

  • 数据包含在ml-100k的文件夹中,文件夹中比较重要的几个文件是u.user(用户属性数据集)、u.item(电影元数据)和用户对电影的评分数据)
  • (1)u.user数据的每列分别代表用户ID、年龄、性别、职业、邮政编码,其分隔符为“|”;
  • (2)u.item数据包含的列为电影ID、电影名、上映日期及其它一些属性信息,分隔符也为“|”;
  • (3)u.data数据包含用户ID、电影ID、评分(1-5分)和时间戳,分隔符为制表符(\t)
  • 其他数据的说明可以从README获取
rawData = sc.textFile('hdfs://master:9000/ml-100k/')
rawRatings = line: line.split('\t'))
[[u'196', u'242', u'3', u'881250949'],[u'186', u'302', u'3', u'891717742'],[u'22', u'377', u'1', u'878887116'],[u'244', u'51', u'2', u'880606923'],[u'166', u'346', u'1', u'886397596']]


from pyspark.mllib.recommendation import Rating
ratings = line: Rating(int(line[0]),int(line[1]),float(line[2])))
[Rating(user=196, product=242, rating=3.0),Rating(user=186, product=302, rating=3.0),Rating(user=22, product=377, rating=1.0),Rating(user=244, product=51, rating=2.0),Rating(user=166, product=346, rating=1.0)]


r_1 = ratings.first()
print r_1.user, r_1.product, r_1.rating
print r_1[0], r_1[1], r_1[2]
196 242 3.0
196 242 3.0


from pyspark.mllib.recommendation import ALS
cf_model = ALS.train(ratings, 50, 10, 0.01, nonnegative=False, seed=12345)
<pyspark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel at 0x7fd1a8023390>


(2,array('d', [0.8257154226303101, -0.08174031972885132, -0.4485216736793518, 0.2816902697086334, 0.281324565410614, 0.2871280014514923, -0.28037557005882263, -0.5780994892120361, 0.04380865767598152, -0.03685721382498741, 0.33663856983184814, 0.8575121164321899, -0.26763004064559937, -0.22665703296661377, -0.030370648950338364, -0.4087982177734375, 0.28470417857170105, 0.17012149095535278, -0.46445152163505554, -0.39363399147987366, 0.4133472442626953, 0.0196047555655241, -0.6278623342514038, 0.8203023672103882, 0.36110371351242065, -0.3623308539390564, 0.07974052429199219, 0.3489876985549927, 0.009540693834424019, -0.1018930971622467, -0.3096586763858795, -0.08348742127418518, 0.546208918094635, 0.14119906723499298, -0.11057484149932861, 0.003356723114848137, -0.42252105474472046, 0.5306751728057861, 0.18785302340984344, 0.30044302344322205, -0.017208704724907875, 0.4387732148170471, -0.06367648392915726, 0.1654045730829239, 0.28026890754699707, -0.18949449062347412, -0.17139069736003876, -0.24911031126976013, 0.05620288848876953, -0.48843708634376526]))
[(2,array('d', [0.7962743639945984, 0.17431776225566864, -0.1990462988615036, -1.1859782934188843, -0.3959435522556305, -0.5246215462684631, 0.5594768524169922, -1.0115996599197388, 0.16964347660541534, 0.5268467664718628, -0.25127914547920227, -0.6580895185470581, 0.5533314943313599, 0.2781536877155304, -0.8546806573867798, 0.003281824290752411, -0.1445930451154709, -0.4302116930484772, -0.9390072226524353, -0.012757998891174793, -0.2912135422229767, -0.1968940943479538, -1.0604552030563354, 0.8730130195617676, 0.20659275352954865, -1.2206825017929077, -1.2894175052642822, 0.3126126825809479, 0.3025003671646118, 0.3809513449668884, -0.6017365455627441, 0.46676522493362427, -0.17819972336292267, 0.03601028397679329, 0.5260732769966125, -0.3788948357105255, -1.3027641773223877, -0.08637615293264389, -0.22254005074501038, 1.1796964406967163, 0.7695205807685852, 0.420034259557724, -0.31719499826431274, -0.43826058506965637, 0.7229039669036865, 0.1820073425769806, 0.3955117464065552, 0.4843427240848541, 0.5735178589820862, -1.1487818956375122]))]


cf_model.predict(123, 456)


r_123 = ratings.filter(lambda r: r.user == 123)
user_product_pairs = r: (r.user, r.product))
[(123, 427), (123, 531), (123, 135), (123, 192), (123, 13)]


est_123 = cf_model.predictAll(user_product_pairs)
[Rating(user=123, product=14, rating=4.781807508293159),Rating(user=123, product=192, rating=4.8440853953154654),Rating(user=123, product=64, rating=3.189367663814919),Rating(user=123, product=432, rating=4.826974367452291),Rating(user=123, product=480, rating=3.4997134540180883)]


left = r: (r.product, r.rating))
right = r: (r.product, r.rating))
[(704, (3.0, 3.12740470516471)),(64, (3.0, 3.189367663814919)),(132, (3.0, 3.255692030148917)),(192, (5.0, 4.8440853953154654)),(288, (3.0, 2.6833371635987526))]


topK_users = cf_model.recommendUsers(456, 5)
[Rating(user=534, product=456, rating=4.915272594291057),Rating(user=620, product=456, rating=4.554502950952971),Rating(user=462, product=456, rating=4.548246109196231),Rating(user=283, product=456, rating=4.514564326007004),Rating(user=56, product=456, rating=4.2624704017243324)]
topK_movies = cf_model.recommendProducts(123, 5)
[Rating(user=123, product=287, rating=6.238110881748787),Rating(user=123, product=269, rating=6.168910818255823),Rating(user=123, product=515, rating=5.954825359796975),Rating(user=123, product=416, rating=5.921099652606939),Rating(user=123, product=503, rating=5.670748725720875)]


