
非常好的训练文件,来自 the Early Modern OCR Project (eMOP)。应该是PRIMALabs的工作。
Testing with Tesseract


  • 提到了合并样本图片。Multi-page TIFF file。
  • 注意: DO NOT MIX FONTS IN AN IMAGE FILE (In a single .tr file to be precise.)
  • 有输出中间过程的console结果,可以对照自己训练时的输出,非常有用
  • 用到了shapeclustering (有一些教程没有用这个功能好像也没问题?)
  • 最后有步骤列表:
    tesseract langyp.fontyp.exp0.tif langyp.fontyp.exp0 -l eng -psm 7 batch.nochop makebox
    echo fontyp 0 0 0 0 0 >font_properties
    tesseract langyp.fontyp.exp0.tif langyp.fontyp.exp0 -l eng -psm 7 nobatch box.train
    unicharset_extractor langyp.fontyp.exp0.box
    shapeclustering -F font_properties -U unicharset -O langyp.unicharset langyp.fontyp.exp0.tr
    mftraining -F font_properties -U unicharset -O langyp.unicharset langyp.fontyp.exp0.tr
    cntraining langyp.fontyp.exp0.tr
    rename normproto fontyp.normproto
    rename inttemp fontyp.inttemp
    rename pffmtable fontyp.pffmtable
    rename unicharset fontyp.unicharset
    rename shapetable fontyp.shapetable
    combine_tessdata fontyp.


  • 上面第5步,真正重要的步骤。官网说用什么语言没关系。测试时发现用默认英语好像错误多一些?
    tesseract.exe chi.slimqjs.exp0.tif chi.slimqjs.exp0 nobatch box.train
    Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.05.00dev with Leptonica
    Page 1
    row xheight=86, but median xheight = 0.5
    row xheight=77, but median xheight = 0.5
    row xheight=68, but median xheight = 0.5
    row xheight=77, but median xheight = 0.5
    APPLY_BOXES: boxfile line 1/里 ((73,490),(185,582)): FAILURE! Couldn’t find a matching blob
    APPLY_BOXES: boxfile line 2/凤 ((226,480),(355,600)): FAILURE! Couldn’t find a matching blob
    APPLY_BOXES: boxfile line 5/露 ((677,478),(803,603)): FAILURE! Couldn’t find a matching blob
    APPLY_BOXES: boxfile line 6/魁 ((828,480),(951,592)): FAILURE! Couldn’t find a matching blob
    Boxes read from boxfile: 24
    Boxes failed resegmentation: 4
    APPLY_BOXES: Unlabelled word at :Bounding box=(54,610)->(974,611)
    Found 20 good blobs.
    Leaving 12 unlabelled blobs in 0 words.
    1 remaining unlabelled words deleted.
    Generated training data for 18 words
  • 最后选择用 chi_sim 来训练。
    tesseract.exe chi.slimqjs.exp0.tif chi.slimqjs.exp0 -l chi_sim nobatch box.train
    Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.05.00dev with Leptonica
    Page 1
    row xheight=29.5, but median xheight = 58.1667
    row xheight=460, but median xheight = 58.1667
    row xheight=117.5, but median xheight = 58.1667
    row xheight=117.5, but median xheight = 58.1667
    row xheight=121, but median xheight = 58.1667
    row xheight=121, but median xheight = 58.1667
    row xheight=28.6667, but median xheight = 58.1667
    row xheight=44.6667, but median xheight = 58.1667
    row xheight=81.3333, but median xheight = 58.1667
    row xheight=29, but median xheight = 58.1667
    Boxes read from boxfile: 24
    APPLY_BOXES: Unlabelled word at :Bounding box=(-611,961)->(0,1020)
    APPLY_BOXES: Unlabelled word at :Bounding box=(-610,54)->(-609,974)
    APPLY_BOXES: Unlabelled word at :Bounding box=(398,183)->(459,250)
    APPLY_BOXES: Unlabelled word at :Bounding box=(371,184)->(400,262)
    APPLY_BOXES: Unlabelled word at :Bounding box=(-611,0)->(0,58)
    Found 24 good blobs.
    Leaving 3 unlabelled blobs in 0 words.
    5 remaining unlabelled words deleted.

