
Repeat the test of  the linear approaches; that is, compare the MSPE performance of LLS, WLLS, two - step WLS, and subspace methods for SNR ∈ [ − 10, 60] dB.

Figure 1 shows the RMSEs of different linear schemes at SNR ∈ [ − 10, 60] dB. It is seen that the two - step WLS scheme, which exploits the constraint of Equation 2.76 , gives the highest localization performance, followed by WLLS, LLS, and subspace estimators.

注:the two - step WLS scheme和WLLS在博文:WLLS Algorithm of TOA - Based Positioning (include the two - step WLS estimator)








two step WLLS:


可见,当信噪比在20dB时候,two_step WLLS算法的定位精度最高,30dB的时候,也是two_step WLLS定位精度最高。

最后我们不得不说,总体来说,two_step WLLS算法的定位精度在这四种定位算法中是最优的。

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