movies = sc.textFile('hdfs://master:9000/ml-100k/u.item')
titles = line: line.split('|'))\.map(lambda x: (int(x[0]), x[1])).collectAsMap()
{1: u'Toy Story (1995)',2: u'GoldenEye (1995)',3: u'Four Rooms (1995)',4: u'Get Shorty (1995)',5: u'Copycat (1995)',6: u'Shanghai Triad (Yao a yao yao dao waipo qiao) (1995)',7: u'Twelve Monkeys (1995)',8: u'Babe (1995)',9: u'Dead Man Walking (1995)',10: u'Richard III (1995)',11: u'Seven (Se7en) (1995)',12: u'Usual Suspects, The (1995)',13: u'Mighty Aphrodite (1995)',14: u'Postino, Il (1994)',15: u"Mr. Holland's Opus (1995)",16: u'French Twist (Gazon maudit) (1995)',17: u'From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)',18: u'White Balloon, The (1995)',19: u"Antonia's Line (1995)",20: u'Angels and Insects (1995)',21: u'Muppet Treasure Island (1996)',22: u'Braveheart (1995)',23: u'Taxi Driver (1976)',24: u'Rumble in the Bronx (1995)',25: u'Birdcage, The (1996)',26: u'Brothers McMullen, The (1995)',27: u'Bad Boys (1995)',28: u'Apollo 13 (1995)',29: u'Batman Forever (1995)',30: u'Belle de jour (1967)',31: u'Crimson Tide (1995)',32: u'Crumb (1994)',33: u'Desperado (1995)',34: u'Doom Generation, The (1995)',35: u'Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (1995)',36: u'Mad Love (1995)',37: u'Nadja (1994)',38: u'Net, The (1995)',39: u'Strange Days (1995)',40: u'To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar (1995)',41: u'Billy Madison (1995)',42: u'Clerks (1994)',43: u'Disclosure (1994)',44: u'Dolores Claiborne (1994)',45: u'Eat Drink Man Woman (1994)',46: u'Exotica (1994)',47: u'Ed Wood (1994)',48: u'Hoop Dreams (1994)',49: u'I.Q. (1994)',50: u'Star Wars (1977)',51: u'Legends of the Fall (1994)',52: u'Madness of King George, The (1994)',53: u'Natural Born Killers (1994)',54: u'Outbreak (1995)',55: u'Professional, The (1994)',56: u'Pulp Fiction (1994)',57: u'Priest (1994)',58: u'Quiz Show (1994)',59: u'Three Colors: Red (1994)',60: u'Three Colors: Blue (1993)',61: u'Three Colors: White (1994)',62: u'Stargate (1994)',63: u'Santa Clause, The (1994)',64: u'Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)',65: u"What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)",66: u'While You Were Sleeping (1995)',67: u'Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)',68: u'Crow, The (1994)',69: u'Forrest Gump (1994)',70: u'Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)',71: u'Lion King, The (1994)',72: u'Mask, The (1994)',73: u'Maverick (1994)',74: u'Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965)',75: u'Brother Minister: The Assassination of Malcolm X (1994)',76: u"Carlito's Way (1993)",77: u'Firm, The (1993)',78: u'Free Willy (1993)',79: u'Fugitive, The (1993)',80: u'Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)',81: u'Hudsucker Proxy, The (1994)',82: u'Jurassic Park (1993)',83: u'Much Ado About Nothing (1993)',84: u"Robert A. Heinlein's The Puppet Masters (1994)",85: u'Ref, The (1994)',86: u'Remains of the Day, The (1993)',87: u'Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993)',88: u'Sleepless in Seattle (1993)',89: u'Blade Runner (1982)',90: u'So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993)',91: u'Nightmare Before Christmas, The (1993)',92: u'True Romance (1993)',93: u'Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995)',94: u'Home Alone (1990)',95: u'Aladdin (1992)',96: u'Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)',97: u'Dances with Wolves (1990)',98: u'Silence of the Lambs, The (1991)',99: u'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)',100: u'Fargo (1996)',101: u'Heavy Metal (1981)',102: u'Aristocats, The (1970)',103: u'All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 (1996)',104: u'Theodore Rex (1995)',105: u'Sgt. Bilko (1996)',106: u'Diabolique (1996)',107: u'Moll Flanders (1996)',108: u'Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy (1996)',109: u'Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie (1996)',110: u'Operation Dumbo Drop (1995)',111: u'Truth About Cats & Dogs, The (1996)',112: u'Flipper (1996)',113: u'Horseman on the Roof, The (Hussard sur le toit, Le) (1995)',114: u'Wallace & Gromit: The Best of Aardman Animation (1996)',115: u'Haunted World of Edward D. Wood Jr., The (1995)',116: u'Cold Comfort Farm (1995)',117: u'Rock, The (1996)',118: u'Twister (1996)',119: u'Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision (1994)',120: u'Striptease (1996)',121: u'Independence Day (ID4) (1996)',122: u'Cable Guy, The (1996)',123: u'Frighteners, The (1996)',124: u'Lone Star (1996)',125: u'Phenomenon (1996)',126: u'Spitfire Grill, The (1996)',127: u'Godfather, The (1972)',128: u'Supercop (1992)',129: u'Bound (1996)',130: u'Kansas City (1996)',131: u"Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)",132: u'Wizard of Oz, The (1939)',133: u'Gone with the Wind (1939)',134: u'Citizen Kane (1941)',135: u'2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)',136: u'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)',137: u'Big Night (1996)',138: u'D3: The Mighty Ducks (1996)',139: u'Love Bug, The (1969)',140: u'Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993)',141: u'20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)',142: u'Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971)',143: u'Sound of Music, The (1965)',144: u'Die Hard (1988)',145: u'Lawnmower Man, The (1992)',146: u'Unhook the Stars (1996)',147: u'Long Kiss Goodnight, The (1996)',148: u'Ghost and the Darkness, The (1996)',149: u'Jude (1996)',150: u'Swingers (1996)',151: u'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)',152: u'Sleeper (1973)',153: u'Fish Called Wanda, A (1988)',154: u"Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)",155: u'Dirty Dancing (1987)',156: u'Reservoir Dogs (1992)',157: u'Platoon (1986)',158: u"Weekend at Bernie's (1989)",159: u'Basic Instinct (1992)',160: u'Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)',161: u'Top Gun (1986)',162: u'On Golden Pond (1981)',163: u'Return of the Pink Panther, The (1974)',164: u'Abyss, The (1989)',165: u'Jean de Florette (1986)',166: u'Manon of the Spring (Manon des sources) (1986)',167: u'Private Benjamin (1980)',168: u'Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1974)',169: u'Wrong Trousers, The (1993)',170: u'Cinema Paradiso (1988)',171: u'Delicatessen (1991)',172: u'Empire Strikes Back, The (1980)',173: u'Princess Bride, The (1987)',174: u'Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)',175: u'Brazil (1985)',176: u'Aliens (1986)',177: u'Good, The Bad and The Ugly, The (1966)',178: u'12 Angry Men (1957)',179: u'Clockwork Orange, A (1971)',180: u'Apocalypse Now (1979)',181: u'Return of the Jedi (1983)',182: u'GoodFellas (1990)',183: u'Alien (1979)',184: u'Army of Darkness (1993)',185: u'Psycho (1960)',186: u'Blues Brothers, The (1980)',187: u'Godfather: Part II, The (1974)',188: u'Full Metal Jacket (1987)',189: u'Grand Day Out, A (1992)',190: u'Henry V (1989)',191: u'Amadeus (1984)',192: u'Raging Bull (1980)',193: u'Right Stuff, The (1983)',194: u'Sting, The (1973)',195: u'Terminator, The (1984)',196: u'Dead Poets Society (1989)',197: u'Graduate, The (1967)',198: u'Nikita (La Femme Nikita) (1990)',199: u'Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957)',200: u'Shining, The (1980)',201: u'Evil Dead II (1987)',202: u'Groundhog Day (1993)',203: u'Unforgiven (1992)',204: u'Back to the Future (1985)',205: u'Patton (1970)',206: u'Akira (1988)',207: u'Cyrano de Bergerac (1990)',208: u'Young Frankenstein (1974)',209: u'This Is Spinal Tap (1984)',210: u'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)',211: u'M*A*S*H (1970)',212: u'Unbearable Lightness of Being, The (1988)',213: u'Room with a View, A (1986)',214: u'Pink Floyd - The Wall (1982)',215: u'Field of Dreams (1989)',216: u'When Harry Met Sally... (1989)',217: u"Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)",218: u'Cape Fear (1991)',219: u'Nightmare on Elm Street, A (1984)',220: u'Mirror Has Two Faces, The (1996)',221: u'Breaking the Waves (1996)',222: u'Star Trek: First Contact (1996)',223: u'Sling Blade (1996)',224: u'Ridicule (1996)',225: u'101 Dalmatians (1996)',226: u'Die Hard 2 (1990)',227: u'Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)',228: u'Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982)',229: u'Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)',230: u'Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)',231: u'Batman Returns (1992)',232: u'Young Guns (1988)',233: u'Under Siege (1992)',234: u'Jaws (1975)',235: u'Mars Attacks! (1996)',236: u'Citizen Ruth (1996)',237: u'Jerry Maguire (1996)',238: u'Raising Arizona (1987)',239: u'Sneakers (1992)',240: u'Beavis and Butt-head Do America (1996)',241: