在慢查询日志中有一条慢SQL,执行时间约为3秒mysql> SELECT

-> t.total_meeting_num,

-> r.voip_user_num


-> (


-> count(*) total_meeting_num


-> Conference


-> isStart = 1

-> AND startTime >= ADDDATE(now(), - 1)

-> AND billingcode != 651158

-> AND billingcode != 651204

-> ) t,

-> (


-> count(userID) voip_user_num


-> (


-> conferenceID,

-> userID,

-> isOnline,

-> createdTime


-> (


-> *


-> ConferenceUser


-> createdTime >= ADDDATE(now(), - 1)

-> AND userID > 1000


-> userID,

-> createdTime DESC

-> ) t


-> userID

-> ) t,

-> (


-> *


-> Conference


-> isStart = 1

-> AND startTime >= ADDDATE(now(), - 1)

-> AND conferenceName NOT LIKE 'evmonitor%'

-> ) r


-> t.isOnline = 1

-> AND t.conferenceID = r.conferenceID

-> ) r;


| total_meeting_num | voip_user_num |


|                29 |            48 |


1 row in set (3.01 sec)

查看执行计划mysql> explain SELECT

-> t.total_meeting_num,

-> r.voip_user_num


-> (


-> count(*) total_meeting_num


-> Conference


-> isStart = 1

-> AND startTime >= ADDDATE(now(), - 1)

-> AND billingcode != 651158

-> AND billingcode != 651204

-> ) t,

-> (


-> count(userID) voip_user_num


-> (


-> conferenceID,

-> userID,

-> isOnline,

-> createdTime


-> (


-> *


-> ConferenceUser


-> createdTime >= ADDDATE(now(), - 1)

-> AND userID > 1000


-> userID,

-> createdTime DESC

-> ) t


-> userID

-> ) t,

-> (


-> *


-> Conference


-> isStart = 1

-> AND startTime >= ADDDATE(now(), - 1)

-> AND conferenceName NOT LIKE 'evmonitor%'

-> ) r


-> t.isOnline = 1

-> AND t.conferenceID = r.conferenceID

-> ) r;


| id | select_type | table          | type   | possible_keys  | key            | key_len | ref  | rows    | Extra                           |


|  1 | PRIMARY     |      | system | NULL           | NULL           | NULL    | NULL |       1 |                                 |

|  1 | PRIMARY     |      | system | NULL           | NULL           | NULL    | NULL |       1 |                                 |

|  3 | DERIVED     |      | ALL    | NULL           | NULL           | NULL    | NULL |      18 |                                 |

|  3 | DERIVED     |      | ALL    | NULL           | NULL           | NULL    | NULL |   12667 | Using where; Using join buffer  |

|  6 | DERIVED     | Conference     | range  | ind_start_time | ind_start_time | 5       | NULL |     889 | Using where                     |

|  4 | DERIVED     |      | ALL    | NULL           | NULL           | NULL    | NULL |   18918 | Using temporary; Using filesort |

|  5 | DERIVED     | ConferenceUser | ALL    | NULL           | NULL           | NULL    | NULL | 6439656 | Using where; Using filesort     |

|  2 | DERIVED     | Conference     | range  | ind_start_time | ind_start_time | 5       | NULL |     889 | Using where                     |


8 rows in set (3.04 sec)

查看索引mysql> show index from ConferenceUser;


| Table          | Non_unique | Key_name              | Seq_in_index | Column_name  | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment |


| ConferenceUser |          0 | PRIMARY               |            1 | recordID     | A         |     6439758 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |

| ConferenceUser |          0 | PRIMARY               |            2 | conferenceID | A         |     6439758 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |

| ConferenceUser |          1 | ind_conference_userID |            1 | conferenceID | A         |      804969 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |

| ConferenceUser |          1 | ind_conference_userID |            2 | userID       | A         |     3219879 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |


4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

在表的列上添加索引mysql> alter table ConferenceUser add index index_createdtime(createdTime);

