
✔ 根据domU映像大小计算所需页表

✔ 分配页表所需内存

✔ 映射页表内存到dom0线性空间中以便读写

✔ 设置页表:将domU映像映射入线性空间,包括页表自身

✔ 设置vcpu context中的cr3
Thanks to paravirtualisation, many of the lowlevel
steps involved in a conventional x86 OS boot process (such as
interactions with the BIOS, and the use of 16-bit real mode) can be
The main steps in the domain building process are shown in Figure 1, with privileged operations (as defined later in §3.1) shown as bold arrows. Firstly, the kernel image (and, optionally, an initial ramdisk) are loaded from disk into the domain builder’s memory. The image is parsed in order to extract the executable code region, and obtain any parameter values. Following this, the builder requests that the hypervisor allocates physical memory for the new VM. This is not depicted as a privileged operation, because it does not affect the confidentiality or integrity of any VM, but it can lead to denial of service, so its use should be restricted. The kernel image is then loaded into the new VM, using a direct foreign mapping. Following this, the initial page tables for the new VMare calculated and written into the new VM, using multiple direct foreign mappings. Finally, the new VM is launched, by setting the virtual CPU registers to a start-of-day configuration, and unpausing the VM.
The domain builder is implemented by the xc linux build function and its callees in libxc, a C library that provides low-level control over VMs. It is implemented in an object-oriented fashion, passing a struct xc dom image object between steps to communicate intermediate results. Direct foreign mappings are implemented by the xc map foreign range function, and setting the virtual CPU registers is performed by the xc set vcpucontext function. The libxc library is linked into the xend management daemon, which is implemented in Python. xend implements the Xen API, which is an XML-RPC-based API that several tools use to manage a Xen-based system [35]

The Dom0 kernel is included in the TCB, because Dom0 is privileged, and the kernel can make privileged hypercalls. The domain builder process must also be included in the TCB, because it writes to the address space of the guest VM and configures its processor state: if it should malfunction, the security of S could be compromised.

However, the domain builder accesses the guest address space using the privileged command driver, which is exposed to all processes that run with administrator privileges in Dom0.

xl create is the command used in dom0 to initiate the creation
of a VM. Its main execution steps are the following: (1)
Checking the consistency of the VM configuration parameters
(e.g. the existence of the VM file system). This step is
performed at the dom0 level. (2) Creating the VM management
data structures to make the VM manageable during its
lifetime. This step is performed both at the dom0 and hypervisor
levels. (3) Allocating resources to the VM (e.g. memory
pages are granted to the VM). This step is performed at
the hypervisor level. (4) Finally, executing the VM’s kernel/-
bootloader. The traditional boot process of an OS starts here.
This step is performed at the VM level.
For its part, the destruction of a VM is triggered using
either xl shutdown/destroy in dom0 or halt in the VM
itself. It follows the inverse path of the initialization process:
(1) VM’s operating system shutdown, performed at the VM
level. (2) VM resource freeing, performed at the hypervisor
level. (3) Freeing VM management data structures, performed
at both at the hypervisor and dom0 levels.
Intuitively, one can see that operations which are performed
at the VM level are out of the cloud provider’s
purview. Indeed, they depend on both the VM kernel (built
by its owner) and assigned resources (booked by its owner).
This paper focuses on the steps performed either at the hypervisor
or dom0 level.

To understand VM creation overheads, we instrumented
Xen’s xl command-line tool and its libxl library, and categorized
the work done into several categories:
• Parsing the configuration file that describes the VM (kernel image, virtual network/block devices, etc.).
• Interacting with the hypervisor to, for example, reserve and prepare the memory for the new guest, create the virtual CPUs, and so on.
• Writing information about the new guest in the Xen-Store, such as its name.
• Creating and configuring the virtual devices.
• Parsing the kernel image and loading it into memory.
• Internal information and state keeping of the toolstack that do not fit into any of the above categories.