u'Last of the Mohicans, The (1992)',242: u'Kolya (1996)',243: u'Jungle2Jungle (1997)',244: u"Smilla's Sense of Snow (1997)",245: u"Devil's Own, The (1997)",246: u'Chasing Amy (1997)',247: u'Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997)',248: u'Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)',249: u'Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997)',250: u'Fifth Element, The (1997)',251: u'Shall We Dance? (1996)',252: u'Lost World: Jurassic Park, The (1997)',253: u'Pillow Book, The (1995)',254: u'Batman & Robin (1997)',255: u"My Best Friend's Wedding (1997)",256: u'When the Cats Away (Chacun cherche son chat) (1996)',257: u'Men in Black (1997)',258: u'Contact (1997)',259: u'George of the Jungle (1997)',260: u'Event Horizon (1997)',261: u'Air Bud (1997)',262: u'In the Company of Men (1997)',263: u'Steel (1997)',264: u'Mimic (1997)',265: u'Hunt for Red October, The (1990)',266: u'Kull the Conqueror (1997)',267: u'unknown',268: u'Chasing Amy (1997)',269: u'Full Monty, The (1997)',270: u'Gattaca (1997)',271: u'Starship Troopers (1997)',272: u'Good Will Hunting (1997)',273: u'Heat (1995)',274: u'Sabrina (1995)',275: u'Sense and Sensibility (1995)',276: u'Leaving Las Vegas (1995)',277: u'Restoration (1995)',278: u'Bed of Roses (1996)',279: u'Once Upon a Time... When We Were Colored (1995)',280: u'Up Close and Personal (1996)',281: u'River Wild, The (1994)',282: u'Time to Kill, A (1996)',283: u'Emma (1996)',284: u'Tin Cup (1996)',285: u'Secrets & Lies (1996)',286: u'English Patient, The (1996)',287: u"Marvin's Room (1996)",288: u'Scream (1996)',289: u'Evita (1996)',290: u'Fierce Creatures (1997)',291: u'Absolute Power (1997)',292: u'Rosewood (1997)',293: u'Donnie Brasco (1997)',294: u'Liar Liar (1997)',295: u'Breakdown (1997)',296: u'Promesse, La (1996)',297: u"Ulee's Gold (1997)",298: u'Face/Off (1997)',299: u'Hoodlum (1997)',300: u'Air Force One (1997)',301: u'In & Out (1997)',302: u'L.A. Confidential (1997)',303: u"Ulee's Gold (1997)",304: u'Fly Away Home (1996)',305: u'Ice Storm, The (1997)',306: u'Mrs. Brown (Her Majesty, Mrs. Brown) (1997)',307: u"Devil's Advocate, The (1997)",308: u'FairyTale: A True Story (1997)',309: u'Deceiver (1997)',310: u'Rainmaker, The (1997)',311: u'Wings of the Dove, The (1997)',312: u'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997)',313: u'Titanic (1997)',314: u'3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega Mountain (1998)',315: u'Apt Pupil (1998)',316: u'As Good As It Gets (1997)',317: u'In the Name of the Father (1993)',318: u"Schindler's List (1993)",319: u'Everyone Says I Love You (1996)',320: u'Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996)',321: u'Mother (1996)',322: u'Murder at 1600 (1997)',323: u"Dante's Peak (1997)",324: u'Lost Highway (1997)',325: u'Crash (1996)',326: u'G.I. Jane (1997)',327: u'Cop Land (1997)',328: u'Conspiracy Theory (1997)',329: u'Desperate Measures (1998)',330: u'187 (1997)',331: u'Edge, The (1997)',332: u'Kiss the Girls (1997)',333: u'Game, The (1997)',334: u'U Turn (1997)',335: u'How to Be a Player (1997)',336: u'Playing God (1997)',337: u'House of Yes, The (1997)',338: u'Bean (1997)',339: u'Mad City (1997)',340: u'Boogie Nights (1997)',341: u'Critical Care (1997)',342: u'Man Who Knew Too Little, The (1997)',343: u'Alien: Resurrection (1997)',344: u'Apostle, The (1997)',345: u'Deconstructing Harry (1997)',346: u'Jackie Brown (1997)',347: u'Wag the Dog (1997)',348: u'Desperate Measures (1998)',349: u'Hard Rain (1998)',350: u'Fallen (1998)',351: u'Prophecy II, The (1998)',352: u'Spice World (1997)',353: u'Deep Rising (1998)',354: u'Wedding Singer, The (1998)',355: u'Sphere (1998)',356: u'Client, The (1994)',357: u"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)",358: u'Spawn (1997)',359: u'Assignment, The (1997)',360: u'Wonderland (1997)',361: u'Incognito (1997)',362: u'Blues Brothers 2000 (1998)',363: u'Sudden Death (1995)',364: u'Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995)',365: u'Powder (1995)',366: u'Dangerous Minds (1995)',367: u'Clueless (1995)',368: u'Bio-Dome (1996)',369: u'Black Sheep (1996)',370: u'Mary Reilly (1996)',371: u'Bridges of Madison County, The (1995)',372: u'Jeffrey (1995)',373: u'Judge Dredd (1995)',374: u'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)',375: u'Showgirls (1995)',376: u'Houseguest (1994)',377: u'Heavyweights (1994)',378: u'Miracle on 34th Street (1994)',379: u'Tales From the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight (1995)',380: u'Star Trek: Generations (1994)',381: u"Muriel's Wedding (1994)",382: u'Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, The (1994)',383: u'Flintstones, The (1994)',384: u'Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult (1994)',385: u'True Lies (1994)',386: u'Addams Family Values (1993)',387: u'Age of Innocence, The (1993)',388: u'Beverly Hills Cop III (1994)',389: u'Black Beauty (1994)',390: u'Fear of a Black Hat (1993)',391: u'Last Action Hero (1993)',392: u'Man Without a Face, The (1993)',393: u'Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)',394: u'Radioland Murders (1994)',395: u'Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)',396: u'Serial Mom (1994)',397: u'Striking Distance (1993)',398: u'Super Mario Bros. (1993)',399: u'Three Musketeers, The (1993)',400: u'Little Rascals, The (1994)',401: u'Brady Bunch Movie, The (1995)',402: u'Ghost (1990)',403: u'Batman (1989)',404: u'Pinocchio (1940)',405: u'Mission: Impossible (1996)',406: u'Thinner (1996)',407: u'Spy Hard (1996)',408: u'Close Shave, A (1995)',409: u'Jack (1996)',410: u'Kingpin (1996)',411: u'Nutty Professor, The (1996)',412: u'Very Brady Sequel, A (1996)',413: u'Tales from the Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood (1996)',414: u'My Favorite Year (1982)',415: u'Apple Dumpling Gang, The (1975)',416: u'Old Yeller (1957)',417: u'Parent Trap, The (1961)',418: u'Cinderella (1950)',419: u'Mary Poppins (1964)',420: u'Alice in Wonderland (1951)',421: u"William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (1996)",422: u'Aladdin and the King of Thieves (1996)',423: u'E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)',424: u'Children of the Corn: The Gathering (1996)',425: u'Bob Roberts (1992)',426: u'Transformers: The Movie, The (1986)',427: u'To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)',428: u'Harold and Maude (1971)',429: u'Day the Earth Stood Still, The (1951)',430: u'Duck Soup (1933)',431: u'Highlander (1986)',432: u'Fantasia (1940)',433: u'Heathers (1989)',434: u'Forbidden Planet (1956)',435: u'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)',436: u'American Werewolf in London, An (1981)',437: u"Amityville 1992: It's About Time (1992)",438: u'Amityville 3-D (1983)',439: u'Amityville: A New Generation (1993)',440: u'Amityville II: The Possession (1982)',441: u'Amityville Horror, The (1979)',442: u'Amityville Curse, The (1990)',443: u'Birds, The (1963)',444: u'Blob, The (1958)',445: u'Body Snatcher, The (1945)',446: u'Burnt Offerings (1976)',447: u'Carrie (1976)',448: u'Omen, The (1976)',449: u'Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)',450: u'Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)',451: u'Grease (1978)',452: u'Jaws 2 (1978)',453: u'Jaws 3-D (1983)',454: u'Bastard Out of Carolina (1996)',455: u"Jackie Chan's First Strike (1996)",456: u'Beverly Hills Ninja (1997)',457: u'Free Willy 3: The Rescue (1997)',458: u'Nixon (1995)',459: u'Cry, the Beloved Country (1995)',460: u'Crossing Guard, The (1995)',461: u'Smoke (1995)',462: u'Like Water For Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate) (1992)',463: u'Secret of Roan Inish, The (1994)',464: u'Vanya on 42nd Street (1994)',465: u'Jungle Book, The (1994)',466: u'Red Rock West (1992)',467: u'Bronx Tale, A (1993)',468: u'Rudy (1993)',469: u'Short Cuts (1993)',470: u'Tombstone (1993)',471: u'Courage Under Fire (1996)',472: u'Dragonheart (1996)',473: u'James and the Giant Peach (1996)',474: u'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1963)',475: u'Trainspotting (1996)',476: u'First Wives Club, The (1996)',477: u'Matilda (1996)',478: u'Philadelphia Story, The (1940)',479: u'Vertigo (1958)',480: u'North by Northwest (1959)',481: u'Apartment, The (1960)',482: u'Some Like It Hot (1959)',483: u'Casablanca (1942)',484: u'Maltese Falcon, The (1941)',485: u'My Fair Lady (1964)',486: u'Sabrina (1954)',487: u'Roman Holiday (1953)',488: u'Sunset Blvd. (1950)',489: u'Notorious (1946)',490: u'To Catch a Thief (1955)',491: u'Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1938)',492: u'East of Eden (1955)',493: u'Thin Man, The (1934)',494: u'His Girl Friday (1940)',495: u'Around the World in 80 Days (1956)',496: u"It's a Wonderful