
Mozilla has decided to aggressively version and update their Firefox browser, much like Chrome has been, pushing out new major releases every 6 weeks.  I don't care what the version number is as long as the product improves (whether it be Firefox or any other software), but Firefox's internal add-ons compatibility checker does.  A major concern among Firefox users (and probably more importantly, developers) is that with frequent major version updating, add-ons can quickly become incompatible in the browser's eyes if their developers aren't keeping up with the releases.

Mozilla已决定像Chrome一样积极地升级和更新其Firefox浏览器, 每6周推出一次新的主要版本 。 只要产品有所改进(无论是Firefox还是其他任何软件),我都不关心版本号是什么,但是Firefox的内部加载项兼容性检查器确实可以。 Firefox用户(可能更重要的是开发人员)主要担心的是,如果频繁进行主要版本更新,则如果开发人员无法跟上发布的发布,则附件在浏览器看来会很快变得不兼容。

Several people expressed their concern about the add-on compatibility problem, as did I via Twitter.  Mozilla contacted me to let me know about a simple solution to my concern in the form of a small add-on which allows you to enable an add-on regardless of Firefox version.  This add-on is called the Add-on Compatibility Reporter.

就像我通过Twitter一样,几个人表达了对附加组件兼容性问题的关注。 Mozilla与我联系,以小附件的形式告诉我有关我所关注问题的简单解决方案,无论您使用Firefox的版本如何,都可以启用该附件。 该加载项称为加载项兼容性报告程序 。

Add-on Compatibility Reporter allows you to enable Firefox add-ons regardless of either Firefox version or add-on version, and report problems (if any) with the add-on in relationship to you browser version.  If the add-on isn't working correctly, you may quickly and easily send a report back to Mozilla detailing such.  You may also send a success report to Mozilla letting them know that the plugin works fine, and Mozilla will notify the developer so that they can update the add-on's compatibility setting.  If you choose not to send a report and simply want to use the plugin as you had been with the previous Firefox version, that's great too.

加载项兼容性报告程序使您可以启用Firefox加载项,而不管Firefox版本或加载项版本如何,并报告与您的浏览器版本有关的加载项问题(如果有)。 如果该插件无法正常工作,您可以快速轻松地将报告发送回Mozilla,并详细说明该问题。 您也可以向Mozilla发送成功报告,让他们知道插件可以正常工作,Mozilla会通知开发人员,以便他们可以更新插件的兼容性设置。 如果您选择不发送报告,而只是想像以前的Firefox版本一样使用该插件,那也很好。

ACR appears to be the short-term solution. This blog post promises the following long-term solution for future Firefox releases:

ACR似乎是短期解决方案。 这篇博客文章承诺为将来的Firefox版本提供以下长期解决方案:

Under the new proposal, add-ons hosted on AMO that are compatible with the previous major release will be automatically marked as compatible with a version just before it branches to Aurora unless we detect that the add-on is broken. Users of Aurora, Beta, and final releases should automatically have compatibility for the vast majority of their add-ons.

根据新提案,除非我们检测到附加组件已损坏,否则在AMO上托管的与以前的主要发行版兼容的附加组件将在其分支到Aurora之前自动标记为与该版本兼容。 Aurora,Beta和最终版本的用户应自动对其绝大多数加载项具有兼容性。

Add-ons that aren't hosted on AMO can use their own updateURL mechanism to bump compatibility without issuing an actual update, just as AMO does. They'll also be able to use our standalone validator to run compatibility tests without being hosted on AMO.

与AMO一样,未托管在AMO上的加载项也可以使用自己的updateURL机制来提高兼容性,而无需发出实际更新。 他们还可以使用我们的独立验证程序来运行兼容性测试,而无需托管在AMO上。

With that in mind, ACR is the short-term solution while Mozilla works to implement the solution above.


As someone that frequently switches from one version of Firefox to another and upgrades as soon as a new browser is released, this add-on is a lifesaver.  More importantly it's a life-saver for Firefox users of all types, and will help Mozilla to bridge the gap between add-on compatibility and frequent browser releases, and hopefully relieve a bit of user fury as well.  Go out and grab Add-on Compatibility Reporter ASAP so that you can enable add-ons with each new release!

当某人经常从一种版本的Firefox切换到另一种版本,并在发布新的浏览器后立即进行升级时,此附加组件将为您节省大量时间。 更重要的是,它是所有类型的Firefox用户的救命稻草,并且将帮助Mozilla弥合插件兼容性和频繁浏览器版本之间的鸿沟,并希望减轻用户的烦恼。 赶快去获取Add-on Compatibility Reporter,以便您可以在每个新版本中启用加载项!

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/firefox-addons




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