

With se_resnext50 you can achieve 0.066 on LB. Here is the tips.

  • 5 folds
  • 512x512
  • 3 epochs
  • hflip, crop, brightness, contrast, rotate (here[3] is the details of augmentations)
  • three types of windows, brain, blood and soft tissues.
  • tta (5 times)
  • lb 0.070 to 0.072 for each fold (with tta)
  • cv 0.071 to 0.074 for each fold (without tta)
  • lb 0.066 is achievable by averaging folds

I've also shared the source code on github in case you are interested [2].

The github repo lets you train a basic single model as a baseline which probably scores 0.070 to 0.072 on public LB. This baseline model takes 20 hours to train with a single 1080ti.
If you have any questions please ask. Have fun.


Could you please shed some light on how you preprocess the images? Particularly, when you apply windowing, what do values, that you subtract from image array(0, -20, -150) mean? Are those just image.min() ?
image1 = (image1 - 0) / 80
image2 = (image2 - (-20)) / 200
image3 = (image3 - (-150)) / 380 
Also in your code if policy==1, than you subtract image.min() and divide by (image3.max()-image3.min()) Why if policy==2 you divide by max only? Just trying to grasp the intuition behind this, thank you.

It does the same thing. After windowing with fixed values you know the theoretical minimum and maximum values and I used these values for min-max normalization.


hank your sharing. But I have a question on your code, It is about making adjacent labels. Your code is as following.
for j,id in enumerate(group.ID): if j == 0: left = labels[j-1] else: left = '' if j+1 == len(labels): right = '' else: right = labels[j+1] 
The left label won't be " if, only if j == 0. If I modify this code as follows, could it will be better?
for j,id in enumerate(group.ID): if j == 0: left = '' else: left = labels[j-1] if j+1 == len(labels): right = '' else: right = labels[j+1]

Hi, thank you very much for pointing this out.
I made a simple mistake and your implementation is correct.

LeftLabel and RightLabel are actually not used in the code and does not affect the model. But this feature could be used to improve the traing process by giving some score to its adjacent images and that's why I left them there even though it's not used.

If the target is something like
[1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0]

You can spread the score like this
[1 1 0.4 1 0.2 0.2 1 0.2 0]

just an idea.
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Single FOLD PB 0.074


If you run it without looking at the code, you probably get 0.4, but if you study the code, you may learn a lot.



        self.df = apply_dataset_policy(self.df, self.cfg.dataset_policy)
        # self.df = self.df.sample(560)#这个是用来测试整个流程是否能跑通的


torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True






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