Specialty)

备忘单 (Cheat Sheet)

降低SageMaker上自动超参数调整的成本 (Reduce the cost of Automatic Hyperparameter tuning on SageMaker)

  • use log scales on parameter ranges
  • less concurrent while tuning, cause it learns in different runs
  • have the smallest range of hyperparameters

Recall is an important metric in situations where classifications are highly imbalanced, and the positive case is rare. Accuracy tends to be misleading in these cases.

在分类高度不平衡的情况下, 召回是一项重要的指标,而正面案例很少见。 在这些情况下,准确性往往会产生误导。

  • Ex: Fraud Detection

混淆矩阵备忘单— (Cheat Sheet for Confusion Matrix —)

更多的时代和过度拟合? (More epochs and overfitted?)

  • use drop out regularization
  • early stopping of epochs is good advice

SageMaker笔记本实例支持Internet,在VPC中造成潜在的安全漏洞。 (SageMaker notebook instances are Internet-enabled, creating a potential security hole in your VPC.)

  • VPC Interface Endpoint(PrivateLink)
  • Modify instance’s security group to allow outbound connections for training and hosting.

边缘 (Edge)

  • SageMaker Neo + IoT GreenGrass
    SageMaker Neo +物联网GreenGrass
  • sample edge device — Nvidia Jetson
    样品边缘设备— Nvidia Jetson

设计并推向边缘 (To design and push something to edge)

  • design something to do the job, say TF model
  • compile it for the edge device using SageMaker Neo, say Nvidia Jetson
    Nvidia Jetson说,使用SageMaker Neo将其编译为边缘设备
  • run it on the edge using IoT GreenGrass
    使用IoT GreenGrass在边缘运行

亚马逊上的NLP —理解 (NLP on Amazon — Comprehend)

  • Another solution would be to use natural language processing through a service such as Amazon Comprehend.
    另一个解决方案是通过诸如Amazon Comprehend之类的服务使用自然语言处理。

您正在SageMaker上训练具有数百万行训练数据的XGBoost模型,并且希望使用Apache Spark大规模预处理此数据。 实现这一目标的最简单架构是什么? (You are training an XGBoost model on SageMaker with millions of rows of training data, and you wish to use Apache Spark to pre-process this data at scale. What is the simplest architecture that achieves this?)

  • The SageMakerEstimator classes allow tight integration between Spark and SageMaker for several models including XGBoost, and offers the simplest solution


您无法将SageMaker部署到EMR集群 (You can’t deploy SageMaker to an EMR cluster)

XGBoost实际上需要LibSVM或CSV输入 (XGBoost actually requires LibSVM or CSV input)

归纳最佳ML填充选择? (Imputation best ML filling choices?)

  • Categorical — Deep Learning
  • Numerical — kNN
    数值— kNN

ML和流量峰值是否偶尔出现? (if any, ML and spike Of traffic sporadically?)

  • Use Spot Instances — The use of spot instances in response to anticipated surges in usage is the most cost-effective approach for scaling up an EMR cluster.


像素级分类称为“语义分割” (Pixel level classification is called — Semantic Segmentation)

什么是损失函数? (What is Loss Function?)

  • What is that you don’t want to lose will be your loss function while building your model
  • Example: for fraud detection, you don’t want false negatives, so FN / FN + TP is the loss function
    示例:对于欺诈检测,您不需要假阴性,因此FN / FN + TP是损失函数

降低尺寸 (Reduce the Dimensionality)

  • PCA
  • K-Means Clustering

KNN-受监督; K均值—无监督 (KNN — Supervised; K-Means — Unsupervised)

/opt/ml/code/ (/opt/ml/code/

  • this should have an env. variable SAGEMAKER_PROGRAM with value in the Dockerfile


使用S3前缀按日期组织数据可以使Glue按日期对数据进行分区,从而可以更快地查询日期范围。 (Organizing data by date using S3 prefixes allows Glue to partition the data by date, which leads to faster queries done on date ranges.)

