









Instruction for authors


A concise abstract of up to 300 words written in one paragraph, clearly indicating the object and scope of the paper as well as the results achieved, should appear on the first page. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. For this reason, References should be avoided, but if essential, please cite the author(s) and year(s). Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential, they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. Keywords up to eight words separated by commas

1 Introduction

Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China. The journal is jointly published by Higher Education Press of China and Springer on a bimonthly basis in English. Online versions of all the contents are available through both http://www.springer.com/journal/11704 and http://journal.hep.com.cn/fcs. The journal publishes primarily research and review articles. The submission maybe directly rejected if the field and/or overall quality of the manuscript are/is not appropriate for our journal. When it is sent for review, normally three reviewers are requested in the relevant study fields, and the first round review feed-back will usually take about three months.

Manuscripts submitted to this journal must not be under simultaneous consideration by any other publisher and should not have been published elsewhere in a substantially similar form. Not a single part of an article which has been published by FCS may be reproduced or published elsewhere without the written permission of the publisher. The content of the manuscript must not include information whose disclosure will be prejudicial to the national interest. The authorization license has to be submitted, by the organization the research is sponsored, in case that any information in the manuscript is suspicious to be confidential. The following categories of papers can be submitted to the journal:

●RESEARCH ARTICLES describing original investigations relevant to Computer Science;

●REVIEW ARTICLES giving an in-depth overview of certain topics or a review of one’s own work or the work of one laboratory or a group of researchers. This category of articles usually provides readers with an appreciation of the importance of the work, historical context, a summary of recent developments, and a starting point in the specialist literature;

●LETTERS are concise articles (no more than 3 printed pages) either discussing topics published in FCS in the previous issues, or reporting original research focused on an outstanding finding or issues of general interest. Different form regular articles, no abstract is required for Letters, and the references should be no more than 10.

●EDITORIALS providing overview on certain topics written by well-known scientists in the field;

●PERSPECTIVES providing insights, in the form of short articles, on certain topics written by first-class experts in the field.

2 Manuscript preparation and submission requirements

2.1 Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts should be in a Word or LaTeX format. The following components are required for a complete regular manuscript: Title, Author(s), Author affiliation(s), Abstract, Keywords, Nomenclature (if needed), Main text, References, Acknowledgements, Appendices (if needed), Figure captions, Tables. There is no formal limit for the length of a paper, but the editors may recommend condensation when appropriate.


Authors should take notice of the limitations set by the size and layout of the journal. Large tables should be avoided. If many data are to be presented, an attempt should be made to divide them into two or more tables.

●Supply units of measure at the heads of the columns. Abbreviations that are used only in a table should be defined in the footnotes to that


●Submitted as three-line tables, that is, there are three horizontal lines: one under the legend, one under the column heads, and one below the body. Vertical lines are generally not used.

●Each table type should be with a short descriptive title typed directly above and with essential footnotes (if necessary) below. Must be sequentially numbered and called out in the text as, e.g., Table 1. The table should appear where it is first mentioned in the text.


Graphs should be practically self-explanatory. Dimensional drawings and diagrams should include only the essential details and as little lettering as possible. They should present more of a picture than a working drawing. Figure requirements:

1) Figures should be drawn in the size they virtually appear.

2) Numbering and title: number all figures (graphs, charts, photographs, and illustrations) in the order of their citation in the text and cited as, e.g., Fig. 1. Include a title for each figure (a brief phrase, preferably no longer than 10 to 15 words). Use (a), (b), … to give titles for subfigures if there are any. 3) Figure quality: should be sharp, noise-free, and of good contrast. All lettering should be large enough to permit legible reduction. The figure quality should meet the requirements: 300dpi for color images; 600dpi for mono images; 72dpi for screen images; 600dpi for line-drawings. 4) Color of figures: unless necessary, better drawn in black and white for line-drawing; and grayscale for images. 5) Figures should be embedded in word or LaTeX processing documents. When accepted, original files should be provided in TIFF, EPS or Corel-Draw file formats. Legends should be framed and appear within the figures given that the space in the figure is appropriate for the legends. Figure 1 is one example (example taken from an article published in FCS). The figure should appear where it is first mentioned in the text.

●Formulae and equations

The requirement for formulae and equations are:

1) Formulae should be typewritten whenever possible.

2) It is extremely important that all mathematical symbols and letters used are identified and listed, and that the required style of appearance of such symbols is clearly indicated, e.g., bold face, italics, script, outline, etc.( Typically, variables are set in italics.)

3) Subscripts and superscripts should be set off clearly.

4) Identify in the margin any symbols that might be confused with similar symbols.

5) The words Equation or Equations should appear in full at the beginning of sentences but be abbreviated to Eq. or Eqs. elsewhere.

6) Equations should be located separately from other lines if they are long or complicated (with punctuation mark at the end). Authors are encouraged to place them in two-column format, unless it is necessary to place them in one-column.