  • shapeclustering.exe 出现很多 Bad properties 错误

  • 后面的结果都类似
    shapeclustering.exe -F font_properties -U unicharset chi.slimqjs.exp0.tr
    Reading chi.slimqjs.exp0.tr …
    Bad properties for index 3, char 里: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 4, char 凤: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 5, char 起: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 6, char 云: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 7, char 露: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 8, char 魁: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 9, char 霎: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 10, char 髓: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 11, char 绿: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 12, char 堆: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 13, char 和: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 14, char 采: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 15, char 时: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 16, char 点: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 17, char 尘: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 18, char 轻: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 19, char 烟: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 20, char 取: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 21, char 滋: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 22, char 将: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 23, char 埃: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 24, char 动: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 25, char 捣: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 26, char 枝: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Building master shape table
    Computing shape distances…
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances…
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances…
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances…
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances…
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 999.000000
    Computing shape distances… 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
    Stopped with 0 merged, min dist 0.348285
    Master shape_table:Number of shapes = 24 max unichars = 1 number with multiple unichars = 0

  • mftraining.exe 也是同样的 Bad properties 错误,加两个 Warning
    mftraining.exe -F font_properties -U unicharset -O chi.unicharset chi.slimqjs.exp0.tr
    Read shape table shapetable of 24 shapes
    Reading chi.slimqjs.exp0.tr …
    Bad properties for index 3, char 里: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 4, char 凤: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 5, char 起: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 6, char 云: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 7, char 露: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 8, char 魁: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 9, char 霎: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 10, char 髓: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 11, char 绿: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 12, char 堆: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 13, char 和: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 14, char 采: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 15, char 时: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 16, char 点: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 17, char 尘: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 18, char 轻: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 19, char 烟: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 20, char 取: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 21, char 滋: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 22, char 将: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 23, char 埃: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 24, char 动: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 25, char 捣: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Bad properties for index 26, char 枝: 0,255 0,255 0,0 0,0 0,0
    Warning: no protos/configs for Joined in CreateIntTemplates()
    Warning: no protos/configs for |Broken|0|1 in CreateIntTemplates()

  • 最后成功!!
    combine_tessdata.exe chi.
    Combining tessdata files
    TessdataManager combined tesseract data files.
    Offset for type 0 (chi.config ) is -1
    Offset for type 1 (chi.unicharset ) is 140
    Offset for type 2 (chi.unicharambigs ) is -1
    Offset for type 3 (chi.inttemp ) is 1661
    Offset for type 4 (chi.pffmtable ) is 200388
    Offset for type 5 (chi.normproto ) is 200668
    Offset for type 6 (chi.punc-dawg ) is -1
    Offset for type 7 (chi.word-dawg ) is -1
    Offset for type 8 (chi.number-dawg ) is -1
    Offset for type 9 (chi.freq-dawg ) is -1
    Offset for type 10 (chi.fixed-length-dawgs ) is -1
    Offset for type 11 (chi.cube-unicharset ) is -1
    Offset for type 12 (chi.cube-word-dawg ) is -1
    Offset for type 13 (chi.shapetable ) is 203778
    Offset for type 14 (chi.bigram-dawg ) is -1
    Offset for type 15 (chi.unambig-dawg ) is -1
    Offset for type 16 (chi.params-model ) is -1
    Output chi.traineddata created successfully.


  • 如果有多个图像文件,多个box文件等,需要合并成1个Character集合,以及后面的训练文件


  • 同样在第五步有识别错误


  • 没有特别的地方

Training Tesseract OCR for a New Font and Input Set on Mac

  • 跟Mac 没有半毛钱关系!!
  • 最用的是提到字体鉴别网站
  • identifont
  • 如果安装了字体文件,可以直接用 TIFF/Box Generator 生成图片和box文件(通过)

Testing with Tesseract

How to prepare training files for Tesseract OCR and improve characters recognition?

Training Tesseract for labels, receipts and such

A Guide on OCR with tesseract 3.03

Adding New Fonts to Tesseract 3 OCR Engine

Trained Tesseract on 瘦金体 successfully!!相关推荐

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