S3生命周期策略可以自动化将旧数据归档到Glacier的过程。 (S3 lifecycle policies can automate the process of archiving old data to Glacier.)

制作自己的Alexa (Make your own Alexa)

  • Transcribe(speech to text) → Lex(chatbot engine that works on intent) → Polly(that reads the given text (text to speech))
  • in real implementation we also use — DynamoDB and Lambdas too

在您首先进行培训之前, AWS Rekognition不会知道您的公司徽标,也不会知道对象检测。 (AWS Rekognition won’t know about your company logo, nor will Object Detection until you have trained it first.)

虽然Ground Truth可以选择使用Mechanical Turk的劳动力,但它是专门为此类任务而设计的,可以很快设置 (While Ground Truth can use the Mechanical Turk workforce as an option, it is purpose-built for this sort of task and can be set up very quickly)

分解机器与处理稀疏数据有关,但是它们本身并不执行降维。 (Factorization machines are relevant to handling sparse data, but they don’t perform dimensionality reduction per se.)

  • Factorization Machines → Sparse Data
  • Sparse Data → Factorization Machines

PCA是一种强大的降维技术,可以找到最佳尺寸。 (PCA is a powerful dimensionality reduction technique that will find the best dimensions.)

给定多轴混淆矩阵作为具有对角轴的热图 (Given a multi-axis confusion matrix as a heat map with a diagonal axis)

  • The choice with the lightest color along the diagonal axis is the correct one, as it represents the lowest number of correct predictions.

我们永远不能说图表捕捉的趋势不错,但季节性不好。 (We can never say a graph is capturing trend good but seasonality bad.)

  • either both good or both bad

季节性是指周期性的变化,而趋势是随时间推移的长期变化。 (Seasonality refers to periodic changes, while trends are longer-term changes over time.)

Kinesis Analytics可以使用SQL本机进行最少的转换。 (Kinesis Analytics can do minimum transformation natively using SQL.)

Amazon Forecast-AWS上的RTF服务以进行预测。 (Amazon Forecast — RTF Service on AWS for forecasting.)

您正在使用EMR,请使用S3→始终使用EMRFS (You are on EMR, to use S3 → always EMRFS)

SMOTE-巧妙的过采样技术 (SMOTE — an ingenious oversampling technique)

  • Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique

大批量处理→卡在局部最小值中→您将错过真正的最小值 (Large Batch Size → stuck in local minima → you will miss true minima)

L1正则化技术→减少功能(对修复过度拟合非常有用)→如果执行得太过激,也可能会过早拟合。 (L1 Regularization Technique → reduces features (very useful to fix overfitting) → if done too aggressive might also under fit too soon.)

L2正则化技术→权衡每个特征而不是将其全部删除,这可以提高准确性 (L2 Regularization Technique → it weights each feature instead of removing them entirely, which can lead to better accuracy)

解决不合身? (Tackle underfitting?)

  • use L2 instead of L1
  • or we can also just reduce the L1 regression term (this term means, how intense L1 was applied)

解决过度拟合? (Tackle Overfitting?)

  • Dropout regularization Technique
  • early stops of epochs
  • use a few layers may help

分位数分档 (Quantile Binning)

  • splits data into a fixed number of buckets, with the same number of observations in each bin.

分布不均的数据并保持分布 (unevenly distributed data and preserve the distribution)

  • Quantile binning

如果使用间隔合并怎么办? (What if used Interval binning?)

  • some intervals could have fewer items and some could have way more → this behavior loses the distribution visibility

SageMaker分布式培训 (SageMaker Distributed Training)

can’t be done out of the box


  • Horovod
  • Parameter Servers

训练失败了吗? (Did training fail?)

  • Training with unshuffled data may cause training to fail.

培训数据应始终规范化和改组。 (Training data should be normalized and shuffled, all the time.)

Sage Maker Linear Learner支持分类回归任务。 (Sage Maker Linear Learner supports both classification and regression tasks.)

