


  • class LaneDetect封装核心算法
  • void makeFromVid(string path) 根据视频文件目录读入,对视频中的图像帧进行处理
  • 主函数 调用makeFromVid



  1. findContours函数提取轮廓
  2. 对找到的轮廓进行筛选: 
    1. contourArea轮廓足够大(高于设定的阈值minSize)
    2. minAreaRect拟合矩形的有足够长的边(高于设定的阈值longLane )
    3. 根据矩形的偏角和位置再筛选
  3. 绘制满足条件的轮廓



/*TODO * improve edge linking * remove blobs whose axis direction doesnt point towards vanishing pt * Parallelisation * lane prediction */#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
clock_t start, stop;class LaneDetect
public:Mat currFrame; //stores the upcoming frameMat temp;      //stores intermediate resultsMat temp2;     //stores the final lane segmentsint diff, diffL, diffR;int laneWidth;int diffThreshTop;int diffThreshLow;int ROIrows;int vertical_left;int vertical_right;int vertical_top;int smallLaneArea;int longLane;int  vanishingPt;float maxLaneWidth;//to store various blob propertiesMat binary_image; //used for blob removalint minSize;int ratio;float  contour_area;float blob_angle_deg;float bounding_width;float bounding_length;Size2f sz;vector< vector<Point> > contours;vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;RotatedRect rotated_rect;LaneDetect(Mat startFrame){//currFrame = startFrame; //if image has to be processed at original sizecurrFrame = Mat(320,480,CV_8UC1,0.0);                        //initialised the image size to 320x480resize(startFrame, currFrame, currFrame.size());             // resize the input to required sizetemp      = Mat(currFrame.rows, currFrame.cols, CV_8UC1,0.0);//stores possible lane markingstemp2     = Mat(currFrame.rows, currFrame.cols, CV_8UC1,0.0);//stores finally selected lane marksvanishingPt    = currFrame.rows/2;                           //for simplicity right nowROIrows        = currFrame.rows - vanishingPt;               //rows in region of interestminSize        = 0.00015 * (currFrame.cols*currFrame.rows);  //min size of any region to be selected as lanemaxLaneWidth   = 0.025 * currFrame.cols;                     //approximate max lane width based on image sizesmallLaneArea  = 7 * minSize;longLane       = 0.3 * currFrame.rows;ratio          = 4;//these mark the possible ROI for vertical lane segments and to filter vehicle glarevertical_left  = 2*currFrame.cols/5;vertical_right = 3*currFrame.cols/5;vertical_top   = 2*currFrame.rows/3;namedWindow("lane",2);namedWindow("midstep", 2);namedWindow("currframe", 2);namedWindow("laneBlobs",2);getLane();}void updateSensitivity(){int total=0, average =0;for(int i= vanishingPt; i<currFrame.rows; i++)for(int j= 0 ; j<currFrame.cols; j++)total +=<uchar>(i,j);average = total/(ROIrows*currFrame.cols);cout<<"average : "<<average<<endl;}void getLane(){//medianBlur(currFrame, currFrame,5 );// updateSensitivity();//ROI = bottom halffor(int i=vanishingPt; i<currFrame.rows; i++)for(int j=0; j<currFrame.cols; j++){<uchar>(i,j)    = 0;<uchar>(i,j)   = 0;}imshow("currframe", currFrame);blobRemoval();}void markLane(){for(int i=vanishingPt; i<currFrame.rows; i++){//IF COLOUR IMAGE IS GIVEN then additional check can be done// lane markings RGB values will be nearly same to each other(i.e without any hue)//min lane width is taken to be 5laneWidth =5+ maxLaneWidth*(i-vanishingPt)/ROIrows;for(int j=laneWidth; j<currFrame.cols- laneWidth; j++){diffL =<uchar>(i,j) -<uchar>(i,j-laneWidth);diffR =<uchar>(i,j) -<uchar>(i,j+laneWidth);diff  =  diffL + diffR - abs(diffL-diffR);//1 right bit shifts to make it 0.5 timesdiffThreshLow =<uchar>(i,j)>>1;//diffThreshTop = 1.2*<uchar>(i,j);//both left and right differences can be made to contribute//at least by certain threshold (which is >0 right now)//total