Life (1946)",497: u'Bringing Up Baby (1938)',498: u'African Queen, The (1951)',499: u'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)',500: u'Fly Away Home (1996)',501: u'Dumbo (1941)',502: u'Bananas (1971)',503: u'Candidate, The (1972)',504: u'Bonnie and Clyde (1967)',505: u'Dial M for Murder (1954)',506: u'Rebel Without a Cause (1955)',507: u'Streetcar Named Desire, A (1951)',508: u'People vs. Larry Flynt, The (1996)',509: u'My Left Foot (1989)',510: u'Magnificent Seven, The (1954)',511: u'Lawrence of Arabia (1962)',512: u'Wings of Desire (1987)',513: u'Third Man, The (1949)',514: u'Annie Hall (1977)',515: u'Boot, Das (1981)',516: u'Local Hero (1983)',517: u'Manhattan (1979)',518: u"Miller's Crossing (1990)",519: u'Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948)',520: u'Great Escape, The (1963)',521: u'Deer Hunter, The (1978)',522: u'Down by Law (1986)',523: u'Cool Hand Luke (1967)',524: u'Great Dictator, The (1940)',525: u'Big Sleep, The (1946)',526: u'Ben-Hur (1959)',527: u'Gandhi (1982)',528: u'Killing Fields, The (1984)',529: u'My Life as a Dog (Mitt liv som hund) (1985)',530: u'Man Who Would Be King, The (1975)',531: u'Shine (1996)',532: u'Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love (1996)',533: u'Daytrippers, The (1996)',534: u'Traveller (1997)',535: u'Addicted to Love (1997)',536: u'Ponette (1996)',537: u'My Own Private Idaho (1991)',538: u'Anastasia (1997)',539: u'Mouse Hunt (1997)',540: u'Money Train (1995)',541: u'Mortal Kombat (1995)',542: u'Pocahontas (1995)',543: u'Mis\ufffdrables, Les (1995)',544: u"Things to Do in Denver when You're Dead (1995)",545: u'Vampire in Brooklyn (1995)',546: u'Broken Arrow (1996)',547: u"Young Poisoner's Handbook, The (1995)",548: u'NeverEnding Story III, The (1994)',549: u'Rob Roy (1995)',550: u'Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)',551: u'Lord of Illusions (1995)',552: u'Species (1995)',553: u'Walk in the Clouds, A (1995)',554: u'Waterworld (1995)',555: u"White Man's Burden (1995)",556: u'Wild Bill (1995)',557: u'Farinelli: il castrato (1994)',558: u'Heavenly Creatures (1994)',559: u'Interview with the Vampire (1994)',560: u"Kid in King Arthur's Court, A (1995)",561: u"Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994)",562: u'Quick and the Dead, The (1995)',563: u"Stephen King's The Langoliers (1995)",564: u'Tales from the Hood (1995)',565: u'Village of the Damned (1995)',566: u'Clear and Present Danger (1994)',567: u"Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994)",568: u'Speed (1994)',569: u'Wolf (1994)',570: u'Wyatt Earp (1994)',571: u'Another Stakeout (1993)',572: u'Blown Away (1994)',573: u'Body Snatchers (1993)',574: u'Boxing Helena (1993)',575: u"City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold (1994)",576: u'Cliffhanger (1993)',577: u'Coneheads (1993)',578: u'Demolition Man (1993)',579: u'Fatal Instinct (1993)',580: u'Englishman Who Went Up a Hill, But Came Down a Mountain, The (1995)',581: u'Kalifornia (1993)',582: u'Piano, The (1993)',583: u'Romeo Is Bleeding (1993)',584: u'Secret Garden, The (1993)',585: u'Son in Law (1993)',586: u'Terminal Velocity (1994)',587: u'Hour of the Pig, The (1993)',588: u'Beauty and the Beast (1991)',589: u'Wild Bunch, The (1969)',590: u'Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996)',591: u'Primal Fear (1996)',592: u'True Crime (1995)',593: u'Stalingrad (1993)',594: u'Heavy (1995)',595: u'Fan, The (1996)',596: u'Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1996)',597: u'Eraser (1996)',598: u'Big Squeeze, The (1996)',599: u'Police Story 4: Project S (Chao ji ji hua) (1993)',600: u"Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1996)",601: u'For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)',602: u'American in Paris, An (1951)',603: u'Rear Window (1954)',604: u'It Happened One Night (1934)',605: u'Meet Me in St. Louis (1944)',606: u'All About Eve (1950)',607: u'Rebecca (1940)',608: u'Spellbound (1945)',609: u'Father of the Bride (1950)',610: u'Gigi (1958)',611: u'Laura (1944)',612: u'Lost Horizon (1937)',613: u'My Man Godfrey (1936)',614: u'Giant (1956)',615: u'39 Steps, The (1935)',616: u'Night of the Living Dead (1968)',617: u'Blue Angel, The (Blaue Engel, Der) (1930)',618: u'Picnic (1955)',619: u'Extreme Measures (1996)',620: u'Chamber, The (1996)',621: u'Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier (1955)',622: u'Swiss Family Robinson (1960)',623: u'Angels in the Outfield (1994)',624: u'Three Caballeros, The (1945)',625: u'Sword in the Stone, The (1963)',626: u'So Dear to My Heart (1949)',627: u'Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)',628: u'Sleepers (1996)',629: u'Victor/Victoria (1982)',630: u'Great Race, The (1965)',631: u'Crying Game, The (1992)',632: u"Sophie's Choice (1982)",633: u'Christmas Carol, A (1938)',634: u"Microcosmos: Le peuple de l'herbe (1996)",635: u'Fog, The (1980)',636: u'Escape from New York (1981)',637: u'Howling, The (1981)',638: u'Return of Martin Guerre, The (Retour de Martin Guerre, Le) (1982)',639: u'Tin Drum, The (Blechtrommel, Die) (1979)',640: u'Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover, The (1989)',641: u'Paths of Glory (1957)',642: u'Grifters, The (1990)',643: u'The Innocent (1994)',644: u'Thin Blue Line, The (1988)',645: u'Paris Is Burning (1990)',646: u'Once Upon a Time in the West (1969)',647: u'Ran (1985)',648: u'Quiet Man, The (1952)',649: u'Once Upon a Time in America (1984)',650: u'Seventh Seal, The (Sjunde inseglet, Det) (1957)',651: u'Glory (1989)',652: u'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (1990)',653: u'Touch of Evil (1958)',654: u'Chinatown (1974)',655: u'Stand by Me (1986)',656: u'M (1931)',657: u'Manchurian Candidate, The (1962)',658: u'Pump Up the Volume (1990)',659: u'Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)',660: u'Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)',661: u'High Noon (1952)',662: u'Somewhere in Time (1980)',663: u'Being There (1979)',664: u'Paris, Texas (1984)',665: u'Alien 3 (1992)',666: u"Blood For Dracula (Andy Warhol's Dracula) (1974)",667: u'Audrey Rose (1977)',668: u'Blood Beach (1981)',669: u'Body Parts (1991)',670: u'Body Snatchers (1993)',671: u'Bride of Frankenstein (1935)',672: u'Candyman (1992)',673: u'Cape Fear (1962)',674: u'Cat People (1982)',675: u'Nosferatu (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens) (1922)',676: u'Crucible, The (1996)',677: u'Fire on the Mountain (1996)',678: u'Volcano (1997)',679: u'Conan the Barbarian (1981)',680: u'Kull the Conqueror (1997)',681: u'Wishmaster (1997)',682: u'I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)',683: u'Rocket Man (1997)',684: u'In the Line of Fire (1993)',685: u'Executive Decision (1996)',686: u'Perfect World, A (1993)',687: u"McHale's Navy (1997)",688: u'Leave It to Beaver (1997)',689: u'Jackal, The (1997)',690: u'Seven Years in Tibet (1997)',691: u'Dark City (1998)',692: u'American President, The (1995)',693: u'Casino (1995)',694: u'Persuasion (1995)',695: u'Kicking and Screaming (1995)',696: u'City Hall (1996)',697: u'Basketball Diaries, The (1995)',698: u'Browning Version, The (1994)',699: u'Little Women (1994)',700: u'Miami Rhapsody (1995)',701: u'Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl, The (1993)',702: u'Barcelona (1994)',703: u"Widows' Peak (1994)",704: u'House of the Spirits, The (1993)',705: u"Singin' in the Rain (1952)",706: u'Bad Moon (1996)',707: u'Enchanted April (1991)',708: u'Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989)',709: u'Strictly Ballroom (1992)',710: u'Better Off Dead... (1985)',711: u'Substance of Fire, The (1996)',712: u'Tin Men (1987)',713: u'Othello (1995)',714: u'Carrington (1995)',715: u'To Die For (1995)',716: u'Home for the Holidays (1995)',717: u'Juror, The (1996)',718: u'In the Bleak Midwinter (1995)',719: u'Canadian Bacon (1994)',720: u'First Knight (1995)',721: u'Mallrats (1995)',722: u'Nine Months (1995)',723: u'Boys on the Side (1995)',724: u'Circle of Friends (1995)',725: u'Exit to Eden (1994)',726: u'Fluke (1995)',727: u'Immortal Beloved (1994)',728: u'Junior (1994)',729: u'Nell (1994)',730: u'Queen Margot (Reine Margot, La) (1994)',731: u'Corrina, Corrina (1994)',732: u'Dave (1993)',733: u'Go Fish (1994)',734: u'Made in America (1993)',735: u'Philadelphia (1993)',736: u'Shadowlands (1993)',737: u'Sirens (1994)',738: u'Threesome (1994)',739: u'Pretty Woman (1990)',740: u'Jane Eyre (1996)',741: u'Last Supper, The (1995)',742: u'Ransom (1996)',743: u'Crow: City of Angels, The (1996)',744: u'Michael Collins (1996)',745: u'Ruling Class, The (1972)',746: u'Real Genius (1985)',747: u'Benny & Joon (1993)',748: u'Saint, The (1997)',749: u'MatchMaker, The (1997)',750: u'Amistad (1997)',751: u'Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)',752: u'Replacement Killers, The (1998)',753: u'Burnt By the Sun (1994)',754: u'Red Corner (1997)',755: u'Jumanji (1995)',756: u'Father of the Bride Part II (1995)',757: u'Across the Sea of Time (1995)',758: u'Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (1996)',759: u'Fair Game (1995)',760: u'Screamers (1995)',761: u'Nick of Time (1995)',762: u'Beautiful Girls (1996)',763: u'Happy Gilmore (1996)',764: u'If Lucy Fell (1996)',765: u'Boomerang (1992)',766: u'Man of the Year (1995)',767: u'Addiction, The (1995)',768: u'Casper (1995)',769: u'Congo (1995)',770: u'Devil in a Blue Dress (1995)',771: u'Johnny Mnemonic (1995)',772: u'Kids (1995)',773: u'Mute Witness (1994)',774: u'Prophecy, The (1995)',775: u'Something to Talk About (1995)',776: u'Three Wishes (1995)',777: u'Castle Freak (1995)',778: u'Don Juan DeMarco (1995)',779: u'Drop Zone (1994)',780: u'Dumb & Dumber (1994)',781: u'French Kiss (1995)',782: u'Little Odessa (1994)',783: u'Milk Money (1994)',784: u'Beyond Bedlam (1993)',785: u'Only You (1994)',786: u'Perez Family, The (1995)',787: u'Roommates (1995)',788: u'Relative Fear (1994)',789: u'Swimming with Sharks (1995)',790: u'Tommy Boy (1995)',791: u'Baby-Sitters Club, The (1995)',792: u'Bullets Over Broadway (1994)',793: u'Crooklyn (1994)',794: u'It Could Happen to You (1994)',795: u'Richie Rich (1994)',796: u'Speechless (1994)',797: u'Timecop (1994)',798: u'Bad Company (1995)',799: u'Boys Life (1995)',800: u'In the Mouth of Madness (1995)',801: u'Air Up There, The (1994)',802: u'Hard Target (1993)',803: u'Heaven & Earth (1993)',804: u'Jimmy Hollywood (1994)',805: u'Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)',806: u'Menace II Society (1993)',807: u'Poetic Justice (1993)',808: u'Program, The (1993)',809: u'Rising Sun (1993)',810: u'Shadow, The (1994)',811: u'Thirty-Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (1993)',812: u'Andre (1994)',813: u'Celluloid Closet, The (1995)',814: u'Great Day in Harlem, A (1994)',815: u'One Fine Day (1996)',816: u'Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995)',817: u'Frisk (1995)',818: u'Girl 6 (1996)',819: u'Eddie (1996)',820: u'Space Jam (1996)',821: u'Mrs. Winterbourne (1996)',822: u'Faces (1968)',823: u'Mulholland Falls (1996)',824: u'Great White Hype, The (1996)',825: u'Arrival, The (1996)',826: u'Phantom, The (1996)',827: u'Daylight (1996)',828: u'Alaska (1996)',829: u'Fled (1996)',830: u'Power 98 (1995)',831: u'Escape from L.A. (1996)',832: u'Bogus (1996)',833: u'Bulletproof (1996)',834: u'Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)',835: u'Gay Divorcee, The (1934)',836: u'Ninotchka (1939)',837: u'Meet John Doe (1941)',838: u'In the Line of Duty 2 (1987)',839: u'Loch Ness (1995)',840: u'Last Man Standing (1996)',841: u'Glimmer Man, The (1996)',842: u'Pollyanna (1960)',843: u'Shaggy Dog, The (1959)',844: u'Freeway (1996)',845: u'That Thing You Do! (1996)',846: u'To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday (1996)',847: u'Looking for Richard (1996)',848: u'Murder, My Sweet (1944)',849: u'Days of Thunder (1990)',850: u'Perfect Candidate, A (1996)',851: u'Two or Three Things I Know About Her (1966)',852: u'Bloody Child, The (1996)',853: u'Braindead (1992)',854: u'Bad Taste (1987)',855: u'Diva (1981)',856: u'Night on Earth (1991)',857: u'Paris Was a Woman (1995)',858: u'Amityville: Dollhouse (1996)',859: u"April Fool's Day (1986)",860: u'Believers, The (1987)',861: u'Nosferatu a Venezia (1986)',862: u'Jingle All the Way (1996)',863: u'Garden of Finzi-Contini, The (Giardino dei Finzi-Contini, Il) (1970)',864: u'My Fellow Americans (1996)',865: u'Ice Storm, The (1997)',866: u'Michael (1996)',867: u'Whole Wide World, The (1996)',868: u'Hearts and Minds (1996)',869: u'Fools Rush In (1997)',870: u'Touch (1997)',871: u'Vegas Vacation (1997)',872: u'Love Jones (1997)',873: u'Picture Perfect (1997)',874: u'Career Girls (1997)',875: u"She's So Lovely (1997)",876: u'Money Talks (1997)',877: u'Excess Baggage (1997)',878: u'That Darn Cat! (1997)',879: u'Peacemaker, The (1997)',880: u'Soul Food (1997)',881: u'Money Talks (1997)',882: u'Washington Square (1997)',883: u'Telling Lies in America (1997)',884: u'Year of the Horse (1997)',885: u'Phantoms (1998)',886: u'Life Less Ordinary, A (1997)',887: u"Eve's Bayou (1997)",888: u'One Night Stand (1997)',889: u'Tango Lesson, The (1997)',890: u'Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997)',891: u'Bent (1997)',892: u'Flubber (1997)',893: u'For Richer or Poorer (1997)',894: u'Home Alone 3 (1997)',895: u'Scream 2 (1997)',896: u'Sweet Hereafter, The (1997)',897: u'Time Tracers (1995)',898: u'Postman, The (1997)',899: u'Winter Guest, The (1997)',900: u'Kundun (1997)',901: u'Mr. Magoo (1997)',902: u'Big Lebowski, The (1998)',903: u'Afterglow (1997)',904: u'Ma vie en rose (My Life in Pink) (1997)',905: u'Great Expectations (1998)',906: u'Oscar & Lucinda (1997)',907: u'Vermin (1998)',908: u'Half Baked (1998)',909: u'Dangerous Beauty (1998)',910: u'Nil By Mouth (1997)',911: u'Twilight (1998)',912: u'U.S. Marshalls (1998)',913: u'Love and Death on Long Island (1997)',914: u'Wild Things (1998)',915: u'Primary Colors (1998)',916: u'Lost in Space (1998)',917: u'Mercury Rising (1998)',918: u'City of Angels (1998)',919: u'City of Lost Children, The (1995)',920: u'Two Bits (1995)',921: u'Farewell My Concubine (1993)',922: u'Dead Man (1995)',923: u'Raise the Red Lantern (1991)',924: u'White Squall (1996)',925: u'Unforgettable (1996)',926: u'Down Periscope (1996)',927: u'Flower of My Secret, The (Flor de mi secreto, La) (1995)',928: u'Craft, The (1996)',929: u'Harriet the Spy (1996)',930: u'Chain Reaction (1996)',931: u'Island of Dr. Moreau, The (1996)',932: u'First Kid (1996)',933: u'Funeral, The (1996)',934: u"Preacher's Wife, The (1996)",935: u'Paradise Road (1997)',936: u'Brassed Off (1996)',937: u'Thousand Acres, A (1997)',938: u'Smile Like Yours, A (1997)',939: u'Murder in the First (1995)',940: u'Airheads (1994)',941: u'With Honors (1994)',942: u"What's Love Got to Do with It (1993)",943: u'Killing Zoe (1994)',944: u'Renaissance Man (1994)',945: u'Charade (1963)',946: u'Fox and the Hound, The (1981)',947: u'Big Blue, The (Grand bleu, Le) (1988)',948: u'Booty Call (1997)',949: u'How to Make an American Quilt (1995)',950: u'Georgia (1995)',951: u'Indian in the Cupboard, The (1995)',952: u'Blue in the Face (1995)',953: u'Unstrung Heroes (1995)',954: u'Unzipped (1995)',955: u'Before Sunrise (1995)',956: u"Nobody's Fool (1994)",957: u'Pushing Hands (1992)',958: u'To Live (Huozhe) (1994)',959: u'Dazed and Confused (1993)',960: u'Naked (1993)',961: u'Orlando (1993)',962: u'Ruby in Paradise (1993)',963: u'Some Folks Call It a Sling Blade (1993)',964: u'Month by the Lake, A (1995)',965: u'Funny Face (1957)',966: u'Affair to Remember, An (1957)',967: u'Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936)',968: u'Inspector General, The (1949)',969: u'Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968)',970: u'Hear My Song (1991)',971: u'Mediterraneo (1991)',972: u'Passion Fish (1992)',973: u'Grateful Dead (1995)',974: u'Eye for an Eye (1996)',975: u'Fear (1996)',976: u'Solo (1996)',977: u'Substitute, The (1996)',978: u"Heaven's Prisoners (1996)",979: u'Trigger Effect, The (1996)',980: u'Mother Night (1996)',981: u'Dangerous Ground (1997)',982: u'Maximum Risk (1996)',983: u"Rich Man's Wife, The (1996)",984: u'Shadow Conspiracy (1997)',985: u'Blood & Wine (1997)',986: u'Turbulence (1997)',987: u'Underworld (1997)',988: u'Beautician and the Beast, The (1997)',989: u"Cats Don't Dance (1997)",990: u'Anna Karenina (1997)',991: u'Keys to Tulsa (1997)',992: u'Head Above Water (1996)',993: u'Hercules (1997)',994: u'Last Time I Committed Suicide, The (1997)',995: u'Kiss Me, Guido (1997)',996: u'Big Green, The (1995)',997: u'Stuart Saves His Family (1995)',998: u'Cabin Boy (1994)',999: u'Clean Slate (1994)',1000: u'Lightning Jack (1994)',...}
r_with_titles = x: (titles[x.product], x.rating))
r_with_titles.sortBy(lambda x:-x[1]).take(10)
[(u'Fantasia (1940)', 5.0),(u'Postino, Il (1994)', 5.0),(u'2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)', 5.0),(u'Raging Bull (1980)', 5.0),(u'Jean de Florette (1986)', 5.0),(u'Secrets & Lies (1996)', 5.0),(u'My Fair Lady (1964)', 5.0),(u'Godfather, The (1972)', 5.0),(u'Lawrence of Arabia (1962)', 5.0),(u'Enchanted April (1991)', 5.0)]
topK_with_titles = map(lambda x:(titles[x.product], x.rating), topK_movies)
[(u"Marvin's Room (1996)", 6.238110881748787),(u'Full Monty, The (1997)', 6.168910818255823),(u'Boot, Das (1981)', 5.954825359796975),(u'Old Yeller (1957)', 5.921099652606939),(u'Candidate, The (1972)', 5.670748725720875)]


