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Don’t Use the Win32 API PostThreadMessage() to Post Messages to UI Threads(翻译)

Don’t Use the Win32 API PostThreadMessage() to Post Messages to UI Threads
  不要用Win32 API PostThreadMessage()向UI线程发送消息。
  PostThreadMessage is a Win32 API used to post messages to threads. Usually, the message posted is a standard windows message with the window handle set to NULL.
  PostThreadMessage是一个Win32 API常用于向线程发送消息。通常,这个被发送的消息是个窗口句柄被设为NULL的,标准的窗口消息。
  When PostThreadMessage is used to post messages to a thread that has created a window, it is very likely that the posted messages will be lost. This is because UI threads are not always run by the primary message loop. For example, when a thread is showing a message box, it is running on the message loop supplied by the message box. This secondary message loop does not know how to handle the thread message (since its window handle is NULL) and it will be dropped.
  So when posting messages to a UI threads, use PostMessage() instead and post messages to a window owned by that thread. Then the messages won’t be lost, even if the thread is running a secondary message loop.
发表于 2009-04-22 11:37 大龙1 阅读(21) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用


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