
// LiuLppm.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
////#include "stdafx.h"
#include <String>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "netcdfcpp.h"
#include <cv.h>
#include <ml.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define  SQUARE_FLOW_FIELD_SZ   400
#define  DISCRETE_FILTER_SIZE   2048
#define  LOWPASS_FILTR_LENGTH   10.00000f
#define  LINE_SQUARE_CLIP_MAX   100000.0f
#define  VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN   0.050000f
#define x_width 70
#define y_height 180
int x_size = x_width;
int y_size = y_height;void  SyntheszSaddle( int x0,int y0, double*   pVectr);
void     NormalizVectrs(int  x_size,  int     y_size,  double*   pVectr,float* vecSize);
void  GenBoxFiltrLUT(int  LUTsiz,  float*  p_LUT0,  float*   p_LUT1);
void  MakeWhiteNoise(int  n_xres,  int     n_yres,  float*  pNoise);
void     FlowImagingLIC(int  n_xres,  int     n_yres,  double*   pVectr,  float*  pNoise,  float*  pImage,  float*  p_LUT0,  float*  p_LUT1,  float  krnlen);
void  WriteImage2PPM(int  n_xres,  int     n_yres,  float*  pImage,     char*  f_name);
void  color(int n_xres, int n_yres,float *pImage,float* vecSize);
double maxvecmag;void   main()
{float m = 0;float n = 0;int              n_xres = 721;int               n_yres = 281;double*           pVectr = (double*         ) malloc( sizeof(double        ) * n_xres * n_yres * 2 );float*          p_LUT0 = (float*        ) malloc( sizeof(float        ) * DISCRETE_FILTER_SIZE);float*         p_LUT1 = (float*        ) malloc( sizeof(float        ) * DISCRETE_FILTER_SIZE);float* pNoise = (float* ) malloc( sizeof(float) * n_xres * n_yres     );float*    pImage = (float* ) malloc( sizeof(float) * n_xres * n_yres     );float*    vecSize = (float* ) malloc( sizeof(float) * n_xres*n_yres );int x0 = 0;int y0 = 0;
//  x0 = rand()722-x_size/2;
//  y0 = rand()%282-y_size/2;x0 =( 721%rand())*(rand()%30)-x_size/2;y0 = 281%rand()-y_size/2;cout<<x0<<endl;cout<<y0<<endl;//截取矢量场的某一部分SyntheszSaddle(x0,y0, pVectr);NormalizVectrs(x_size,y_size, pVectr,vecSize);MakeWhiteNoise(x_size, y_size, pNoise);GenBoxFiltrLUT(DISCRETE_FILTER_SIZE, p_LUT0, p_LUT1);FlowImagingLIC(x_size,y_size, pVectr, pNoise, pImage, p_LUT0, p_LUT1, LOWPASS_FILTR_LENGTH);color(x_size,y_size,pImage,vecSize);//WriteImage2PPM(x_size, y_size, pImage, "LIC.ppm");free(pVectr);   pVectr = NULL;free(p_LUT0);    p_LUT0 = NULL;free(p_LUT1);    p_LUT1 = NULL;free(pNoise);    pNoise = NULL;free(pImage);    pImage = NULL;
///     synthesize a saddle-shaped vector field     ///
void    SyntheszSaddle( int x0,int y0, double*  pVectr)
//  static const int LatNum = 560;
//  static const int LonNum =1440;NcFile dataReadFile("data/global.nc",NcFile::ReadOnly);if (!dataReadFile.is_valid()){std::cout<<"couldn't open file!"<<std::endl;}int LonNum=0;int LatNum=0;for (int i = 0;i<=dataReadFile.num_dims()-1;i++){//        String.Format(String+"dimid=%d, name = %s length=%d/n",dataReadFile.get_dim(i).id(),//            dataReadFile.get_dim(i)->name(),dataReadFile.get_dim(i)->size());//   cout<<"lat="<<dataReadFile.get_dim(i)->name()<<"    "<<dataReadFile.get_dim(i)->size()<<endl;if (i==0){LonNum  =dataReadFile.get_dim(i)->size();}else if (i==1){LatNum=dataReadFile.get_dim(i)->size();}}//    double *lat = new double[LatNum];
//  double *lon = new double[LonNum];//读取Variables变量数据/*for (int i = 0; i<dataReadFile.num_vars();i++){cout<<dataReadFile.get_var(i)->id()<<" "<<dataReadFile.get_var(i)->name()<<"  "<<dataReadFile.get_var(i)->num_dims()<<"   "<<endl;}*///定义二维数组/*float ** temp=new float*[LatNum];for (int i = 0;i<LatNum;i++){temp[i]=new float[LonNum];} *///如何读取二维经纬度交点上的数值*****************************************
//  float *rhs=new float[LonNum*LatNum];
//  long array[2];
//  array[0] = LatNum;
