

The traditional Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a slow technique for creating dynamic web pages because CGI processing results in the creation of a new process for every request. This is slow and cumbersome. GoAhead provides a high-performance replacement called GoActions™ that is a more suitable solution for embedded systems that demand compact and efficient solutions.

GoActions are "C" language functions that are directly bound to specific URIs. They respond to client requests without creating a new process for each request. By sharing the address space with GoAhead, GoActions can directly access the full request context. GoActions are serviced by the action handler.

Defining GoActions

GoActions are defined by the websDefineAction API. For example:

static void buy(Webs *wp)
    websSetStatus(wp, 200);
    websWriteHeaders(wp, 0, 0);
    websWrite(wp, "Name %s", websGetVar(wp, "name", "")); 
    websWrite(wp,  "Age %s", websGetVar(wp, "age", ""));
websDefineAction("buy", buy);
Calling GoActions

GoActions are bound to URIs that begin with /action/. When a client requests a URI /action/NAME, the action handler is invoked which then looks for a GoAction by NAME. The function bound to NAME is then is invoked to service the request. For example:

This will invoke the GoAction buy which will run the bound C function. The action handler will automatically decode the query string "name=John&age=30" and define GoAhead variables called "name" and "age".

The GoAction is responsible for writing the HTTP header and HTML document content back to the user's browser.


goactions就是websDefineAction API。我们需要先创建一个goaction的函数,在函数体中调用API来生成新的动态页面。最后需要在main函数中注册一个这个函数,调用APIwebsDefineAction进行注册。然后编译就可以了。关于建议方式,官方提供了三种,分别是IDE、Make和makeme命令。

首先你需要下载makeme。你可以从 Embedthis MakeMe Download这个网站进行下载和安装。
linux - GNU C/C++需要2.6以上的版本
windows - WIN7系统装有VS2010及以上的版本
MAC OS X - 10.8及以上

tar xfz makeme-0.10.5-0-src.tgz
make boot
sudo make install
$ me
me.es: ERROR: Can't find suitable start.me.
Run "me --gen start" to create stub start.me

$ me help
Usage: me [options] [targets|actions] ...
--benchmark                              # Measure elapsed time
--chdir dir                              # Directory to build from
--configure /path/to/source              # Configure for building
--continue                               # Continue on errors
--debug                                  # Same as --profile debug
--depth level                            # Set utest depth level
--diagnose                               # Emit diagnostic trace
--dump                                   # Dump the full project me file
--endian [big|little]                    # Define the CPU endianness
--file file.me                           # Use the specified me file
--force                                  # Override warnings
--gen [make|nmake|sh|vs|xcode|main|start]# Generate project file
--help                                   # Print help message
--import                                 # Import standard me environment
--keep                                   # Keep intermediate files
--log logSpec                            # Save errors to a log file
--nocross                                # Build natively
--overwrite                              # Overwrite existing files
--out path                               # Save output to a file
--platform os-arch-profile               # Build for specified platform
--pre                                    # Pre-process a source file to stdout
--prefix dir=path                        # Define installation path prefixes
--profile [debug|release|...]            # Use the build profile
--quiet                                  # Quiet operation. Suppress trace
--rebuild                                # Rebuild all specified targets
--reconfigure                            # Reconfigure with existing settings
--release                                # Same as --profile release
--rom                                    # Build for ROM without a file system
--set [feature=value]                    # Enable and a feature
--show                                   # Show commands executed
--static                                 # Make static libraries
--unicode                                # Set char size to wide (unicode)
--unset feature                          # Unset a feature
--version                                # Display the me version
--verbose                                # Trace operations
--watch [sleep time]                     # Watch for changes and rebuild
--why                                    # Why a target was or was not built
--with PACK[=PATH]                       # Build with package at PATH
--without PACK                           # Build without a package






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