minimum Diff should be atleast more than 5 to avoid noiseif (diffL>0 && diffR >0 && diff>5)if(diff>=diffThreshLow /*&& diff<= diffThreshTop*/ )<uchar>(i,j)=255;}}}void blobRemoval(){markLane();// find all contours in the binary imagetemp.copyTo(binary_image);findContours(binary_image, contours,hierarchy, CV_RETR_CCOMP,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);// for removing invalid blobsif (!contours.empty()){for (size_t i=0; i<contours.size(); ++i){//====conditions for removing contours====//contour_area = contourArea(contours[i]) ;//blob size should not be less than lower thresholdif(contour_area > minSize){rotated_rect    = minAreaRect(contours[i]);sz              = rotated_rect.size;bounding_width  = sz.width;bounding_length = sz.height;//openCV selects length and width based on their orientation//so angle needs to be adjusted accordinglyblob_angle_deg = rotated_rect.angle;if (bounding_width < bounding_length)blob_angle_deg = 90 + blob_angle_deg;//if such big line has been detected then it has to be a (curved or a normal)laneif(bounding_length>longLane || bounding_width >longLane){drawContours(currFrame, contours,i, Scalar(255), CV_FILLED, 8);drawContours(temp2, contours,i, Scalar(255), CV_FILLED, 8);}//angle of orientation of blob should not be near horizontal or vertical//vertical blobs are allowed only near center-bottom region, where centre lane mark is present//length:width >= ratio for valid line segments//if area is very small then ratio limits are compensatedelse if ((blob_angle_deg <-10 || blob_angle_deg >-10 ) &&((blob_angle_deg > -70 && blob_angle_deg < 70 ) ||( > vertical_top && > vertical_left && < vertical_right))){if ((bounding_length/bounding_width)>=ratio || (bounding_width/bounding_length)>=ratio||(contour_area< smallLaneArea &&  ((contour_area/(bounding_width*bounding_length)) > .75) &&((bounding_length/bounding_width)>=2 || (bounding_width/bounding_length)>=2))){drawContours(currFrame, contours,i, Scalar(255), CV_FILLED, 8);drawContours(temp2, contours,i, Scalar(255), CV_FILLED, 8);}}}}}imshow("midstep", temp);imshow("laneBlobs", temp2);imshow("lane",currFrame);}void nextFrame(Mat &nxt){//currFrame = nxt; //if processing is to be done at original sizeresize(nxt ,currFrame, currFrame.size()); //resizing the input image for faster processinggetLane();}Mat getResult(){return temp2;}};//end of class LaneDetectvoid makeFromVid(string path)
{Mat frame;VideoCapture cap(path); // open the video file for readingif ( !cap.isOpened() )  // if not success, exit programcout << "Cannot open the video file" << endl;//cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, 300); //start the video at 300msdouble fps = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); //get the frames per seconds of the videocout << "Input video's Frame per seconds : " << fps << endl;;LaneDetect detect(frame);while(1){bool bSuccess =; // read a new frame from videoif (!bSuccess)                   //if not success, break loop{cout << "Cannot read the frame from video file" << endl;break;}cvtColor(frame, frame, CV_BGR2GRAY);//start = clock();detect.nextFrame(frame);//stop =clock();// cout<<"fps : "<<1.0/(((double)(stop-start))/ CLOCKS_PER_SEC)<<endl;if(waitKey(10) == 27) //wait for 'esc' key press for 10 ms. If 'esc' key is pressed, break loop{cout<<"video paused!, press q to quit, any other key to continue"<<endl;if(waitKey(0) == 'q'){cout << "terminated by user" << endl;break;}}}
}int main()
{makeFromVid("/home/yash/opencv-2.4.10/programs/output.avi");// makeFromVid("/home/yash/opencv-2.4.10/programs/road.m4v");waitKey(0);destroyAllWindows();


