1. 在多目标优化算法中特殊的解

(1)Ideal Objective Vector

An objective vector constructed with these idividual optimal objective values.  每个目标的最优值组成的向量

用处: 用来作为一个边界吧。 因为并不一定存在

(2)Utopian Objective Vector

(3)Nadir Objective Vector

Unlike the ideal objective vector which represents the lower bound of each objective in the entire feasible search space, the nadir objective vecor Znad ,represents the upper bound of each objective in the entire Pareto-optimal set.

(4) domination

(5) Non-dominated set--具体的不同的目标设置的非支配解集

(6) globally and locally Pareto-optimal set

(7) Strong Dominance and Weekly Pareto-Optimality------可能就是强弱的性质不一样吧,现在作以区分


(1) 找非支配集-- pareto最优是非支配集的一个子集

(2)找出全局pareto 最优。

阅读Book: MultiObjective using Evolutionary Algorithms (3) -----关于pareto最优的各种概念相关推荐

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  5. 阅读Book: MultiObjective using Evolutionary Algorithms (6) ---- 满足Pareto-optimality的条件证明,第二章完结

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  6. 阅读Book: MultiObjective using Evolutionary Algorithms (4) --- 3 种方法find Non-dominated set

    上一节设计各种关于pareto的定义. 通过那些我们知道对于多目标我们第一步找的是Pareto-optimal set. 而Pareto-optimal set是non-domiated set的一个 ...

  7. MultiObjective using Evolutionary Algorithms (2) -- Multi-Objective Optimization

    参考 1. 多目标相关的概念 查看全文 http://www.taodudu.cc/news/show-262161.html 相关文章: 吴恩达机器学习笔记55-异常检测算法的特征选择(Choosi ...

  8. 2018/8/24阅读文献 A Unified Model for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms with Elitism

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