sampleRDD = sc.parallelize([['A', 111], ['A', 222], ['B', 333]])
[111, 222]


arr = cf_model.productFeatures().lookup(456)[0]
array('d', [0.029076049104332924, 0.21009714901447296, 0.0290555227547884, -0.5571964383125305, -0.3824714124202728, -0.4592842161655426, 0.6329585313796997, -0.362333744764328, -0.1305536925792694, 0.8419598340988159, -0.13552409410476685, -0.6138198971748352, 0.02604905515909195, 0.08060657978057861, -0.16706441342830658, -0.3220045566558838, 0.43676093220710754, 0.07212082296609879, 0.16547970473766327, 0.049271613359451294, -0.018478330224752426, 0.4917396306991577, -1.259914517402649, 0.30777591466903687, 0.3512609004974365, -1.1641650199890137, -0.08893561363220215, 0.5041327476501465, -0.5516676902770996, -0.13129214942455292, -0.7094163298606873, -0.095136858522892, 0.0024825106374919415, -0.5574610233306885, 0.6876130104064941, -0.14038291573524475, -0.3861311674118042, 0.08736740052700043, 0.7943630218505859, 1.0195096731185913, 0.49429407715797424, -0.07107719779014587, 0.21480131149291992, -0.572085976600647, 0.030756879597902298, 1.120257019996643, 0.012996670790016651, 0.5901889801025391, 0.9270225167274475, -0.8173779845237732])
# 与lookup效果一样
cf_model.productFeatures().filter(lambda x:x[0] == 456)\
.map(lambda x:x[1]).first()
array('d', [0.029076049104332924, 0.21009714901447296, 0.0290555227547884, -0.5571964383125305, -0.3824714124202728, -0.4592842161655426, 0.6329585313796997, -0.362333744764328, -0.1305536925792694, 0.8419598340988159, -0.13552409410476685, -0.6138198971748352, 0.02604905515909195, 0.08060657978057861, -0.16706441342830658, -0.3220045566558838, 0.43676093220710754, 0.07212082296609879, 0.16547970473766327, 0.049271613359451294, -0.018478330224752426, 0.4917396306991577, -1.259914517402649, 0.30777591466903687, 0.3512609004974365, -1.1641650199890137, -0.08893561363220215, 0.5041327476501465, -0.5516676902770996, -0.13129214942455292, -0.7094163298606873, -0.095136858522892, 0.0024825106374919415, -0.5574610233306885, 0.6876130104064941, -0.14038291573524475, -0.3861311674118042, 0.08736740052700043, 0.7943630218505859, 1.0195096731185913, 0.49429407715797424, -0.07107719779014587, 0.21480131149291992, -0.572085976600647, 0.030756879597902298, 1.120257019996643, 0.012996670790016651, 0.5901889801025391, 0.9270225167274475, -0.8173779845237732])