Query OK, 6439784 rows affected (38.46 sec)

Records: 6439784  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0


mysql> show index from ConferenceUser;


| Table          | Non_unique | Key_name              | Seq_in_index | Column_name  | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment |


| ConferenceUser |          0 | PRIMARY               |            1 | recordID     | A         |        NULL |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |

| ConferenceUser |          0 | PRIMARY               |            2 | conferenceID | A         |     6439794 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |

| ConferenceUser |          1 | ind_conference_userID |            1 | conferenceID | A         |      715532 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |

| ConferenceUser |          1 | ind_conference_userID |            2 | userID       | A         |     3219897 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |

| ConferenceUser |          1 | index_createdtime     |            1 | createdTime  | A         |     6439794 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |


5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

再次执行时间缩短为0.17秒mysql> SELECT

-> t.total_meeting_num,

-> r.voip_user_num


-> (


-> count(*) total_meeting_num


-> Conference


-> isStart = 1

-> AND startTime >= ADDDATE(now(), - 1)

-> AND billingcode != 651158

-> AND billingcode != 651204

-> ) t,

-> (


-> count(userID) voip_user_num


-> (


-> conferenceID,

-> userID,

-> isOnline,

-> createdTime


-> (


-> *


-> ConferenceUser


-> createdTime >= ADDDATE(now(), - 1)

-> AND userID > 1000


-> userID,

-> createdTime DESC

-> ) t


-> userID

-> ) t,

-> (


-> *


-> Conference


-> isStart = 1

-> AND startTime >= ADDDATE(now(), - 1)

-> AND conferenceName NOT LIKE 'evmonitor%'

-> ) r


-> t.isOnline = 1

-> AND t.conferenceID = r.conferenceID

-> ) r;


| total_meeting_num | voip_user_num |


|                29 |            52 |


1 row in set (0.17 sec)

查看执行计划mysql> explain SELECT

-> t.total_meeting_num,

-> r.voip_user_num


-> (


-> count(*) total_meeting_num


-> Conference


-> isStart = 1

-> AND startTime >= ADDDATE(now(), - 1)

-> AND billingcode != 651158

-> AND billingcode != 651204

-> ) t,

-> (


-> count(userID) voip_user_num


-> (


-> conferenceID,

-> userID,

-> isOnline,

-> createdTime


-> (


-> *


-> ConferenceUser


-> createdTime >= ADDDATE(now(), - 1)

-> AND userID > 1000


-> userID,

-> createdTime DESC

-> ) t


-> userID

-> ) t,

-> (


-> *


-> Conference


-> isStart = 1

-> AND startTime >= ADDDATE(now(), - 1)

-> AND conferenceName NOT LIKE 'evmonitor%'

-> ) r


-> t.isOnline = 1

-> AND t.conferenceID = r.conferenceID

-> ) r;


| id | select_type | table          | type   | possible_keys     | key               | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra                           |


|  1 | PRIMARY     |      | system | NULL              | NULL              | NULL    | NULL |     1 |                                 |

|  1 | PRIMARY     |      | system | NULL              | NULL              | NULL    | NULL |     1 |                                 |

|  3 | DERIVED     |      | ALL    | NULL              | NULL              | NULL    | NULL |    20 |                                 |

|  3 | DERIVED     |      | ALL    | NULL              | NULL              | NULL    | NULL | 12682 | Using where; Using join buffer  |

|  6 | DERIVED     | Conference     | range  | ind_start_time    | ind_start_time    | 5       | NULL |   879 | Using where                     |

|  4 | DERIVED     |      | ALL    | NULL              | NULL              | NULL    | NULL | 18951 | Using temporary; Using filesort |

|  5 | DERIVED     | ConferenceUser | range  | index_createdtime | index_createdtime | 4       | NULL | 31455 | Using where; Using filesort     |

|  2 | DERIVED     | Conference     | range  | ind_start_time    | ind_start_time    | 5       | NULL |   879 | Using where                     |


8 rows in set (0.18 sec)



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