
The different phases that are included in the classical waterfall model are:


  • Feasibility study


  • Requirement analysis and specification


  • Design


  • Coding and unit testing


  • Integration and system testing


  • Maintenance


Now, let us explain the different processes that are followed in each of these phases while the entire software development process.


1)可行性研究 (1) Feasibility study)

In the feasibility study, we try to study the software in terms of technical and business aspects, to determine whether it would be beneficial for the company (or the organization) to build the particular software, whether the consumers will be satisfied through it or not and how much profit the software will be able to provide us.


The feasibility study takes place as follows:


  • A rough understanding of the project by the team leaders and heads from the client-side.


  • Analyzing every aspect of the client's views and reaching a state overall understanding of the project is made.


  • Picking up the best solution.


2)分析和规格 (2) Analysis and specification)

Here, all the requirements of the software are analyzed and documented properly. This is a very important phase because, in the classical waterfall model, each requirement must be documented in this phase itself because we cannot add or modify any of them in the later phases of development. This phase mainly involves two things:

在此,将对软件的所有要求进行适当的分析和记录。 这是非常重要的阶段,因为在经典瀑布模型中,每个需求都必须在该阶段本身中记录下来,因为我们不能在开发的后期阶段添加或修改其中的任何一个。 此阶段主要涉及两件事:

  • Requirements gathering


  • Requirements specification


3)设计 (3) Design)

In the design phase, a blueprint of the entire software is created. How the software must appear as a final product is decided in the designing phase itself. Hence, the design of the software gives an overview of the software to the developers so that they can work on that accordingly. This is done so that all the requirements are transformed into a structural manner which now makes it easier for the developers to implement.

在设计阶段,将创建整个软件的蓝图。 在最终设计阶段,将决定软件作为最终产品的外观。 因此,软件的设计向开发人员提供了软件的概述,以便他们可以相应地进行工作。 这样做是为了将所有需求转换为结构化方式,这现在使开发人员更容易实现。

The designing team can follow different approaches like the traditional approach, the procedural approach, the object-oriented approach, etc.


4)编码和单元测试 (4) Coding and unit testing)

In the coding phase, the developers code the program in any suitable programming language. While developing any feature of the software, the developers also have to test the feature on their level to check whether it is working fine or not. Therefore, the testing involved in this phase is termed as unit testing.

在编码阶段,开发人员可以使用任何合适的编程语言对程序进行编码。 在开发该软件的任何功能时,开发人员还必须在其级别上测试该功能,以检查该功能是否正常运行。 因此,此阶段涉及的测试称为单元测试。

5)集成与系统测试 (5) Integration and system testing)

Different developers work on different subprograms. Now, all these subprograms need to be integrated to get our final software. Also, when the subprograms (or modules) are integrated, then they may function in a different manner which is not expected. SO, it is the job of the tester now to check the software for each functionality. There are three testing rounds that software must undergo before the deployment of the final software. They are:

不同的开发人员从事不同的子程序。 现在,所有这些子程序都需要集成以获得最终软件。 同样,当子程序(或模块)集成在一起时,它们可能会以不同的方式起作用,这是无法预期的。 因此,现在测试人员的工作就是检查每种功能的软件。 在部署最终软件之前,软件必须经过三轮测试。 他们是:

  • Alpha testing


  • Beta testing


  • Acceptance testing


6)保养 (6) Maintenance)

After the final testing, the software may require some maintenance before getting deployed. Even after getting deployed, there can occur certain problems that may occur in the software with the use. All these are also handled and maintained in the maintenance phase of the software lifecycle.

在最终测试之后,该软件可能需要进行一些维护才能部署。 即使在部署之后,使用中的软件也可能会出现某些问题。 所有这些都在软件生命周期的维护阶段进行处理和维护。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/the-different-phases-of-the-classical-waterfall-model.aspx



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