


[ 导读 ]在重新定义了城市(我们称为自然城市)的构成之后,我们比较了2013年至2016年可见光红外成像辐射计套件(NPP-VIIRS)数据的调整后的夜光强度,以准确地识别出整个中国正在收缩的城市。 结果表明,中国有2862个重新定义的自然城市,总面积达到53275 平方千米,约占国土的0.5%。 基于此,我们确定了798个收缩的城市,总面积为13,839 平方千米。 在分析收缩城市和内部收缩像素在几何空间中的相对位置之后,将收缩城市的形态特征系统地分为六种模式。大部分收缩的城市属于散布性收缩,中心性收缩和局部性收缩。 完全收缩率只有5%; 其余为单边收缩和周边收缩。此外,参考多源城市数据和市政年鉴对六个收缩原因进行了定量分类和总结。为了丰富城市收缩的方法体系,该研究提醒人们需要考虑城市化的另一面(即社会网络的解散),并提出解决收缩问题的适当策略和政策。


题   目:《Identifying Shrinking Cities with NPP-VIIRS Nightlight Data in China》

作者:Zhidian Jiang; Weixin Zhai; Xiangfeng Meng; and Ying Long*通讯作者

DOI : 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000598.

发表刊物:《Journal of Urban Planning and Development》


Although there has been a rapid urbanization in China since the 1980s, the simultaneous urban shrinkage phenomenon has existed for a long time. The study of shrinking cities is particularly important for China as the current urban development has changed from physical expansion to built-up area improvement. After redefining what constitutes a city (what we term a natural city), we compared the adjusted nightlight intensity of National Polar-orbiting Partnership Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (NPP-VIIRS) data between 2013 and 2016 to accurately identify shrinking cities throughout China. The results indicate that there are 2,862 redefined natural cities in China and that the total area reaches 53,275 k㎡, about 0.5% of the national territory. Based on this, we identified 798 shrinking cities with a total area of 13,839 k㎡. After analyzing the relative position of shrinking cities and internal shrinking pixels in the geometric space, the morphological characteristics of shrinking cities were systematically classified into six patterns. The majority of shrinking cities belong to scatter shrinkage, central shrinkage, and local shrinkage; only 5% are complete shrinkage; the rest are unilateral shrinkage and peripheral shrinkage. In addition, six shrinkage causes were quantitatively classified and summarized by referring to multiple-source urban data and municipal yearbooks. To enrich the methodological system for urban shrinkage, the research provides a reminder of the need to consider the other side of urbanization (i.e., dissolution of social networks) and proposes appropriate strategies and policies to address shrinkage issues.

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https://www.beijingcitylab.com/projects-1/15-shrinking-cities/ 深入探索。



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