//  array[1] = LonNum;
// dataReadFile.get_var("june")->get(rhs,array);
//  for (int i = 0;i<LatNum;i++)
//  {
//      for (int j=0;j<LonNum;j++)
//      {
//          dataReadFile.get_var("latitude")->get(lat,LatNum);
//          dataReadFile.get_var("longitude")->get(lon,LonNum);
//          //cout<<"<"<<lat[i]<<","<<lon[j]<<")"<<rhs[i*LonNum+j]<<endl;
//          if (rhs[i*LonNum+j] != -9999)
//          {
//              cout<<i<<" "<<j<<endl;
//              cout<<"<"<<lat[i]<<","<<lon[j]<<")"<<rhs[i*LonNum+j]<<endl;
//          }
//      }
//  }static const int Time = 1;static const int TMP = Time*LonNum*LonNum;double *Tmp_UX = new double[TMP];double *Tmp_VY = new double[TMP];double *Tmp_LAT = new double[TMP];double *Tmp_LON = new double[TMP];NcVar *dataTmp_LAT = dataReadFile.get_var("LAT");   NcVar *dataTmp_LON = dataReadFile.get_var("LONN359_361");    NcVar *dataTmp_UX = dataReadFile.get_var("UX");  NcVar *dataTmp_VY = dataReadFile.get_var("VY");  dataTmp_LAT->get(Tmp_LAT,LatNum,LatNum);dataTmp_LON->get(Tmp_LON,LonNum,LonNum);dataTmp_UX->get(Tmp_UX,Time,LatNum,LonNum);dataTmp_VY->get(Tmp_VY,Time,LatNum,LonNum);
//  for(int  j = y0;  j < (y0+y_size);  j ++)
//      for(int  i =x0;  i < (x0+x_size);  i ++)for (int j = 0;j<y_size;j++)for(int i = 0;i <x_size;i++){    //int    index = (  (y0+y_size - 1 - j) * x_size + i  )  <<  1;//int index = j*n_yres+i;int index = (j*x_size+i)<<1;pVectr[index    ] = Tmp_UX[(y0+j)*LonNum+(x0+i)];pVectr[index +1   ]= Tmp_VY[(y0+j)*LonNum+(x0+i)];}
///     normalize the vector field     ///
void    NormalizVectrs(int x_size,  int  y_size,  double*  pVectr,float* vecSize)
{   for(int  j = 0;  j < y_size;  j ++)for(int     i = 0;  i < x_size;  i ++){  int     index = (j * x_size + i) << 1;float vcMag = float(  sqrt( double(pVectr[index] * pVectr[index] + pVectr[index + 1] * pVectr[index + 1]) )  );vecSize[j * x_size + i]=vcMag;if (vcMag<100&&vcMag>maxvecmag){maxvecmag=vcMag;}float  scale = (vcMag == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : 1.0f / vcMag;pVectr[index    ] *= scale*5.5;//????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????原来问题出在这pVectr[index + 1] *= scale*5.5;}
void color(int n_xres,int n_yres,float *pImage,float* vecSize)
{IplImage * licImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(n_xres,n_yres),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);IplImage* img = cvLoadImage("11.jpg",1);int k = 0;double magind;double mag;double newMag;double x = 0.1;//x为非线性映射因子,且x!=1CvScalar colorTable[500];CvScalar s,s1;for (int i = 0;i < img->width;i++){s = cvGet2D(img,1,i);colorTable[i] =s;}for (int j=0;j<n_yres;j++){for (int i= 0;i<n_xres;i++){if (k>=img->width){k=0;}double  scale=  pImage[j * n_xres + i];mag = vecSize[j * n_xres + i];//********矢量大小归一化******if (mag<100){magind = (mag/maxvecmag);}//非线性颜色增强LICnewMag =(pow(x,magind)-1)/(x-1);s = cvGet2D(licImage,j,i);//渐变颜色映射表int k = int(newMag*446);s1.val[0]=colorTable[k].val[0]*(k+1-newMag*446)+colorTable[k+1].val[0]*(newMag*446-k);s1.val[1]=colorTable[k].val[1]*(k+1-newMag*446)+colorTable[k+1].val[1]*(newMag*446-k);s1.val[2]=colorTable[k].val[2]*(k+1-newMag*446)+colorTable[k+1].val[2]*(newMag*446-k);s1.val[0]*=scale;s1.val[1]*=scale;s1.val[2]*=scale;/*cout<<"s1.val[3]="<<s1.val[3]<<endl;*/cvSet2D(licImage,j,i,s1);}}//Mat AlphaImage= imread("s.jpg");//cv::Mat AlphaImage = imread("licImage",1);cvNamedWindow("lic_three channles",0);cvShowImage("lic_three channles",licImage);cvWaitKey(0);system("pause");cvDestroyWindow("lic_three channles");cvReleaseImage(&licImage);
}///        make white noise as the LIC input texture     ///
void    MakeWhiteNoise(int  n_xres,  int  n_yres,  float*  pNoise)
