
  1. Kernel版本:4.14
  2. ARM64处理器,Contex-A53,双核
  3. 使用工具:Source Insight 3.5, Visio

1. 概述

Contiguous Memory Allocator, CMA,连续内存分配器,用于分配连续的大块内存。CMA分配器,会Reserve一片物理内存区域:

  1. 设备驱动不用时,内存管理系统将该区域用于分配和管理可移动类型页面;
  2. 设备驱动使用时,用于连续内存分配,此时已经分配的页面需要进行迁移;

此外,CMA分配器还可以与DMA子系统集成在一起,使用DMA的设备驱动程序无需使用单独的CMA API。

2. 数据结构

内核定义了struct cma结构,用于管理一个CMA区域,此外还定义了全局的cma数组,如下:

struct cma {unsigned long   base_pfn;unsigned long   count;unsigned long   *bitmap;unsigned int order_per_bit; /* Order of pages represented by one bit */struct mutex    lock;
#ifdef CONFIG_CMA_DEBUGFSstruct hlist_head mem_head;spinlock_t mem_head_lock;
#endifconst char *name;
};extern struct cma cma_areas[MAX_CMA_AREAS];
extern unsigned cma_area_count;
  • base_pfn:CMA区域物理地址的起始页帧号;
  • count:CMA区域总体的页数;
  • *bitmap:位图,用于描述页的分配情况;
  • order_per_bit:位图中每个bit描述的物理页面的order值,其中页面数为2^order值;




3. 流程分析

3.1 CMA区域创建

3.1.1 方式一 根据dts来配置




RESERVEDMEM_OF_DECLARE(cma, "shared-dma-pool", rmem_cma_setup);

3.1.2 方式二 根据参数或宏配置


3.2 CMA添加到Buddy System

在创建完CMA区域后,该内存区域成了保留区域,如果单纯给驱动使用,显然会造成内存的浪费,因此内存管理模块会将CMA区域添加到Buddy System中,用于可移动页面的分配和管理。CMA区域是通过cma_init_reserved_areas接口来添加到Buddy System中的。



3.3 CMA分配/释放

  • CMA分配,入口函数为cma_alloc:

  • CMA释放,入口函数为cma_release:函数比较简单,直接贴上代码
/*** cma_release() - release allocated pages* @cma:   Contiguous memory region for which the allocation is performed.* @pages: Allocated pages.* @count: Number of allocated pages.** This function releases memory allocated by alloc_cma().* It returns false when provided pages do not belong to contiguous area and* true otherwise.*/
bool cma_release(struct cma *cma, const struct page *pages, unsigned int count)
{unsigned long pfn;if (!cma || !pages)return false;pr_debug("%s(page %p)\n", __func__, (void *)pages);pfn = page_to_pfn(pages);if (pfn < cma->base_pfn || pfn >= cma->base_pfn + cma->count)return false;VM_BUG_ON(pfn + count > cma->base_pfn + cma->count);free_contig_range(pfn, count);cma_clear_bitmap(cma, pfn, count);trace_cma_release(pfn, pages, count);return true;

3.4 DMA使用


/*** dma_alloc_from_contiguous() - allocate pages from contiguous area* @dev:   Pointer to device for which the allocation is performed.* @count: Requested number of pages.* @align: Requested alignment of pages (in PAGE_SIZE order).* @gfp_mask: GFP flags to use for this allocation.** This function allocates memory buffer for specified device. It uses* device specific contiguous memory area if available or the default* global one. Requires architecture specific dev_get_cma_area() helper* function.*/
struct page *dma_alloc_from_contiguous(struct device *dev, size_t count,unsigned int align, gfp_t gfp_mask);/*** dma_release_from_contiguous() - release allocated pages* @dev:   Pointer to device for which the pages were allocated.* @pages: Allocated pages.* @count: Number of allocated pages.** This function releases memory allocated by dma_alloc_from_contiguous().* It returns false when provided pages do not belong to contiguous area and* true otherwise.*/
bool dma_release_from_contiguous(struct device *dev, struct page *pages,int count);




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