计算机科学导论习题答案(Introduction to computer science exercises answer)

计算机科学导论习题答案(Introduction to computer science exercises answer)

Introduction to computer science exercises answer

The first chapter

A choice.

1-5 A D B D D

Two fill in the blanks.

[1] processing information fast, large storage capacity, high reliability and high accuracy

[2] electron tubes, transistors, small and medium scale integrated circuits, VLSI

[3] do not have their own ideas, there is no good intuition and imagination ability, computing speed and storage capacity can not meet the actual needs

Three questions.

[1] the development of the computer is divided into five generations:

The first generation: components using electron tube, big volume, slow speed, to provide the original instruction programming machine.

Second generation: components using transistors and printed circuit, volume shrinking, increasing function, can run the assembly language and high-level language, the emergence of a large number of application software.

The third generation: the use of small and medium scale integrated circuits, system management procedures up to the operating system.

The fourth generation: the large-scale integrated circuits and VLSI, based on more powerful, smaller.

The fifth generation of artificial intelligence computer.


1) calculation, including: Science and engineering numerical calculation, design and computational science and engineering, computer aided design, weather forecasting, agriculture and animal husbandry.

2) process control, including automatic control, monitoring, used for instrument.

3) information processing, including: information management, auxiliary enterprise management, information retrieval, material distribution, transaction processing.

The second chapter

A choice.

1-10 C A C D D D B A C A

11-20 B A B B C B A B B C

21-30 C B C B A A D D D D

Two fill in the blanks.

[1] arithmetic logic

[2] instruction

[3] disk, tape, CD

[4] fixed point and floating point

[5] 3755, 3008

[6] input device

[7] 4

[8] 1

[9] input


[11] the bitmap represent

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