  • simple_lane_tracking 源码地址
  • 作者主页


  • 采用opencv2编写 C++
  • 算法核心步骤 
    1. 提取车道标记特征,封装在laneExtraction类中
    2. 车道建模(两条边,单车道),封装在laneModeling类中
  • 对于断断续续的斑点车道标记(虚线)使用RANSAC匹配直线,对每幅图像,检测结果可能是感兴趣的左右车道都检测到或者全都没检测到



/* * extract line segments */aps::laneExtraction le;le.setLaneWidth(15);le.compute(img_org, carmask / 255);std::vector<aps::line> laneSegCandidates = le.getLaneCandidates();


/* * model the lane */aps::laneModeling lm;lm.compute(laneSegCandidates);std::vector<aps::line> lanes = lm.getLanes();cv::cvtColor(img_org, img_org, CV_GRAY2BGR);ofs << fname << ",";if (lm.verifyLanes()){cv::line(img_org, lanes[0].getEndPoint1(), lanes[0].getEndPoint2(),cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 5, CV_AA);cv::line(img_org, lanes[1].getEndPoint1(), lanes[1].getEndPoint2(),cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 5, CV_AA);int x_left =(lanes[0].getEndPoint2().x < lanes[1].getEndPoint2().x) ?lanes[0].getEndPoint2().x :lanes[1].getEndPoint2().x;int x_right =(lanes[0].getEndPoint2().x > lanes[1].getEndPoint2().x) ?lanes[0].getEndPoint2().x :lanes[1].getEndPoint2().x;ofs << x_left << "," << x_right << std::endl;}else{ofs << "NONE,NONE\n";}




voidlaneExtraction::detectMarkers(const cv::Mat img, int tau){m_IMMarker.create(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC1);m_IMMarker.setTo(0);int aux = 0;for (int j = 0; j < img.rows; j++){for (int i = tau; i < img.cols - tau; i++){if (<uchar>(j, i) != 0){aux = 2 *<uchar>(j, i);aux +=<uchar>(j, i - tau);aux +=<uchar>(j, i + tau);aux += -abs((int) (<uchar>(j, i - tau)-<uchar>(j, i + tau)));aux = (aux < 0) ? (0) : (aux);aux = (aux > 255) ? (255) : (aux);<uchar>(j, i) = (unsigned char) aux;}}}return;}


voidlaneExtraction::compute(const cv::Mat img, const cv::Mat mask){detectMarkers(img, m_laneWidth);m_IMMarker = m_IMMarker.mul(mask);cv::threshold(m_IMMarker, m_IMMarker, 25, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);std::vector<cv::Vec4i> lines;cv::HoughLinesP(m_IMMarker, lines, 1, CV_PI / 180, 40, 20, 10);for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++){cv::Vec4i l = lines[i];aps::line seg;seg.set(cv::Point(l[0], l[1]), cv::Point(l[2], l[3]));if ((seg.getOrientation() > 10 && seg.getOrientation() < 80)|| (seg.getOrientation() > 100 && seg.getOrientation() < 170)){m_laneSegCandid.push_back(seg);}}return;}



voidlaneModeling::compute(const std::vector<aps::line>& lines){int clusterCount = 2;if (lines.empty() || lines.size() < clusterCount){m_success = false;return;}cv::Mat points(lines.size(), 1, CV_32FC1);cv::Mat labels;cv::Mat centers(clusterCount, 1, CV_32FC1);for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++){<float>(i, 0) = lines[i].getOrientation();}/* * put all line candidates into two clusters based on their orientations */cv::kmeans(points, clusterCount, labels,cv::TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS + CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1.0),3, cv::KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, centers);for (int k = 0; k < clusterCount; k++){std::vector<cv::Point> candid_points;for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) // 遍历所有备选直线{if (<int>(i, 0) == k) // 如果该直线属于当前的类别K{std::vector<cv::Point> pts = lines[i].interpolatePoints(10);candid_points.insert(candid_points.end(), pts.begin(),pts.end()); // 将直线上的点收集起来,用于RANSAC}}if (candid_points.empty())continue; // 如果没有收集到,则继续看下一类/* * fit the perfect line */aps::LineModel model;aps::RansacLine2D Ransac;Ransac.setObservationSet(candid_points);Ransac.setIterations(500);Ransac.setRequiredInliers(2);Ransac.setTreshold(1);Ransac.computeModel();Ransac.getBestModel(model);double m = model.mSlope, b = model.mIntercept;if (fabs(m) <= 1e-10 && fabs(b) <= 1e-10)continue;cv::Point p1((700 - b) / (m + 1e-5), 700);cv::Point p2((1200 - b) / (m + 1e-5), 1200);aps::line laneSide;laneSide.set(p1, p2);lanes.push_back(laneSide);}if (lanes.size() < 2){m_success = false;}else{m_success = true;}return;}




  • set 根据两个点的坐标指定一条线段
  • is_Set 返回线段是否已经通过set设定
  • getOrientation 返回线段方向
  • getEndPoint1,getEndPoint2返回两个端点
  • getLength 返回线段长度
  • is_Headup 端点1的纵坐标比端点2的纵坐标小?
  • getDistFromLine 线段和线段的距离
  • point2Line 点到线段的距离
  • interpolatePoints 返回线段上的点



/* * create the mask that can help remove unwanted noise */cv::Mat carmask = cv::imread("carmask.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);aps::parabolicMask pmask(carmask.cols, carmask.rows,1.0 / carmask.rows);cv::Mat M = pmask.mkMask();M.convertTo(M, CV_8UC1);carmask.convertTo(carmask, CV_8UC1);carmask = carmask.mul(M);


关于RANSAC的讲解见 随机抽样一致性算法(RANSAC)

