

Exercise 3.8. When we defined the evaluation model in section 1.1.3, we said that the first step in evaluating an expression is to evaluate its subexpressions. But we never specified the order in which the subexpressions should be evaluated (e.g., left to right or right to left). When we introduce assignment, the order in which the arguments to a procedure are evaluated can make a difference to the result. Define a simple procedure f such that evaluating

(+ (f 0) (f 1)) 

will return 0 if the arguments to + are evaluated from left to right but will return 1 if the arguments are evaluated from right to left.



(+ (f 0) (f 1)) 

意味着分别求解(f 0)和(f 1),可以猜测着其中有2个lambda表达式。又因为从左往右和从右往左的求值结果不同,则意味着2个lambda是嵌套的关系。


(define f(lambda (first-value)(set! f (lambda (second-valua) 0))first-value))


(define f(lambda (first-value)(set! f (lambda (second-valua) 0))first-value))
;Value: f(+ (f 0) (f 1))
;Value: 1(+ (f 1) (f 0))
;Value: 0


当我们调用(f n)时,n为实参将会代替第四行的first-value,并进一步传入第二行的lambda表达式。返回的结果则是n,但与此同时又将

(lambda (second-value) 0)

赋值给过程f。而当下一次调用(f m)时,不论m为何值,都会返回0。也就是说第一次传入的n,(f n)返回值为n,以后传入的m,(f m)返回0,并且无论传入多少次m,返回值均为0。当然了,m的值并未改变。

(f 1)
;Value: 1(f 1)
;Value: 0(f 1)
;Value: 0(f 1)
;Value: 0(define m 2)
;Value: m(f m)
;Value: 0m
;Value: 2




Exercise 3.7. Consider the bank account objects created by make-account, with the password modification described in exercise 3.3. Suppose that our banking system requires the ability to make joint accounts. Define a procedure make-joint that accomplishes this. Make-joint should take three arguments. The first is a password-protected account. The second argument must match the password with which the account was defined in order for the make-joint operation to proceed. The third argument is a new password. Make-joint is to create an additional access to the original account using the new password. For example, if peter-acc is a bank account with password open-sesame, then

(define paul-acc (make-joint peter-acc 'open-sesame 'rosebud))

will allow one to make transactions on peter-acc using the name paul-acc and the password rosebud. You may wish to modify your solution to exercise 3.3 to accommodate this new feature.





(define (make-joint origin-acc old-password new-password)(define (display-wrong-message msg)(display "Incorrect password"))(lambda (given-password mode)(if (eq? given-password new-password)(origin-acc old-password mode)display-wrong-message)))
;Value: make-joint

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