aws dynamodb

The emergence of cloud services has changed the way we build web-applications. This in turn has changed the responsibilities of a Web Developer.

云服务的出现改变了我们构建Web应用程序的方式。 反过来,这改变了Web开发人员的职责。

We used to build everything into a single web-application on a single server. This encompassed multiple responsibilities such as storage, databases, authentication, background jobs, caching, and more.

我们曾经将所有内容构建到单个服务器上的单个Web应用程序中。 这包括多种职责,例如存储,数据库,身份验证,后台作业,缓存等。

Cloud services allows us to reduce the complexity of our web-app and web-servers by pushing the responsibilities to these highly available, scalable, and durable cloud services.


A Web Developer who knows how to deploy and integrate cloud services with a web-application is what we call a Cloud Engineer.


If you want to fast-track your career as a Web Developer in 2020 then the AWS Developer Associate Certification can help you achieve that end goal.


The most important AWS service you need to study to pass that AWS Developer Associate exam is DynamoDB.  So I have released what I call The Ultimate DynamoDB Cheatsheet for free. You can print this out on the day of your exam to increase your chances of passing.

要通过该AWS Developer Associate考试,您需要学习的最重要的AWS服务是DynamoDB。 因此,我免费发布了所谓的The Ultimate DynamoDB Cheatsheet 。 您可以在考试当天将其打印出来,以增加通过的机会。

It was Nader the AWS Developer Advocate for AWS Amplify who suggested I release my entire cheatsheet for free. You would not have this resource if it wasn't for him.

Nader是AWS Amplify的AWS开发倡导者,他建议我免费发布整个备忘单。 如果不是他的话,您将没有此资源。

It was Kirk the AWS Senior Technologist specializing in DynamoDB who volunteered his time to ensure the accuracy of this cheatsheet. This turned it from 5 pages to 8 pages long!  

aws dynamodb_DynamoDB备忘单–您需要了解的有关2020 AWS认证开发人员助理认证的Amazon Dynamo DB的所有信息相关推荐

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