●Definition, example, theorem, proof, etc. Please do not use italic in these parts except the variables. For example:

Example 1 We take the data set 1…


Expand all abbreviations at their first mention in the text (e.g., architecture analysis and design language (AADL)). Ensure consistency of abbreviations throughout the article.


Footnotes should only be used if absolutely essential. In most cases it will be possible to incorporate the information in normal text. If used, they should be indicated by superscript Arabic numbers (e.g., 1), 2), . . .) 1), and kept as short as possible.

●Citations and references

In-text citations must agree with the references in numbering. The references should be presented completely and without mistakes, and should be the original publication. We use the citation-sequence system, that is, to number the citations according to sequence of their first appearance. Journal names should be spelled out in full. Examples are given in [1–4].

The digital object identifier (DOI) may be used to cite and link to electronic documents. DOI is an ideal medium for citing a document, particularly “Articles in press”, because they have not yet received their full bibliographic information. The correct format for citing a DOI is shown as follows (example taken from a document in the Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation):doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2007.05.034.

2.2 Manuscript submission

Authors are encouraged to submit their papers electronically via the online submission system (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/hepfcs). The web site guides authors stepwise through the creation and uploading of various files. When you first submit your paper, please upload the PDF file. When your paper is accepted, you will be required to send all the original source files. All correspondence, including the editor’s decision and request for revisions, will be sent by e-mail. After the reviewing process, the manuscript will be finally judged by one of the editors and the EIC who have the right to accept or reject a paper.

A covering letter must accompany each submission indicating the name, address, and telephone number of the author to whom all correspondence is to be addressed. An affiliation must be supplied for each author. Authors are also asked to provide the names and contact details for four potential referees in their cover letter. It would not be appropriate to nominate individuals who have had any input into the manuscripts submitted. However, the journal is not obliged to use the suggested reviewers. Final selection of reviewers will be determined by the editors.

Please note that when submitting the manuscript, all authors’ contacts (e.g., e-mail address and affiliations) should be filled in the system. Only the submission is confirmed by all authors can the manuscript be sent for review. The contribution must be the works never published; such works contributed more than once are regarded as invalid manuscripts.

As for the regular submission (Research/Review article), FCS Editorial Office has the right to decide whether to publish it as a Research/Review article or Letter. FCS can also help publish supplementary files (e.g., detailed theoretical proof process, detailed experimental results, etc.) on journal's website for the Letter articles, with no limitation of length.

3 Copyright transfer

No article can be published unless accompanied by a signed copyright transfer statement, which ensures a transfer of copyright from author to publisher. A copy of the copyright transfer statement to be used will be provided with the letter of acceptance of the manuscript. Authors are asked to scan and return by email the signed statement to the editorial office of Frontiers of Computer Science.

4 Highlights

Highlights are a short collection of information (e.g., text and graphics), in 3-page PPT, to convey the core findings and provide readers with a quick overview of the article. The highlights describe the essence of the research (e.g., results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctive about it. Highlights will be displayed online (both http://www.springer.com/journal/11704 and http://journal.hep.com.cn/fcs (Supplementary Material)), but will not appear in the article PDF file or print.

5 Proofreading and production

Proofs will be sent to the author and should be returned within 3 days of receipt. Authors should clarify any questions of the proof in a query file. No new materials shall be inserted during the process of proofreading. Please note that authors are urged to check their proofs carefully before returning one all-inclusive e-mail, since subsequent additional corrections will not be


6 Author enquiries

For submission inquiries, tracking articles and any information please contact the Frontiers of Computer Science office in Higher Education Press. All correspondence for the journal should be sent to the managing editor (FCS@pub.hep.cn). Please be sure to include the manuscript dispatch number in all correspondences.

Acknowledgements The “Acknowledgements” section is the general term for the list of contributions, credits, and other information included at the end of the text of a manuscript but before the references. Conflicts of interest and financial disclosures must be listed in this section. Authors should obtain written permission to include the names of individuals in the“Acknowledgements” section. Appendixes (if needed)

Appendix A

Appendix B


1. Zhang Y, Gong D W. Generating test data for both paths coverage and faults detection using genetic algorithms: multi-path case. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2014, 8(5): 726–740

2. Gaydon A G, Wolfhard H G. Flames. 2nd ed. London: Chapman and Hall Ltd, 1960

3. Schlessinger D, Schaechter M. Bacterial toxins. In: Schaechter M, Medoff G, Eisenstein BI, eds. Mechanisms of Microbial Disease. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1993, 162–175

4. Karger D, Ruhl M. Simple efficient load balancing algorithms for peer-to-peer systems. In: Proceedings of the 16th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithm and Architectures. 2004, 36–40

Please provide each author’s biography here with no more than 120 words. The photo (600 dpi, smiling, energetic, front view) can be informal. Our journal prefers to exhibit an encouraging atmosphere. Please use one that best suits our journal.

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