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#define __LINUX_COMPILER_H#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__//如果宏定义了__CHECKER__
#ifdef __CHECKER__/*** 这个使用来修饰一个变量的,这个变量必须是非解除参考的,no * dereference的,即这个变量必须是有效的,而且变量所在的* 地址空间必须是1,即用户程序所使用的。* 程序空间分成3部分,0表示normal space,即普通地址空间,* 对于内核代码讲,就是内核空间,1表示用户地址空间* 2表示设备地址映射空间,如硬件设备的寄存器在内核* 里所映射的地址空间**/
# define __user     __attribute__((noderef, address_space(1)))//默认的是内核地址空间
# define __kernel   /* default address space *///变量可以为空
# define __safe     __attribute__((safe))//变量可以进行强制转换
# define __force    __attribute__((force))//参数类型必须与实际参数类型一致
# define __nocast   __attribute__((nocast))//指针地址在设备地址空间
# define __iomem    __attribute__((noderef, address_space(2)))//参数x,在执行前引用计数必须为0,执行后,引用计数必须为1
# define __acquires(x)  __attribute__((context(0,1)))//参数x,在执行前引用计数必须为1,执行后,必须为0
# define __releases(x)  __attribute__((context(1,0)))//参数x的引用计数在执行后+1
# define __acquire(x)   __context__(1)//参数x的引用计数在执行后-1
# define __release(x)   __context__(-1)//参数x为0,则返回0;如果参数x不为0,的引用计数+1,并且返回1
# define __cond_lock(x) ((x) ? ({ __context__(1); 1; }) : 0)//检查用户地址空间指针
extern void __chk_user_ptr(void __user *);//检查设备地址空间指针
extern void __chk_io_ptr(void __iomem *);#else# define __user
# define __kernel
# define __safe
# define __force
# define __nocast
# define __iomem
# define __chk_user_ptr(x) (void)0
# define __chk_io_ptr(x) (void)0
# define __builtin_warning(x, y...) (1)
# define __acquires(x)
# define __releases(x)
# define __acquire(x) (void)0
# define __release(x) (void)0
# define __cond_lock(x) (x)
#endif#ifdef __KERNEL__//__GNUC__ 该宏表示GCC的版本
#if __GNUC__ > 4
#error no compiler-gcc.h file for this gcc version
#elif __GNUC__ == 4
# include <linux/compiler-gcc4.h>
#elif __GNUC__ == 3
# include <linux/compiler-gcc3.h>
# error Sorry, your compiler is too old/not recognized.
#endif/* Intel compiler defines __GNUC__. So weabove header files here will overwrite implementations* coming from above header files here* Intel编译器定义了__GNUC__.所以在这里也包含compiler-intel.h头文件。*/
# include <linux/compiler-intel.h>
#endif/** Generic compiler-dependent macros required for kernel* build go below this comment. Actual compiler/compiler version* specific implementations come from the above header files* 定义likely和unlikely宏** 在内核编译的时候,所需要的宏定义在该注释下面。真正的编译器或者是* 编译器版本实现在上面的头文件中。*//** __builtin_expect()是有GCC或者是intel编译器提供的实现* 提供该实现的目的是为了优化代码,避免过度跳转带来的性能* 上的下降。* __builtin(!!(x),1)表示x的值为1的可能性比较大* __builtin(!!(x),0)表示x的值为0的可能性比较大* * 例如:* int x;* if(unlikely(x))* {*   x += 1;* }else{*  x -= 1;* }* 这段代码表示,x为0的可能性较大,也就是说* 程序执行else中的代码的可能性比较大,所以在* 编译的时候else里面的内容紧跟着上面的代码*/#define likely(x)   __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)//优化屏障
//详细了解请看我的博客[《内核Memory Barrier学习》](http://blog.csdn.net/hongbochen1223/article/details/44961487)
/* Optimization barrier */
#ifndef barrier
# define barrier() __memory_barrier()
#endif#ifndef RELOC_HIDE
# define RELOC_HIDE(ptr, off)                   \({ unsigned long __ptr;                   \__ptr = (unsigned long) (ptr);             \(typeof(ptr)) (__ptr + (off)); })
#endif#endif /* __KERNEL__ */#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */#ifdef __KERNEL__
/** Allow us to mark functions as 'deprecated' and have gcc emit a nice* warning for each use, in hopes of speeding the functions removal.* Usage is:*      int __deprecated foo(void)* ** 允许我们标志一个函数为'过时的',并且会使gcc对没一个使用发出合理的警告,* 希望能够加快函数的移除。* 使用方式:*      int __deprecated foo(void)*/
#ifndef __deprecated
# define __deprecated       /* unimplemented */ //未实现
#endif#ifdef MODULE
#define __deprecated_for_modules __deprecated
#define __deprecated_for_modules
#endif#ifndef __must_check
#define __must_check
#endif/** Allow us to avoid 'defined but not used' warnings on functions and data,* as well as force them to be emitted to the assembly file.** As of gcc 3.3, static functions that are not marked with attribute((used))* may be elided from the assembly file.  As of gcc 3.3, static data not so* marked will not be elided, but this may change in a future gcc version.** In prior versions of gcc, such functions and data would be emitted, but* would be warned about except with attribute((unused)).** 允许我们避免在函数和数据中‘定义了但是没有使用’的警告,同时强制他们发送给* 汇编文件。* 对于编译器gcc 3.3,未被标记上已用属性的静态函数将会被汇编文件忽略。但是对于* 编译器gcc 3.3,没有这样标记静态数据将不会被忽略,但是在后续的gcc版本中将会* 发生改变。* 在更高级的gcc版本中,这样的函数和数据虽然会被传送,但是将会用‘未使用的属性’* 来发出异常警告。*/
#ifndef __attribute_used__
# define __attribute_used__ /* unimplemented */  //未实现
#endif/** From the GCC manual:* 来自GCC手册** Many functions have no effects except the return value and their* return value depends only on the parameters and/or global* variables.  Such a function can be subject to common subexpression* elimination and loop optimization just as an arithmetic operator* would be.* [...]* 很多函数除了他们的返回值都是没有影响的,并且他们的返回值仅仅依赖于参数* 或者是全局变量。这样的函数将受公共子表达式消除和循环优化支配作为一个算数* 运算符。*/
#ifndef __attribute_pure__
# define __attribute_pure__ /* unimplemented */
#endif#ifndef noinline
#define noinline
#endif#ifndef __always_inline
#define __always_inline inline
#endif#endif /* __KERNEL__ *//** From the GCC manual:* 定义const函数* Many functions do not examine any values except their arguments,* and have no effects except the return value.  Basically this is* just slightly more strict class than the `pure' attribute above,* since function is not allowed to read global memory.** Note that a function that has pointer arguments and examines the* data pointed to must _not_ be declared `const'.  Likewise, a* function that calls a non-`const' function usually must not be* `const'.  It does not make sense for a `const' function to return* `void'.*/
#ifndef __attribute_const__
# define __attribute_const__    /* unimplemented */
#endif#endif /* __LINUX_COMPILER_H */


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