from pyspark.mllib.linalg import DenseVectorselectedVector = DenseVector(arr)
DenseVector([0.0291, 0.2101, 0.0291, -0.5572, -0.3825, -0.4593, 0.633, -0.3623, -0.1306, 0.842, -0.1355, -0.6138, 0.026, 0.0806, -0.1671, -0.322, 0.4368, 0.0721, 0.1655, 0.0493, -0.0185, 0.4917, -1.2599, 0.3078, 0.3513, -1.1642, -0.0889, 0.5041, -0.5517, -0.1313, -0.7094, -0.0951, 0.0025, -0.5575, 0.6876, -0.1404, -0.3861, 0.0874, 0.7944, 1.0195, 0.4943, -0.0711, 0.2148, -0.5721, 0.0308, 1.1203, 0.013, 0.5902, 0.927, -0.8174])
# 定义余弦相似度函数
def cosSim(vectorA, vectorB):return / (vectorA.norm(2)*vectorB.norm(2))cosSim(selectedVector, selectedVector)


sims = cf_model.productFeatures()\
.map(lambda x:(x[0], cosSim(selectedVector, DenseVector(x[1]))))
[(2, 0.63205163077832793),(4, 0.57081651505456033),(6, 0.57056619721078805),(8, 0.61730808637739021),(10, 0.55560185135898443)]