{       for(int  j = 0;   j < n_yres;  j ++)for(int  i = 0;   i < n_xres;  i ++){   int  r = rand();r = (  (r & 0xff) + ( (r & 0xff00) >> 8 )  ) & 0xff;pNoise[j * n_xres + i] = (unsigned char) r;}
}///        generate box filter LUTs     ///
void    GenBoxFiltrLUT(int  LUTsiz,  float*  p_LUT0,  float*  p_LUT1)
{       for(int  i = 0;  i < LUTsiz;  i ++)  p_LUT0[i] = p_LUT1[i] = i;
}///        write the LIC image to a PPM file     ///
void    WriteImage2PPM(int  n_xres,  int  n_yres,  float*  pImage,  char*  f_name)
{   FILE*   o_file;if(   ( o_file = fopen(f_name, "w") )  ==  NULL   )  {  printf("Can't open output file\n");  return;  }fprintf(o_file, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", n_xres, n_yres);for(int  j = 0;  j < n_yres;  j ++)for(int  i = 0;  i < n_xres;  i ++){unsigned  char   unchar = pImage[j * n_xres + i];fprintf(o_file, "%c%c%c", unchar, unchar, unchar);}fclose (o_file); o_file = NULL;
}///        flow imaging (visualization) through Line Integral Convolution     ///
void    FlowImagingLIC(int     n_xres,  int     n_yres,  double*  pVectr,  float*  pNoise,  float*  pImage,  float*  p_LUT0,  float*  p_LUT1,  float   krnlen)
{   int     vec_id;                     ///ID in the VECtor buffer (for the input flow field)int        advDir;                     ///ADVection DIRection (0: positive;  1: negative)int       advcts;                     ///number of ADVeCTion stepS per direction (a step counter)int      ADVCTS = int(krnlen * 3);  ///MAXIMUM number of advection steps per direction to break dead loops  //跳出死循环的条件float vctr_x;                     ///x-component  of the Vector at the forefront pointfloat   vctr_y;                     ///y-component  of the Vector at the forefront pointfloat   clp0_x;                     ///x-coordinate of CLiP point 0 (current)float  clp0_y;                     ///y-coordinate of CLiP point 0 (current)float  clp1_x;                     ///x-coordinate of CLiP point 1 (next   )float  clp1_y;                     ///y-coordinate of CLiP point 1 (next   )float  samp_x;                     ///x-coordinate of the Sample in the current pixelfloat samp_y;                     ///y-coordinate of the Sample in the current pixelfloat tmpLen;                     ///Temporary Length of a trial clipped-segment实验剪辑片段的临时长度float  segLen;                     ///Segment   Lengthfloat    curLen;                     ///Current   Length of the streamlinefloat  prvLen;                     ///Previous  Length of the streamline       float   W_ACUM;                     ///Accumulated Weight from the seed to the current streamline forefrontfloat    texVal;                     ///Texture Valuefloat   smpWgt;                     ///Weight of the current Samplefloat    t_acum[2];                  ///two Accumulated composite Textures for the two directions, perspectively 两个方向的纹理卷积累加和float   w_acum[2];                  ///two Accumulated Weighting values   for the two directions, perspectively 两个方向的权重和float*  wgtLUT = NULL;             ///WeiGhT Look Up Table pointing to the target filter LUT权重查找表float len2ID = (DISCRETE_FILTER_SIZE - 1) / krnlen;  ///map a curve Length To an ID in the LUTdouble scale;//颜色映射表比例double maxmag;double magind;double mag;double x = 0.1;//x为非线性映射因子,且x!=1IplImage * licImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(y_size,x_size),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);CvScalar s;///for each pixel in the 2D output LIC image///对输出图像的每一个像素for(int  j = 0;   j < y_size;  j ++){for(int  i = 0;    i < x_size;  i ++){   ///init the composite texture accumulators and the weight accumulators///每一个像素点为起始点,初始化一次权重和卷积和t_acum[0] = t_acum[1] = w_acum[0] = w_acum[1] = 0.0f;//初始化正反方向卷积和及权重和///for either advection direction///分别计算正反方向的卷积和及权重和for(advDir = 0;  advDir < 2;  advDir ++){  ///init the step counter, curve-length measurer, and streamline seed/////初始化当前方向上前进的步数和当前流线的总长advcts = 0;//前进的步数curLen = 0.0f;clp0_x = i + 0.5f;//当前点的坐标clp0_y = j + 0.5f;///access the target filter LUT///LUT显示查找表wgtLUT = (advDir == 0) ? p_LUT0 : p_LUT1;//当前噪声点所对应的权重系数///until the streamline is advected long enough or a tightly  spiralling center / focus is encountered///while( curLen < krnlen && advcts < ADVCTS ) //??????