F1得分→2.PR/(P + R) (F1 Score → 2.P.R/(P + R))

  • P — Precision
    P —精度
  • R — Recall
    R —召回

Glue和Glue ETL可以为非结构化数据赋予结构,并在接收到该数据时对其进行转换。 (Glue and Glue ETL can impart structure to unstructured data, and perform transformations on that data as it is received.)

Athena是一种无服务器解决方案,与Glue配对后可以直接查询S3数据湖 (Athena is a serverless solution that can query S3 data lakes directly when paired with Glue)

S3中的数据,是否需要可视化? (data in S3 and need visualizations?)

  • S3 → GlueCrawlers → Glue Data Catalog → Athena → QuickSight

当您要准备大量数据时→您总是希望并行完成数据,而Apache Spark是唯一擅长的数据。 (when you want to prepare so much data → you always want it to be done in parallel and Apache Spark is the only one good at it.)

S3上有这么多数据并将其用于ML? (so much data on S3 and use it for ML?)

  • approach 1 :
  • - use PySpark + XGBoostSageMakerEstimator to prepare data using Spark
    -使用PySpark + XGBoostSageMakerEstimator使用Spark准备数据
  • - then pass the data to SageMaker
  • approach 2 : without using XGBoostSageMakerEstimator
  • - use Spark on EMR to pre-process the data and store it back in same/another S3
  • - keep S3 bucket accessible to SageMaker to train on

Glue ETL和Kinesis Analytics都不能转换为LibSVM格式 (Neither Glue ETL nor Kinesis Analytics can convert to LibSVM format)

scikit-learn不适用于分布式解决方案。 (scikit-learn is not for a distributed solution.)

LibSVM —支持向量机的库 (LibSVM — A Library for Support Vector Machines)

最好的插补技术是什么? (What is the best imputation technique?)

  • always supervised for → discrete data
  • Deep Learning for → classification data
  • mean or median next
  • drop off next

培训涉及多个长期运行的ETL作业,这些作业需要按顺序执行 (training involves multiple long-running ETL jobs which need to execute in order)

  • order → StepFunctions

QuickSight的ML Insights功能允许使用QuickSight本身进行预测。 这是一种包含最少数量组件的无服务器解决方案。 (QuickSight’s ML Insights feature allows forecasting using QuickSight itself. This is a serverless solution that contains the least number of components.)

完全没有开销的预测? (Forecasting without overhead at all?)

  • put data in S3
  • use QuickSight’s native ML Insights feature
    使用QuickSight的本机ML Insights功能
  • also use QuickSight dashboard for visualization

XGBoost超参数 (XGBoost hyperparameters)

  • subsample
  • alpha
  • eta
  • gamma
  • lambda

当假阴性的成本高于假阳性的成本时,召回(TP /(TP + FN))很重要。 (Recall (TP / (TP+FN)) is important when the cost of a false negative is higher than that of a false positive.)

在装有相机的地方检测到自定义徽标或T恤? (detect a custom logo or t-shirt from a place with cameras?)

  • custom CNN for achieving computer vision or image detection
  • camera at location
  • DeepLens
  • DeepLens_kinesis_Video Module
  • SageMaker

快速在当前分类器旁边建立另一个分类器? (quickly build another classifier beside the current one?)

  • use transfer learning, clone this besides one and start building on top of it


转移学习 (transfer learning)

  • can be below or above
  • use transfer learning, clone this besides one and start building on top of it


  • Transfer learning generally involves using an existing model or adding additional layers on top of one.

分解机→float32 (Factorization Machines → float32)

分解机 (Factorization Machines)

  • handle sparse data
  • RecordIO/protobuf in float32 format (highly unusual)

    float32格式的RecordIO / protobuf( 非常不寻常 )

对于SageMaker管道模式 (For SageMaker Pipe Mode)

  • RecordIO is efficient

SageMaker Notebook(如果使用默认IAM创建) (SageMaker Notebook if created with default IAM)

  • it can access S3 buckets with ‘sagemaker’ in name

    它可以访问名称为“ sagemaker ”的S3存储桶

除非您将具有S3FullAccess权限的策略添加到角色,否则策略将仅限于存储桶名称中带有“ sagemaker”的存储桶。 奇怪但真实。 (Unless you add policy with S3FullAccess permission to the role, it is restricted to buckets with “sagemaker” in the bucket name. Strange but true.)

