1. Some specific  name: XmlDocument XmlNodeList XmlNode XmlElement
    The whole architecture and relation among them is following
2. the difference between xmlnode and xmlelement
 3. Insert data into XML file sample:
  Sample 1:
  XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();

XmlElement xde = xdoc.DocumentElement;
        XmlElement xe = xdoc.CreateElement("user");
        xe.SetAttribute("Login", login);
        xe.SetAttribute("Password", pwd);
        xe.SetAttribute("RootFolder", rootfolder);
        xe.SetAttribute("Rights", rights);
the xml file is the following
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
  <user Login="sanxumei" Password="sanxumei" RootFolder="c:\inetpub\wwroot" Rights="User" />

Sample 2:
XmlDocument xmlDoc=new XmlDocument();
   XmlNode root=xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("bookstore");//查找<bookstore>
   XmlElement xe1=xmlDoc.CreateElement("book");//创建一个<book>节点
   XmlElement xesub1=xmlDoc.CreateElement("title");
   XmlElement xesub2=xmlDoc.CreateElement("author");
   XmlElement xesub3=xmlDoc.CreateElement("price");


operate XML file (Open,Insert)相关推荐

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  8. Android --- Binary XML file line2 Binary XML file line 2 Error inflating class unknown

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