{///access the vector at the sample///vec_id = ( int(clp0_y) * x_size + int(clp0_x) ) << 1;//vec_id相当于indexvctr_x = pVectr[vec_id    ];//clp0_y相当于当前像素列坐标,clp0_x相当于当前像素的横坐标vctr_y = pVectr[vec_id + 1];///in case of a critical point///遇到零向量,结束循环if( vctr_x == 0.0f && vctr_y == 0.0f ){  t_acum[advDir] = (advcts == 0) ? 0.0f : t_acum[advDir];         ///this line is indeed unnecessaryw_acum[advDir] = (advcts == 0) ? 1.0f : w_acum[advDir];break;}///negate the vector for the backward-advection case///相反的方向取相反的方向vctr_x = (advDir == 0) ? vctr_x : -vctr_x;//因为矢量是用x,y方向的值合成的,所以反向的值就是负的vctr_y = (advDir == 0) ? vctr_y : -vctr_y;//这儿可以就计算矢量大小、归一化运算????????????前面已经归一化了//。。。。。。////                   mag= sqrt(vctr_x*vctr_x+vctr_y*vctr_y);//                     if (mag>maxmag)//                    {//                         maxmag=mag;//                  }///clip the segment against the pixel boundaries --- find the shorter from the two clipped segments//////replace  all  if-statements  whenever  possible  as  they  might  affect the computational speed///影响算法计算速度segLen = LINE_SQUARE_CLIP_MAX;segLen = (vctr_x < -VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN) ? ( int(     clp0_x         ) - clp0_x ) / vctr_x : segLen;//int(0.5)=0segLen = (vctr_x >  VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN) ? ( int( int(clp0_x) + 1.5f ) - clp0_x ) / vctr_x : segLen;segLen = (vctr_y < -VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN) ?   (      (    (  tmpLen = ( int(     clp0_y)          - clp0_y ) / vctr_y  )  <  segLen    ) ? tmpLen : segLen      ) : segLen;segLen = (vctr_y >  VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN) ?(      (    (  tmpLen = ( int( int(clp0_y) + 1.5f ) - clp0_y ) / vctr_y  )  <  segLen    ) ? tmpLen : segLen      ) : segLen;///update the curve-length measurers///prvLen = curLen;curLen+= segLen;//segLen是单步步长segLen+= 0.00001f;//步长???// segLen+= 0.0001f;//步长???///check if the filter has reached either end///segLen = (curLen > krnlen) ? ( (curLen = krnlen) - prvLen ) : segLen;///obtain the next clip point///clp1_x = clp0_x + vctr_x * segLen;clp1_y = clp0_y + vctr_y * segLen;///obtain the middle point of the segment as the texture-contributing sample///samp_x = (clp0_x + clp1_x) * 0.5f;samp_y = (clp0_y + clp1_y) * 0.5f;///obtain the texture value of the sample///texVal = pNoise[ int(samp_y) * x_size + int(samp_x) ];///update the accumulated weight and the accumulated composite texture (texture x weight)///W_ACUM = wgtLUT[ int(curLen * len2ID) ];smpWgt = W_ACUM - w_acum[advDir];         w_acum[advDir]  = W_ACUM;                              t_acum[advDir] += texVal * smpWgt;//当前噪声点的权重系数///update the step counter and the "current" clip point///advcts ++;clp0_x = clp1_x;clp0_y = clp1_y;///check if the streamline has gone beyond the flow field///if( clp0_x < 0.0f || clp0_x >= x_size || clp0_y < 0.0f || clp0_y >= y_size)  break;}    }///normalize the accumulated composite texture///texVal = (t_acum[0] + t_acum[1]) / (w_acum[0] + w_acum[1]);//cout<<t_acum[0] + t_acum[1]<<endl;///clamp the texture value against the displayable intensity range [0, 255]texVal = (texVal <   0.0f) ?   0.0f : texVal/255;texVal = (texVal > 255.0f) ? 255.0f : texVal; pImage[j * x_size + i] = (float) texVal;//cout<<pImage[j * x_size + i]<<endl;}    }}


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