炽烈的文字格式 (Blazing Text format)

  • Each line of the input file contains a training sentence per line, along with their labels. Labels must be prefixed with the label, and the tokens within the sentence — including punctuation — should be space-separated.

    输入文件的每一行每行包含一个训练语句及其标签。 标签必须与标签为前缀,这句话中的表征-包括标点符号-应该用空格分开。

为什么是管道模式? (why Pipe mode?)

  • if using pipe mode, we don’t copy the data to the training machine
  • we stream the data
  • it makes a big diff. for big datasets
    这带来了很大的不同。 适用于大型数据集
  • requirements of pipe mode? → RecordIO Format
    管道模式的要求? →RecordIO格式

SageMaker LDA→仅管道模式→因此RecordIO (SageMaker LDA → only Pipe mode → so RecordIO)

SageMaker LDA→仅在单个实例上进行培训 (SageMaker LDA → training on an only single instance)

SageMaker分解机→RecordIO && float32 (SageMaker Factorization Machines → RecordIO && float32)

AWS批处理 (AWS Batch)

  • plans, schedules, and executes your batch computing workloads across the full range of AWS compute services and features, such as Amazon EC2 and Spot Instances.
    在整个AWS计算服务和功能(例如Amazon EC2和竞价型实例)中计划,计划和执行批处理计算工作负载。

复杂的工作流程? (complex workflow ?)

  • orderly executed → Step Functions
  • just scheduling ability, but no order required → AWS Batch
    仅具有计划功能,但无需订购→AWS Batch

学习率 (Learning Rate)

  • Too Large → overshoots true minima
  • Too Small → Slows down convergence, takes more time

批量大小 (Batch Size)

  • Too Large → stuck at local minima
  • Less Size → true minima

真正的最低要求是什么? (What is this true minima?)

  • when training usually we want it to perform less bad of one quality


  • that one quality → Loss Function
  • that actually less bad → actual minimal bad. → actual minima → true minima
    那实际上更少的坏→实际上最小的坏。 →实际最小值→真实最小值

SageMaker Seq2Seq (SageMaker Seq2Seq)

  • machine translation


  • we need to provide vocabulary files
  • tokenize our words into integers


  • RecordIO-protobuf format with integer tokens

您自己的通用语言翻译器? (Your own Universal Language Translator?)

  • You Speak in language 1 → AWS Transcribe → AWS Translate → AWS Polly speaks in language 2
    您以语言1说→AWS Transcribe→AWS Translate→AWS Polly以语言2说

炽热的文字 (BlazingText)

  • this is for sentiment analysis
  • because only the sentiment analysis → order of words doesn’t matter
  • Uses Skip-gram and CBOW-Continuous Bag Of Words
  • BlazingText doesn’t use LSTM or CNN

在用于神经网络之前,必须将分类特征转换为一元热的二进制表示形式。 (Categorical features need to be converted into one-hot, binary representations prior to use in a neural network.)

RDS,Elasticsearch和EMR都需要配置服务器。 (RDS, Elasticsearch, and EMR all require the provisioning of servers.)

S3,Glue,Athena和Quicksight都是无服务器解决方案。 (S3, Glue, Athena, and Quicksight are all serverless solutions.)

名人检测 (Celebrity Detection)

  • already trained model under the hood of AWS Rekognition

    已在AWS Rekognition的框架下训练过的模型

检测流中的某些异常? (to detect some anomaly on a stream?)

