Genome Sequencing and Assembly by Long Reads in Plants


Abstract: Plant genomes generated by Sanger and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) have provided
insight into species diversity and evolution. However, Sanger sequencing is limited in its applications
due to high cost, labor intensity, and low throughput, while NGS reads are too short to resolve
abundant repeats and polyploidy, leading to incomplete or ambiguous assemblies. The advent and
improvement of long-read sequencing by Third Generation Sequencing (TGS) methods such as PacBio
and Nanopore have shown promise in producing high-quality assemblies for complex genomes.
Here, we review the development of sequencing, introducing the application as well as considerations
of experimental design in TGS of plant genomes. We also introduce recent revolutionary scaffolding
technologies including BioNano, Hi-C, and 10 Genomics. We expect that the informative guidance
for genome sequencing and assembly by long reads will benefit the initiation of scientists’ projects.
Keywords: genome assembly; long reads; Sanger sequencing; Next Generation Sequencing; Third
Generation Sequencing

我们还推出了最新的革命性支架技术,包括BioNano、Hi-C和10 Genomics。

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