通过学习Lucene3.5.0的doc文档,对不同release版本 lucene版本的API改动做分析。最后找到了有价值的改动信息。

  • LUCENE-2302: Deprecated TermAttribute and replaced by a new CharTermAttribute. The change is backwards compatible, so mixed new/old TokenStreams all work on the same char[] buffer independent of which interface they use. CharTermAttribute has shorter method names and implements CharSequence and Appendable. This allows usage like Java's StringBuilder in addition to direct char[] access. Also terms can directly be used in places where CharSequence is allowed (e.g. regular expressions). (Uwe Schindler, Robert Muir)
  • 以上信息可以知道,原来的通过的方法已经不能够提取响应的Token了
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    1. StringReader reader = new StringReader(s);
    2. TokenStream ts =analyzer.tokenStream(s, reader);
    3. TermAttribute ta = ts.getAttribute(TermAttribute.class);

    StringReader reader = new StringReader(s); TokenStream ts =analyzer.tokenStream(s, reader); TermAttribute ta = ts.getAttribute(TermAttribute.class);

  • 通过分析Api文档信息 可知,CharTermAttribute已经成为替换TermAttribute的接口
  • 因此我编写了一个例子来更好的从TokenStream中提取Token
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    1. package com.segment;
    2. import java.io.StringReader;
    3. import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
    4. import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token;
    5. import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
    6. import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
    7. import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.TermAttribute;
    8. import org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeImpl;
    9. import org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKAnalyzer;
    10. public class Segment {
    11. public static String show(Analyzer a, String s) throws Exception {
    12. StringReader reader = new StringReader(s);
    13. TokenStream ts = a.tokenStream(s, reader);
    14. String s1 = "", s2 = "";
    15. boolean hasnext= ts.incrementToken();
    16. //Token t = ts.next();
    17. while (hasnext) {
    18. //AttributeImpl ta = new AttributeImpl();
    19. CharTermAttribute ta = ts.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
    20. //TermAttribute ta = ts.getAttribute(TermAttribute.class);
    21. s2 = ta.toString() + " ";
    22. s1 += s2;
    23. hasnext = ts.incrementToken();
    24. }
    25. return s1;
    26. }
    27. public String segment(String s) throws Exception {
    28. Analyzer a = new IKAnalyzer();
    29. return show(a, s);
    30. }
    31. public static void main(String args[])
    32. {
    33. String name = "我是俊杰,我爱编程,我的测试用例";
    34. Segment s = new Segment();
    35. String test = "";
    36. try {
    37. System.out.println(test+s.segment(name));
    38. } catch (Exception e) {
    39. // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    40. e.printStackTrace();
    41. }
    42. }
    43. }


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