9patch是随文字大小可以缩放的图片。 定义了拉伸区域,则除拉伸区域可变外,其他区域保持原来的形状大小不变。

9patch 九宫格 9分图 它的四个角不作任何伸展,四个边分别只作水平和垂直伸展,中间部分则是水平跟垂直同时伸展,这就是著名的9-patch图,很多作背景的时候,一个很小像素数的图就可以无限的伸展为某控件背景。




A NinePatchDrawable graphic is a stretchable bitmap image, which Android

will automatically resize to accommodate the contents of the View in

which you have placed it as the background. An example use of a

NinePatch is the backgrounds used by standard Android buttons — buttons

must stretch to accommodate strings of various lengths. A NinePatch

drawable is a standard PNG image that includes an extra 1-pixel-wide

border. It must be saved with the extension .9.png, and saved into the

res/drawable/ directory of your project.


The border is used to define the stretchable and static areas of the

image. You indicate a stretchable section by drawing one (or more)

1-pixel-wide black line(s) in the left and top part of the border (the

other border pixels should be fully transparent or white). You can have

as many stretchable sections as you want: their relative size stays the

same, so the largest sections always remain the largest.



域中。如果padding lines没有指定,Android使用左部和顶部来定义绘制区域。

You can also define an optional drawable section of the image

(effectively, the padding lines) by drawing a line on the right and

bottom lines. If a View object sets the NinePatch as its background and

then specifies the View’s text, it will stretch itself so that all the

text fits inside only the area designated by the right and bottom lines

(if included). If the padding lines are not included, Android uses the

left and top lines to define this drawable area.


To clarify the difference between the different lines, the left and top

lines define which pixels of the image are allowed to be replicated in

order to stretch the image. The bottom and right lines define the

relative area within the image that the contents of the View are allowed

to lie within.


Here is a sample NinePatch file used to define a button:


This NinePatch defines one stretchable area with the left and top lines

and the drawable area with the bottom and right lines. In the top image,

the dotted grey lines identify the regions of the image that will be

replicated in order to stretch the image. The pink rectangle in the

bottom image identifies the region in which the contents of the View are

allowed. If the contents don’t fit in this region, then the image will

be stretched so that they do.


The Draw 9-patch tool offers an extremely handy way to create your

NinePatch images, using a WYSIWYG graphics editor. It even raises

warnings if the region you’ve defined for the stretchable area is at

risk of producing drawing artifacts as a result of the pixel


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