
Array.prototype.unique1 = function(){if(this === null){throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');}let that = Object(this),len = that.length >>> 0;let res = [that[0]];for(let i = 1; i < len; i++){let falg = false;for(let j = 0; j < res.length; j++){if(that[i] === res[j]){falg = true;break;}}if(!falg){res.push(this[i]);}}return res;







Array.prototype.unique2 = function(){if(this === null){throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');}let that = Object(this).sort(),len = that.length >>> 0,res = [that[0]];for(let i = 1; i < len; i++){if(that[i] !== res[res.length - 1]){res.push(that[i]);}}return res;


Array.prototype.unique3 = function(){if(this === null){throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');}let that = Object(this),len = that.length >>> 0,obj = {},res = [];for(let i = 0; i < len; i++){let type = typeof that[i];if(!obj[that[i]]){res.push(that[i]);obj[that[i]] = [type];}else if(obj[that[i]].indexOf(type) === -1){res.push(that[i]);obj[that[i]].push(type);}}return res;


Array.prototype.unique4 = function(){if(this === null){throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');}let that = Object(this),len = that.length >>> 0,res = [that[0]];for(let i = 1; i < len; i++){if(res.indexOf(that[i]) === -1){res.push(that[i]);}}return res;


Array.prototype.unique5 = function(){if(this === null){throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');}let that = Object(this),len = that.length >>> 0,res = [that[0]];for(let i = 1; i < len; i++){if(that.indexOf(that[i]) === i){res.push(that[i]);}}return res;


Array.prototype.unique6 = function(){if(this === null){throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');}let that = Object(this),len = that.length >>> 0,res = [that[0]];for(let i = 1; i < len; i++){if(res.every(function(val){return val !== that[i]})){res.push(that[i]);}}return res;

注意:如果发现了一个这样的元素,every 方法将会立即返回 false。否则,callback 为每一个元素返回 true,every 就会返回 true。


Array.prototype.unique10 = function(){if(this === null){throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');}let that = Object(this),len = that.length >>> 0,res = [that[0]];for(let i = 1; i < len; i++){if(!res.some(function(val){return val === that[i]})){res.push(that[i]);}}return res;

注意:如果找到了这样一个值,some 将会立即返回 true。否则,some 返回 false。

Array.prototype.unique7 = function(){if(this === null){throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');}let that = Object(this),len = that.length >>> 0,res = [that[0]];for(let i = 1; i < len; i++){if(!res.includes(that[i])){res.push(that[i]);}}return res;


Array.prototype.unique8 = function(){if(this === null){throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');}let that = Object(this),len = that.length >>> 0,res = [that[0]];for(let i = 1; i < len; i++){if(res.filter(function(val){return val === that[i]}).length === 0){res.push(that[i]);}}return res;


Array.prototype.unique9 = function(){if(this === null){throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');}let that = Object(this),len = that.length >>> 0,res = [that[0]];for(let i = 1; i < len; i++){if(!res.find(function(val){return val === that[i]})){res.push(that[i]);}}return res;














Array 数组去重 总结10方法(7)相关推荐

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    数组去重 第一种方法: 先对数组进行排序sort(),排好序,然后把数组的当前项和后一项进行比较,相同则使用数组的splice(相同的位置,1),但是为了防止数组塌陷,每次删除数组元素的时候要把i的值 ...

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    一.用函数对数组进行去重的方法 1. arrau_unique函数的作用 移除数组中重复的值. 将值作为字符串进行排序,然后保留 每个值第一次 出现的健名,健名保留不变. 第二个参数可以选择排序方式: ...

  5. JavaScript数组去重6种方法

    数组去重涉及基础知识较多,总结了以下6个方法: 双重for循环,push新数组: 双重for循环,splice原数组: 单个for循环,遍历对象属性: 单个for循环,sort排序后遍历: ES5,i ...

  6. 超全的数组去重12种方法

    前言 数组去重,可以说是一个比较常见的面试题,今天来盘点一下都有哪些方法可以实现数组去重. 方法1.双重for循环 这是一个最笨的方法,双重循环. var arr = [1, 2, 3,4 ,5,6, ...

  7. js数组去重(多种方法)

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  8. (PASS)JAVA数组去重 三种方法 (不用集合)

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