
解决:在虚拟机 “设置” -> “系统” -> “处理器” 中将处理器数设置为2个或以上。


Windows 11 下 Virtualbox 6.1.34 出现 End kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill the idle task

VirtualBox靶机启动失败:end Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task相关推荐

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  3. Windows 11 下 Virtualbox 6.1.34 出现 End kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill the idle task

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  4. 解决 Virtualbox 6.1.34 出现 End kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill the idle task

    文章目录 ❤️‍

  5. Kernel panic - not syncing:Attempted to kill...

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  6. Linux启动提示Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init解决办法

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  7. 【Linux】误删libc提示Kernel panic not syncing: Attempted to kill init解决办法

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  8. linux启动根文件失败报错:进程退出exitcode,Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x0000000b

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