simsTopK =, lambda x:x[1])
[(456, 1.0),(1446, 0.77381634899106144),(249, 0.75186850153352536),(1206, 0.75042081098056868),(1028, 0.74412474419118724),(1435, 0.7440397393142627),(42, 0.73813968356865434),(1249, 0.73347222767192244),(411, 0.73245706263195443),(240, 0.7307674356843924)]


sims.takeOrdered(10, lambda x:-x[1])
sims.sortBy(lambda x:x[1], False).take(10)
[(456, 1.0),(1446, 0.77381634899106144),(249, 0.75186850153352536),(1206, 0.75042081098056868),(1028, 0.74412474419118724),(1435, 0.7440397393142627),(42, 0.73813968356865434),(1249, 0.73347222767192244),(411, 0.73245706263195443),(240, 0.7307674356843924)]
map( lambda x:(titles[x[0]], x[1]), simsTopK)
[(u'Beverly Hills Ninja (1997)', 1.0),(u'Bye Bye, Love (1995)', 0.77381634899106144),(u'Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997)', 0.75186850153352536),(u'Amos & Andrew (1993)', 0.75042081098056868),(u'Grumpier Old Men (1995)', 0.74412474419118724),(u'Steal Big, Steal Little (1995)', 0.7440397393142627),(u'Clerks (1994)', 0.73813968356865434),(u'For Love or Money (1993)', 0.73347222767192244),(u'Nutty Professor, The (1996)', 0.73245706263195443),(u'Beavis and Butt-head Do America (1996)', 0.7307674356843924)]



mllib在其evaluation模块中提供了相应的RegressionMetrics类,可用于计算MSE、 RMSE和MAE,该类只需要传入一个由“实际评分-预测评分”组成的RDD即可生成相应对象

actual = r: ((r.user, r.product), r.rating))
prediction = cf_model.predictAll( x: x[0]))\.map(lambda r: ((r.user, r.product), r.rating))
actual_prediction = actual.join(prediction)
[((506, 568), (5.0, 4.495298253573846)),((109, 365), (4.0, 4.068188145295891)),((621, 577), (3.0, 3.2018734286795425)),((720, 286), (5.0, 4.963056006543837)),((812, 326), (4.0, 3.999871511192283))]
from pyspark.mllib.evaluation import RegressionMetricsmetrics = RegressionMetrics( x: x[1]))
print 'MSE =', metrics.meanSquaredError
print 'RMSE =', metrics.rootMeanSquaredError
print 'MAE =', metrics.meanAbsoluteError
MSE = 0.0845211871908
RMSE = 0.290725277867
MAE = 0.204405585188


Mllib在其evaluation模块中有一个RankingMetrics类,可以很方便地计算PK和MAP。该类需要传入一个“(Prediction, Labels)”类型的RDD,其中Prediction是某个用户按模型预测排序的产品列表,Labels为该用户实际购买的产品列表

productIDs = cf_model.productFeatures().map(lambda p: p[0]).collect()
productMatrix = cf_model.productFeatures().map(lambda p: p[1]).collect()


import numpy as npestRatings = cf_model.userFeatures()\
.map(lambda x: (x[0], list(, x[1]))))\
.map(lambda x: (x[0], zip(x[1], productIDs)))\
.map(lambda x: (x[0], sorted(x[1] ,key=(lambda m: m[0]), reverse=True)))\
.map(lambda x: (x[0], [i[1] for i in x[1]]))


userMovies = r:(r.user, r.product))\.groupByKey()\.mapValues(list)


predictionAndLabels = estRatings.join(userMovies).map(lambda x: x[1])


from pyspark.mllib.evaluation import RankingMetricsrankingMetrics = RankingMetrics(predictionAndLabels)
print 'MAP =', rankingMetrics.meanAveragePrecision
print 'PrecisionAtK =', rankingMetrics.precisionAt(20)
MAP = 0.192062343904
PrecisionAtK = 0.182025450689

模型持久化, './cf_model')
from pyspark.mllib.recommendation import MatrixFactorizationModelload_cf_model = MatrixFactorizationModel.load(sc, './cf_model')
load_cf_model.predict(123, 456)



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