
4.80.00 March 30 2015

Important notes (changes that may break existing code)
        * Changed messaging transport event OnServerRequestException to OnServerException.
        * Removed NeverTimeout property from TkbmMWActor. Replaced by MaxIdleTime.
        * Removed threaded distributed delivery from hub as it was defunct and needs to be created from new
           using the new processor classes.

New stuff
        - Added support for XE8.
        - Changed server messaging transport to use a queue and a processor for server
           request/service calls instead of the old custom way.
        - Added public property ServerQueue on server messaging transport to
           optionally allow for providing a custom queue (eg. memory or file based) instead of
           the default used TkbmMWMemoryMessageQueue for server request/service call messages.
        - Added public properties ServerQueueProcessor, InboundQueueProcessor, OutboundQueueProcessor
           on server messaging transport to optionally allow for other custom processors instead of the
           default defined by the transport (typical TkbmMWSAFServerInboundQueueProcessor,
           TkbmMWSAFHubOutboundQueueProcessor, TkbmMWCustomServerMessageQueueProcessor).
           Various options are available via the properties at runtime to setup forexample PoolSize and
           PoolQueueSize which defines number of threads and allowed outstanding number of requests on a thread).
           This replaces old server transport PoolSize property. Default is PoolSize=1 and PoolQueueSize=5.
        - Added mwsloPreferWideMemoOverMemo and mwsloPreferWideStringOverString options to kbmMWSQLite.
           Makes it optional to auto map string/memo field types to widestring/widememo field types.
           As string/memo is already unicode aware, its less reason for remapping to the wide versions
        - Added new Distribution property to SubjectHeader of messages. It will allow for indicating grouping
           and thus sequence of messages when being processed server side by group aware processors.
           In the future it will also allow for designating a named queue for a message or an exchange.
              name            - Push message on named queue
              Q:name          - Push message on named queue
              E:name          - Push message via given exhange

G:name            - Push message on default queue under group name and process message sequential via group.
              G:name/H(OLD)     - Push message on default queue under group name and hold message in that group.
              G:name/C(OMMIT)   - Push message on default queue under group name and commit all held messages in that group sequentially.
              G:name/R(OLLBACK) - Push message on default queue under group name and rollback (delete) this and all held messages in that group.

Q:name:group            - Push message on named queue under given group name and process message sequential via group.
              Q:name:group/H(OLD)     - Push message on named queue under given group name. Hold message.
              Q:name:group/C(OMMIT)   - Push message on named queue under given group name. Commit all held messages in that group in that queue sequentially.
              Q:name:group/R(OLLBACK) - Push message on named queue under given group name. Rollback (delete) this and all held messages in that group in that queue.

E:name:group            - Push message via given exchange under given group name and process message sequential via group.
              E:name:group/H(OLD)     - Push message via given exchange under given group name. Hold message in receiving queues.
              E:name:group/C(OMMIT)   - Push message via given exchange under given group name. Commit all held messages in that group in receiving queues sequentially.
              E:name:group/R(OLLBACK) - Push message via given exchange under given group name. Rollback (delete) this and all held messages in receiving queues.

name and group are case insensitive.
           Holding messages means that they are pushed on a queue, but not made available for processors until commit.
        - Removed QUE. message type as named queues will be handled by the distribution subject header, in the future.
        - Added kbmMWGetUserLoginName, kbmMWGetUserFullName, kbmMWGetDomainServerName, kbmMWGetDomainUserFullName in kbmMWGlobal.pas
           (the later two only for Windows)
        - Added property MaxIdleTime on TkbmMWActor. Can be -1 to use default, 0 for never to time out, or another value to indicate timeout for that
           actor when logged in.
        - Added Distribution string property to TkbmMWCustomClient when WIB is licensed.
        - Reintroduced new fast TkbmMWEvent lockfree event. Thus 3 different event mechanisms can be used
           in kbmMW depending on settings in kbmMWConfig.inc.
           Define {$DEFINE KBMMW_SUPPORT_FASTEVENT} for using C4Ds fast lockfree event mechanism.
           Define {$DEFINE KBMMW_SUPPORT_LIGHTWEIGHTEVENT} for using Embarcadero's lightweight event mechanism.
           Define none of the above to fall back and use Embarcaderos TEvent.
           Notice it has been seen that Embarcaderos TLightWeightEvent is not stable in a production environment
             and may end up vast amounts of CPU cycles due to it entering some sort of deadlock situation.
           C4Ds own TkbmMWEvent is very fast and seems to be stable, but it shouldnt be enabled on a production environment before
             having tested the system under load for a period of time. Internal tests indicates it to be stable, however better be safe than sorry.
           TEvent is the old mutex based event mechanism which is very slow and results in large amounts of context switches when
             used often. Its stable but performs quite bad.
        - Added TkbmMWDuration record which holds a duration value to kbmMWDateTime.pas.
           It can be used by it self or in combination with TkbmMWDateTime which now fully supports
           duration values, including calculations.
        - Added a number of message and queue processor components:
           TkbmMWSyncMessageProcessor, TkbmMWAsyncMessageProcessor, TkbmMWSyncMessageQueueProcessor,
           TkbmMWAsyncMessageQueueProcessor, TkbmMWMultithreadMessageQueueProcessor, TkbmMWGroupedMultithreadMessageQueueProcessor
        - Added mwmqoDisableBatching message queue option to actively disable batching of messages that is requested to be batched and can be batched.
        - Added support for tentatively pushing messages on a queue by additional optional boolean argument to PushMessage.
        - Added CommitMessagePush and RollbackMessagePush.
           A tentatively pushed message is on the queue, but not visible to processors popping messages off the queue,
           until the message push is committed.
        - Added public property SubjectHeaderVersion on client and server messaging transports.
           If set to <>0, will force the outbound messages to be streamed with the given subject header version
           regardless of what the message itself is set to or what has been defined as default.

Changes/minor additions
        - Published LargeAsNative in TkbmMWBinaryStreamFormat.
        - Modified kbmMWDebugDumpMemory to output 32 bytes per line nicely formatted instead of only 8 bytes.
        - Changed messaging transport event OnServerRequestException to OnServerException.
        - Removed NeverTimeout property from TkbmMWActor. Replaced by MaxIdleTime.
        - Removed threaded distributed delivery from hub as it was defunct and needs to be created from new
           using the new processor classes.
        - Improved messaging transports to be able to auto adapt to older subject header versions.
        - Improved precision on kbmMWGetCurrentTimeNS for Windows. Now its precise to approx 15ms.
        - Ensured that REQ/SRV messages are not committed on the inbound queue until they have been
           processed by the TkbmMWServer instance even though they are pushed on intermediate queues.
        - Added Count and Instance properties to TkbmMWServiceInstances to enable easier access from C++.
           Notice you should lock before and unlock after if you will attempt to loop through all instances
           as the number may change at any time if not locked.

        - Fixed thread leak in TkbmMWCustomThread.
        - Fixed memory leak in TkbmMWJSONStreamFormat.
        - Fixed case issue with 'hidden' attribute in TkbmMWJSONStreamFormat.
        - Fixed SQLiteServer demo which was referencing unneeded AMF3 streamformat.
        - Fixed C++ XE2-XE5 unable to link with TPerlRegEx.
        - Fixed transaction sharing issue in FireDAC adapter which caused instability.
        - Fixed thread leak issue related to transport heartbeat thread.
        - Added ValueFromUTF16String and ValueToUTF16String methods to TkbmMWJSONMarshal.
           Exiksting ValueFromString and ValueToString encodes/decodes in UTF8 format.

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