Effective C# 原则13:用静态构造函数初始化类的静态成员
Item 13: Initialize Static Class Members with Static Constructors
你应该知道,在一个类型的任何实例初始化以前,你应该初始化它的静态成员变量。在里C#你可以使用静态的预置方法和静态构造函数来实现这个目的。一个类的静态构造函数是一个与众不同的,它在所有的方法,变量或者属性访问前被执行。你可以用这个函数来初始化静态成员变量,强制使用单件模式,或者实现其它任何在类型的实例可用前应该完成的工作。你不能用任何的实例构造函数,其它特殊的私有函数, 或者任何其它习惯方法来初始化一个 变量(译注:编译器就不让你这样做,所以你不用担心这样的问题)。


public class MySingleton
  private static readonly MySingleton _theOneAndOnly =
    new MySingleton( );

public static MySingleton TheOnly
      return _theOneAndOnly;

private MySingleton( )

// remainder elided

public class MySingleton
  private static readonly MySingleton _theOneAndOnly;

static MySingleton( )
    _theOneAndOnly = new MySingleton( );

public static MySingleton TheOnly
      return _theOneAndOnly;

private MySingleton( )

// remainder elided


static MySingleton( )
  try {
    _theOneAndOnly = new MySingleton( );
  } catch
    // Attempt recovery here.



Item 13: Initialize Static Class Members with Static Constructors
You know that you should initialize static member variables in a type before you create any instances of that type. C# lets you use static initializers and a static constructor for this purpose. A static constructor is a special function that executes before any other methods, variables, or properties defined in that class are accessed. You use this function to initialize static variables, enforce the singleton pattern, or perform any other necessary work before a class is usable. You should not use your instance constructors, some special private function, or any other idiom to initialize static variables.

As with instance initialization, you can use the initializer syntax as an alternative to the static constructor. If you simply need to allocate a static member, use the initializer syntax. When you have more complicated logic to initialize static member variables, create a static constructor.

Implementing the singleton pattern in C# is the most frequent use of a static constructor. Make your instance constructor private, and add an initializer:

public class MySingleton
  private static readonly MySingleton _theOneAndOnly =
    new MySingleton( );

public static MySingleton TheOnly
      return _theOneAndOnly;

private MySingleton( )

// remainder elided

The singleton pattern can just as easily be written this way, in case you have more complicated logic to initialize the singleton:

public class MySingleton
  private static readonly MySingleton _theOneAndOnly;

static MySingleton( )
    _theOneAndOnly = new MySingleton( );

public static MySingleton TheOnly
      return _theOneAndOnly;

private MySingleton( )

// remainder elided

As with instance initializers, the static initializers are called before any static constructors are called. And, yes, your static initializers execute before the base class's static constructor.

The CLR calls your static constructor automatically when your type is first loaded into an application space. You can define only one static constructor, and it must not take any arguments. Because static constructors are called by the CLR, you must be careful about exceptions generated in them. If you let an exception escape a static constructor, the CLR will terminate your program. Exceptions are the most common reason to use the static constructor instead of static initializers. If you use static initializers, you cannot catch the exceptions yourself. With a static constructor, you can (see Item 45):

static MySingleton( )
  try {
    _theOneAndOnly = new MySingleton( );
  } catch
    // Attempt recovery here.

Static initializers and static constructors provide the cleanest, clearest way to initialize static members of your class. They are easy to read and easy to get correct. They were added to the language to specifically address the difficulties involved with initializing static members in other languages.


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