  • Kinesis Data Analytics has ❤️ a native Random Cut Forest algorithm, use that.
    Kinesis Data Analytics具有❤️本机的Random Cut Forest算法,请使用该算法。
  • Random Cut Forest is Amazon’s own algorithm for anomaly detection and is usually the right choice when anomaly detection is asked for on the exam. It is implemented within both Kinesis Data Analytics and SageMaker, but only Kinesis works in the way described.
    Random Cut Forest是Amazon自己的异常检测算法,通常是在考试中要求进行异常检测时的正确选择。 它在Kinesis Data Analytics和SageMaker中均已实现,但只有Kinesis可以按所述方式工作。

LSTM — RNN的特定种类,长期短期记忆 (LSTM — specific kind of RNN, Long Short Term Memory)


  • feeds the same neuron(so named recurrent — reoccurring)
  • if the depth of persistence of this feed that is fed → LSTM — long or short
    如果所喂入的这种喂食的持续深度→LSTM —长还是短

产生音乐。 ? (Generate Music. ?)

  • it is a time-series problem
  • use RNN

Kinesis Firehose能够即时将JSON数据转换为Parquet或ORC格式。 (Kinesis Firehose has the ability to convert JSON data to Parquet or ORC format on the fly.)

当使用Parquet或ORC等列格式时,Athena的执行效率更高,成本更低, (Athena performs much more efficiently and at lower cost when using columnar formats such as Parquet or ORC,)

无服务器分析。 ? (Serverless Analytics. ?)

  • JSON Data input as Kinesis Streams
    JSON数据输入为Kinesis Streams
  • - send to Firehose
  • Supply to Kinesis Firehose
    供应给Kinesis Firehose
  • - convert to Parquet or ORC and load to S3
  • Athena queries from S3 using Glue Crawler and Glue Data Catalog and provides Analytics
    雅典娜使用Glue Crawler和Glue Data Catalog从S3查询并提供分析

AWS Rekognition可以立即识别图像中的常见对象。 (AWS Rekognition can identify common objects in images right out of the box.)

Comprehend可用于为帖子中的文本生成主题。 (Comprehend could be used to produce topics for the text in the posts.)

理解— RTF AWS NLP (Comprehend — RTF AWS NLP)

BlazingText —只是SageMaker上NLP的一种算法 (BlazingText — Just an Algorithm for NLP on SageMaker)

消失的梯度? (Vanishing Gradient?)

  • use ReLU

梯度消失的原因? (reasons for vanishing gradient?)

  • from multiplying together many small derivates of the sigmoid activation function in multiple layers

SageMaker Object2Vec与SageMaker BlazingText (SageMaker Object2Vec vs. SageMaker BlazingText)

  • both are algorithms
  • Object2Vec creates embeddings for arbitrary objects, like Tweets
  • BlazingText can only find relationships between words but not entire tweets

XGBoost实例类型? (XGBoost instance type?)

  • M4
  • XGBoost is a CPU-only algorithm
  • no benefit from GPUs
  • GPU Type → P3 or P2

实例类型-https: // (Instance Types —

  • GPU — Accelerated Computing
    GPU —加速计算
  • P, G
  • CPU — Standard
    CPU —标准
  • M, T
  • Memory-Optimized — Current generation
  • R
  • Compute Optimized — Current generation
  • C
  • Inference Accelerator
  • another level

非线性聚类解决方案 (Non — linear clustering solutions)

  • kNN
  • SVM + RBF
    支持向量机+ RBF
  • SVM — Simple Vector Machine
    SVM —简单的矢量机
  • RBF — Radial Basis Function
    RBF —径向基函数

离群值会使线性模型倾斜。 (Outliers can skew linear models.)

  • discard them by identifying as being outside some multiple of a standard deviation from the mean

竞价型实例→EMR上的任务节点 (Spot Instances → task nodes on EMR)

重复数据删除? (Deduplication?)

