owc报表控件 数据透视表

Recently, I enrolled in an online Infographics and data visualization course, and the classes started last week. In one of my homework assignments, I used this trick to link pivot chart title to report filter.

最近,我参加了在线信息图表和数据可视化课程 ,并且上周开始了课程。 在我的一项家庭作业中,我使用此技巧将数据透视图标题链接到报表过滤器。

数据可视教练 (Data Viz Instructor)

The instructor is Alberto Cairo, who wrote The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization. He uploaded the first two chapters of his book for us to read during week one, and I really enjoyed it. There was some history, some theory, and plenty of graphics, to illustrate the text.

讲师是Alberto Cairo,他写了《功能艺术:信息图形和可视化入门》。 他上传了本书的前两章供我们在第一周阅读,我真的很喜欢。 有一些历史,一些理论和大量的图形来说明文本。

改善信息图 (Improve the Infographic)

One of the assignments this week was to suggest improvements to an infographic on Social Web Involvement. There are 16 countries in the infographic, overlaid on a world map, and it's difficult to read or understand the data.

本周的任务之一是建议改进“社交网络参与”信息图表。 信息图中有16个国家/地区,覆盖在世界地图上,很难读取或理解数据。

Here is a small section of the graphic, showing data for Canada. Do you have a headache yet, just from looking at that tiny section?

这是图形的一小部分,显示了加拿大的数据。 您只是看着那微小的部分而感到头疼吗?

创建数据透视表 (Create a Pivot Table)

To experiment with the data, and see how I could improve on the presentation, I put data for a few of the countries into a table in Excel.

为了试验数据,并查看如何改进显示效果,我将一些国家/地区的数据放入Excel的表格中 。

Next, I created a pivot table from the Excel table, with:


  • Country as a Row label国家作为行标签
  • Activity as a Report Filter活动作为报告过滤器
  • Percentage in the Values area (formatted as Percentage, with 1 decimal).值区域中的百分比(格式为百分比,带1个小数)。

创建数据透视图 (Create a Pivot Chart)

Based on the pivot table, I created a bar chart, that shows the total percentages for each country.


To improve its appearance, I made the following changes:


  • Click the Ribbon's Layout tab, click Legend, and click None单击功能区的布局选项卡,单击图例,然后单击无
  • On the Ribbon's Analyze tab, click Field Buttons, and turn off the Axis and Value buttons – leave the Report Filter button on在功能区的“分析”选项卡上,单击“字段按钮”,然后关闭“轴”和“值”按钮-将“报表过滤器”按钮保留在

Then, instead of showing all the activities lumped together, I could select a specific activity from the drop down list.


However, the chart doesn't show which activity has been selected – the chart title just says "Total".


更新图表标题 (Update the Chart Title)

Instead of showing "Total", I'd like the chart title to change when I select one of the activities. To fix that, I'll link the chart title to the Report Filter cell.

我希望在选择活动之一时更改图表标题,而不是显示“总计”。 为了解决这个问题,我将图表标题链接到“报表过滤器”单元格。

  1. Click on the chart title, to select it单击图表标题,将其选中
  2. Click in the Formula bar, and type an =在公式栏中单击,然后键入=
  3. Click on the Report Filter cell – B1 in this example单击“报告过滤器”单元格–在此示例中为B1
  4. Press Enter, to complete the formula按Enter键以完成公式

图表标题自动更新 (Chart Title Updates Automatically)

Now, if I select an activity in either the pivot table or the pivot chart, the chart title updates automatically, to show which activity has been selected.


If you'd like to show a special heading if (All) or (Multiple Items) is shown in the Report Filter cell, you can create a formula, and link the chart title to that cell.


In the screen shot below, the following formula is in cell E1, and the chart title is linked to E1.


=IF(B1="(All)","All Activities",IF(B1="(Multiple Items)","Multiple Activities",B1))

= IF(B1 =“(所有)”,“所有活动”,IF(B1 =“(多个项目)”,“多个活动”,B1))

And now I'd better get back to my homework! ________________

现在,我最好回到我的作业中! ________________

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2012/11/06/link-pivot-chart-title-to-report-filter/

owc报表控件 数据透视表



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