You can remove unnecessary pixels from an image directly in Microsoft PowerPoint using the built-in cropping tool. You can also crop a photo to fit a specific shape. Here’s how to crop a picture in Microsoft PowerPoint.

您可以使用内置的裁剪工具直接在Microsoft PowerPoint中从图像中删除不必要的像素。 您也可以裁剪照片以适合特定的形状。 这是在Microsoft PowerPoint中裁剪图片的方法。

在PowerPoint中裁剪图片 (Crop a Picture in PowerPoint)

To crop a picture in PowerPoint, open the presentation, add the picture (Insert > Picture), then select the photo.

要在PowerPoint中裁剪图片,请打开演示文稿, 添加图片 (“插入”>“图片”),然后选择照片。

Once selected, the “Picture Format” tab will appear. Select it, then click the “Crop” button found in the “Size” group.

选择后,将出现“图片格式”标签。 选择它,然后单击“大小”组中的“裁剪”按钮。

A drop-down menu will appear. Here, select “Crop.”

将会出现一个下拉菜单。 在这里,选择“裁剪”。

Cropping handles will now appear around the frame of the image. To crop out certain areas, click and drag the handles to capture only the content you want to keep.

裁剪手柄现在将出现在图像框架周围。 要裁剪某些区域,请单击并拖动手柄以仅捕获要保留的内容。

After setting the areas of the frame, select the icon in the upper half of the “Crop” option in the “Size” group of the “Picture Format” tab.


Your image will now be cropped.


裁剪图片为形状 (Crop a Picture as a Shape)

To crop a picture to as a shape, open the PowerPoint presentation, insert a picture (Insert > Picture), then select the shape.

要将图片裁剪为形状,请打开PowerPoint演示文稿, 插入图片 (“插入”>“图片”),然后选择形状。

In the “Picture Format” tab, click the “Crop” button found in the “Size” group. In the drop-down menu that appears, select “Crop To Shape.”

在“图片格式”选项卡中,单击“尺寸”组中的“裁剪”按钮。 在出现的下拉菜单中,选择“裁剪为形状”。

Another menu displaying a large library of shapes will appear. Select the shape you’d like to crop the image to. We’ll use a basic oval in this example.

将会出现另一个显示大型形状库的菜单。 选择您想要裁剪图像的形状。 在此示例中,我们将使用基本的椭圆形。

Once selected, the oval shape will appear over your image, as well as cropping handles to set the area to be cropped. Set them as desired.

选定后,椭圆形将显示在图像上,并使用修剪手柄设置要修剪的区域。 根据需要设置它们。

When you’re ready, select the icon above “Crop” in the “Size” group of the “Picture Format” tab.


Your image is now cropped.



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