RANSAC是“RANdom SAmple Consensus(随机抽样一致)”的缩写。它可以从一组包含“局外点”的观测数据集中,通过迭代方式估计数学模型的参数。它是一种不确定的算法——它有一定的概率得出一个合理的结果;为了提高概率必须提高迭代次数。该算法最早由Fischler和Bolles于1981年提出。







  1. 将图像上半部分无关内容截掉,设定ROI
  2. 转为灰度图
  3. Canny算子提取边缘
  4. Hough检测直线
  5. 通过直线角度位置信息筛选出车道线,标记到图上






using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;using OpenCvSharp;namespace LaneDetection
{class Program{[STAThread]static void Main(){CvCapture cap = CvCapture.FromFile("test1.mp4");CvWindow w = new CvWindow("Lane Detection");CvWindow canny = new CvWindow("Canny");IplImage src, gray, dstCanny, halfFrame, smallImg;CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage();CvSeq lines;while (CvWindow.WaitKey(10) < 0){src = cap.QueryFrame();halfFrame = new IplImage(new CvSize(src.Size.Width / 2, src.Size.Height / 2), BitDepth.U8, 3);Cv.PyrDown(src, halfFrame, CvFilter.Gaussian5x5);gray = new IplImage(src.Size, BitDepth.U8, 1);dstCanny = new IplImage(src.Size, BitDepth.U8, 1);storage.Clear();// Crop off top half of image since we're only interested in the lower portion of the videoint halfWidth = src.Width / 2;int halfHeight = src.Height / 2;int startX = halfWidth - (halfWidth / 2);src.SetROI(new CvRect(0, halfHeight - 0, src.Width - 1, src.Height - 1));gray.SetROI(src.GetROI());dstCanny.SetROI(src.GetROI());src.CvtColor(gray, ColorConversion.BgrToGray);Cv.Smooth(gray, gray, SmoothType.Gaussian, 5, 5);Cv.Canny(gray, dstCanny, 50, 200, ApertureSize.Size3);canny.Image = dstCanny;storage.Clear();lines = dstCanny.HoughLines2(storage, HoughLinesMethod.Probabilistic, 1, Math.PI / 180, 50, 50, 100);for (int i = 0; i < lines.Total; i++){CvLineSegmentPoint elem = lines.GetSeqElem<CvLineSegmentPoint>(i).Value;int dx = elem.P2.X - elem.P1.X;int dy = elem.P2.Y - elem.P1.Y;double angle = Math.Atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / Math.PI;if (Math.Abs(angle) <= 10)continue;if (elem.P1.Y > elem.P2.Y + 50  || elem.P1.Y < elem.P2.Y -50 ){src.Line(elem.P1, elem.P2, CvColor.Red, 2, LineType.AntiAlias, 0);}}src.ResetROI();storage.Clear();w.Image = src;}}}


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <highgui.h>
#include <cv.h>
#include <math.h>using namespace cv;
using namespace std;#define INF 99999999
CvCapture* g_capture = NULL;int g_slider_pos = 0 ;
int frame_count = 0;
CvSeq* lines;int main(int argc,char* argv[])
{                  cvNamedWindow( "show");      g_capture=cvCreateFileCapture( "D:\\road.avi");IplImage* frame;while(1){  CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage();frame=cvQueryFrame(g_capture);//set the ROI of the original imageint x = 0,y = frame->height/2;int width = frame->width,height = frame->height/2;if(!frame) break; cvSetImageROI(frame,cvRect(x,y,width,height));IplImage* gray = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame),8,1);cvCvtColor(frame,gray,CV_BGR2GRAY);cvCanny(gray,gray,50,100);cvShowImage("canny",gray);cvSmooth(gray,gray,CV_GAUSSIAN,3,1,0);//Houghlines = cvHoughLines2(gray,storage,CV_HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC,1,CV_PI/180,50,90,50);//select approprivate lines acoording to the slopefor (int i = 0;i < lines->total;i ++){double k =INF;CvPoint* line = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(lines,i);int dx = line[1].x - line[0].x;int dy = line[1].x - line[0].y;double angle = atan2(dy,dx) * 180 /CV_PI;if (abs(angle) <= 10)continue;if (line[0].y > line[1].y + 50 || line[0].y < line[1].y - 50){cvLine(frame,line[0],line[1],CV_RGB(255,0,0),2,CV_AA);}}cvResetImageROI(frame);     cvShowImage( "show",frame);char c = cvWaitKey(33);            if(c==27)break;} cvReleaseCapture(&g_capture);cvDestroyWindow( "show");               return 0;


  • 国外教授的博客-OpenCVSharp版本 【中文翻译】
  • 国内某博客-改写OpenCV2版本


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