@ xen3.3.0/xen/arch/x86/setup.c

---- line 408 __start_xen(unsigned long mbi_p)
@ line 414, multiboot_info_t *mbi = __va(mbi_p);
mbi = multiboot_info, 类型multiboot_info_t, 位于include/xen/multiboot.h

@ line 415, modile_t *mod = (module_t *)__va(mbi->mods_addr);
module_t是一个位于multiboot.h中的struct,包含mod_start, mod_end, string, reserved等4个成员,其中mod_start, mod_end是地址, string是module [file] [para]这里的para字段(参数, 如果没有的话,就是NULL),比如kernel的参数就是这么搞出来的cmdline(大概在997行的位置)。

@ line 989, dom0 = domain_create(0, 0, DOM0_SSIDREF);
这里调用create_domain函数,分配一个struct domain的空间,对其进行初始化,然后返回这个地址存入dom0。我们可以仿照这个方式创建另一个struct domain, 比如domB。domain_create函数位于commom/domain.c,声明于include/xen/sched.h,其原型为
struct domain *domain_create(
domid_t domid, unsigned int domcr_flags, ssidref_t ssidref)
第一个参数是domid,第二个参数是dom的类型,具体参见sched.h +336(好像有点出入?),第三个参数是用于xen的ssid reference,具体用途和生成方式不明。DOM0_SSIDREF被定义为0x0。

@ line 990, if ( (dom0 == NULL) || (alloc_vcpu(dom0, 0, 0) == NULL) )

@ line 997, cmdline = … mod[0].string …
从mod指向的module_t数组的第一个元素中取出kernel的启动参数。默认第一个是内核,第二个是initrd。接下来,如果参数不为空,就将参数进行一定处理,附加一些额外的参数,诸如acpi等,这一段可以忽略, 直到1027。

@ line 1028 if ( (initrdidx > 0) && (initrdidx < mbi->mods_count) )…
initrdidx的初始值为1, 如果这个值小于grub的menu.lst里面对应的module的行数(kernel + initrd,默认应该需要2行module),那么说明是有initrd的,那么就从mod[initrdidx],也就是mod[1],也就是第二个module语句对应的module_t中取出initrd被载入内存后的起始地址和总长度。

@ 1043, if (construct_dom0(dom0, …
这里是实际建立一个domain的函数了,传入的参数包括一个有效struct domain结构的指针,kernel起始地址和长度,initrd的起始地址和长度,还有kernel的启动参数。返回值为0表示启动成功,否则是失败。

@1061, domain_unpause_by_systemcontroller(dom0);




$ cd /boot
$ echo 123 > mini-os.gz
$ vi grub/menu.lst
title Ubuntu 9.04, kernel
root (hd0,0) #因为测试机上/boot是单独的一个分区,位于(hd0,0)
kernel /xen.gz
module /vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-xen-686 root=/dev/sda5 ro splash quiet
module /initrd.img-2.6.26-1-xen-686
module /mini-os.gz


  1. 在995行处加入一段初始化domB的代码
    domB = domain_create(0x7777, 0, 0x7777);
    if ( (domB == NULL) || (alloc_vcpu(domB, 0, 0) == NULL) )
    panic(“Error creating domain B\n”);
    domB->is_privileged = 1;
    domB->target = NULL;
    printk(“OK Creating Domain B\n”);

  2. 在997行之后加入了一行
    printk("-----JUST A TEST\ncmdline = %s\n", cmdline);

  3. 在1035行的位置加入如下几行,用于打印module的行数、第三个module行对应文件被载入后的地址、以及其前三个字符(及其ASCII码值)
    printk(“mods_count = %d\n”, mbi->mods_count);
    printk("–start char @ [%x] = %c(%d), %c(%d), %c(%d)\n",
    ((char)mod[2].mod_start), ((char)mod[2].mod_start),
    ((char)mod[2].mod_start+1), ((char)mod[2].mod_start+1),
    ((char)mod[2].mod_start+2), ((char)mod[2].mod_start+2)
    由图可以看出mods_count = 3,前三个字符是123,和mini-os.gz的内容完全一致。

  4. 在1043行前加入
    printk(“Before construt_dom0\n”);
    printk(“After construt_dom0\n”);

呼----今天终于有了一点实质性的进展 ?

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