  • Glue ETL — FindMatchesML ❤️ feature
    胶水ETL — FindMatchesML❤️功能

为一堆文本分配主题 (Assign topics for a bunch of texts)

  • LDA — Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Unsupervised Topic Modeling
    LDA —潜在Dirichlet分配,无监督主题建模
  • NTM — Neural Topic Model — SageMaker Algorithm
    NTM —神经主题模型— SageMaker算法

寻找话题 (find topics)

  • SageMaker LDA Algorithm
    SageMaker LDA算法
  • SageMaker NTM Algorithm
    SageMaker NTM算法
  • Amazon Comprehend also (this does sentiment and full)

归咎于? (Imputation?)

  • If no outliers? → Mean
    如果没有异常值? →均值
  • If yes outliers? → Median
    如果是,则有异常值吗? →中位数

SageMaker的新模型可以在不影响客户的情况下进行测试吗? (SageMaker's new model can be tested without impact to customers?)

  • Yes
  • Production Variants — are made for this

    生产变型 —为此而制造

  • purpose like Tesla Shadow Mode

曲线 (Curves)

  • AUC — Area Under Curve
    AUC —曲线下面积
  • ROC — Receiver Operating Characteristic
    ROC —接收器工作特性
  • Good ROC will be curved up toward (0,1)
  • Perfect AUC is 1.0

建议使用SageMaker Linear Learner改组 (Shuffling is recommended with SageMaker Linear Learner)

如何控制特定IAM组对SageMaker笔记本的访问? (how to control access to SageMaker notebooks to specific IAM Groups?)

  • put tags on SageMaker resources
  • use ResourceTag conditions in IAM Policies to choose these tags of SageMaker instances


由于数据集中的PII数据而在进行训练时进行完全加密? (Full Encryption while training due to PII data in the dataset?)

  • Inter-container encryption is just a checkbox away when creating a training job via the SageMaker console.
  • It can also be specified using the SageMaker API with a little extra work
    也可以使用SageMaker API进行一些额外的工作来指定它

自定义推理容器要求? (Custom Inference Container requirements?)

  • Your inference container responds to port 8080, and

    您的推理容器响应port 8080 ,并且

  • must respond to ping requests in under 2 seconds.

    必须在2 seconds.响应ping请求2 seconds.

  • Model artifacts need to be compressed in tar format, not zip.


K-Means是不受监督的。 (摘自备忘录-KUM) (K-Means is unsupervised. (from memo — KUM))

  • to optimize?
  • WSS is one way, also called an elbow method





aws 认证


  • WPF制作的小型笔记本-仿有道云笔记
  • Word VBA批量格式转换:docx转pdf、doc、rtf、txt以及反向转换
  • FSNotes for Mac(纯文本笔记本管理器)
  • 纯文本笔记本管理器:FSNotes for Mac
  • 面试考点:session和cookie
  • TP5中Session
  • js操作session
  • session使用实例
  • Python—Session
  • Cookie 和 Session
  • Session详解(重点)
  • Cookie和Session的区别(面试必备)
  • python 使用pyqt5实现了一个汽车配件记录系统
  • 百炼智能店店通(车后版)亮相2021AMR北京国际汽保汽配展 开启门店渠道拓展新时代
  • 谈谈汽配的网络营销
  • 《汽修汽配管理系统——“汽修管理”模块》项目研发阶段性总结
  • 汽配行业数字化管理 一键完成订单流转+库存预警+绩效核算
  • 基于JavaEE的汽车配件管理系统_JSP网站设计_SqlServer数据库设计
  • java毕业设计汽配管理系统mybatis+源码+调试部署+系统+数据库+lw
  • java毕业设计汽配管理系统(附源码、数据库)
  • Java、JSP汽车4S店配件销售系统的设计
  • easyui 文本框 显示提示信息data-options=prompt:'格式:水箱支架-京东汽配店铺-图集(大图/图集6)'...
  • 『杭电1173』采矿
  • 采矿 HDU - 1173
  • hdu-1173采矿
  • 8F - 采矿
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  7. 8.卷2(进程间通信)---读写锁
  8. Solr 4.10.3 schema.xml 域类型详解
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