outlook 日历 桌面

Have you ever wanted to just “stick” your Outlook calendar to the desktop? For those of us with multiple monitors it makes even more sense… just having your calendar open on the second monitor at all times would be a great productivity boost.

您是否曾经想过将Outlook日历“粘贴”到桌面上? 对于拥有多台显示器的我们来说,这更有意义……只要始终在第二台显示器上打开日历,将大大提高生产率。

Over the years I’ve experimented with having multiple copies of Outlook open or using desktop widgets, but nothing works quite as well as the Michael Scrivo’s Outlook Desktop tool.

多年以来,我尝试过打开多个Outlook副本或使用桌面小部件,但没有比Michael Scrivo的Outlook Desktop工具更好的工作了。

This great little application sits right on your desktop and gives you a fully operational Outlook view of any folder you’d like.


You can directly interact with these windows, even add new items directly from the pinned views.


To get into the settings, you’ll need to use the new tray icon, where you can select between Outlook views or open the preferences.


If you’d like to resize or move the widget you can use the sliders found in the preferences.


You can modify the opacity of the window with the slider, although I’ve found the default to be fairly useable.


Switching to Calendar Month View


One of the things I immediately noticed was that if I’m on the daily calendar view, I can’t switch to month view easily. What you have to do is right-click the calendar and choose “Go to Date”.

我立即注意到的一件事是,如果使用的是每日日历视图,则无法轻松切换到月视图。 您要做的是右键单击日历,然后选择“转到日期”。

Switch the drop-down menu to “Month Calendar” instead of whatever is there.


Now it will switch into Monthly calendar mode.


Note that you can go directly into the day mode by double-clicking on the day header.


Running Multiple Copies


If you’d like to show your calendar and another folder at the same time, you can launch a separate copy of the application. The application doesn’t strictly allow this, so the second copy will inherit the settings of the last one opened… which means you’d have to configure it every time you open it.

如果您想同时显示日历和另一个文件夹,则可以启动该应用程序的单独副本。 该应用程序严格不允许这样做,因此第二个副本将继承上一个打开的设置……这意味着您每次打开时都必须对其进行配置。

If you have a desktop that always stays on, this is a workable hack.


Download Outlook Desktop from michaelscrivo.com


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/pin-microsoft-outlook-to-the-desktop-background/

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