
[root@baculaserver etc]# /usr/local/bacula/sbin/bconsole
Connecting to Director
1000 OK: baculaserver.test.com-dir Version: 5.2.6 (21 February 2012)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
Automatically selected Storage: dbsd
Enter new Volume name: cicro4
Automatically selected Pool: dbpool
Connecting to Storage daemon dbsd at ...
Sending label command for Volume "cicro4" Slot 0 ...
3000 OK label. VolBytes=222 DVD=0 Volume="cicro4" Device="dbdev" (/data/webdata)
Catalog record for Volume "cicro4", Slot 0  successfully created.
Requesting to mount dbdev ...
3906 File device ""dbdev" (/data/webdata)" is always mounted.

A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
     1: Client1
     2: Client
     3: BackupCatalog
     4: RestoreFiles
Select Job resource (1-4): 1
Run Backup job
JobName:  Client1
Level:    Incremental
Client:   dbfd
FileSet:  dbfs
Pool:     dbpool (From Job resource)
Storage:  dbsd (From Job resource)
When:     2013-04-14 14:37:01
Priority: 10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=1


Status available for:
     1: Director
     2: Storage
     3: Client
     4: All
Select daemon type for status (1-4): 1
baculaserver.test.com-dir Version: 5.2.6 (21 February 2012) x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu redhat
Daemon started 14-Apr-13 14:33. Jobs: run=1, running=0 mode=0,0
 Heap: heap=278,528 smbytes=77,452 max_bytes=91,121 bufs=251 max_bufs=287

Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
Differential   Backup    10  14-Apr-13 23:05    Client1            cicro4
Differential   Backup    10  14-Apr-13 23:05    Client             cicro4
Differential   Backup    10  14-Apr-13 23:05    BackupCatalog      cicro4

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 14-Apr-13 14:34
No Jobs running.

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
     1  Full          3    4.035 M  OK       14-Apr-13 14:37 Client1



到这里可以看出JobId 为1的 备份是一个完全备份,备份的数据文件有3个,大小为4.035M
备份完成时间为14-Apr-13 14:37。还可以通过Scheduled Jobs: 看出会在今天晚上23:05分做一次

如果利用run命令再次运行一次备份的话 我们查看状态,
Status available for:
     1: Director
     2: Storage
     3: Client
     4: All
Select daemon type for status (1-4): 1
baculaserver.test.com-dir Version: 5.2.6 (21 February 2012) x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu redhat
Daemon started 14-Apr-13 14:33. Jobs: run=2, running=0 mode=0,0
 Heap: heap=278,528 smbytes=79,966 max_bytes=93,635 bufs=252 max_bufs=288

Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
Differential   Backup    10  14-Apr-13 23:05    Client1            cicro4
Differential   Backup    10  14-Apr-13 23:05    Client             cicro4
Differential   Backup    10  14-Apr-13 23:05    BackupCatalog      cicro4

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 14-Apr-13 14:34
No Jobs running.

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
     1  Full          3    4.035 M  OK       14-Apr-13 14:37 Client1
     2  Incr      1,882    7.625 M  OK       14-Apr-13 14:49 Client1



A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
     1: Client1
     2: Client
     3: BackupCatalog
     4: RestoreFiles
Select Job resource (1-4): 2
Run Backup job
JobName:  Client
Level:    Differential
Client:   dbfd
FileSet:  dbfs
Pool:     dbpool (From Job resource)
Storage:  dbsd (From Job resource)
When:     2013-04-14 14:55:48
Priority: 10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=3
You have messages.

Status available for:
     1: Director
     2: Storage
     3: Client
     4: All
Select daemon type for status (1-4): 1
baculaserver.test.com-dir Version: 5.2.6 (21 February 2012) x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu                                                                                    redhat
Daemon started 14-Apr-13 14:33. Jobs: run=3, running=0 mode=0,0
 Heap: heap=278,528 smbytes=87,502 max_bytes=96,019 bufs=264 max_bufs=289

Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
Differential   Backup    10  14-Apr-13 23:05    Client1            cicro4
Differential   Backup    10  14-Apr-13 23:05    Client             cicro4
Differential   Backup    10  14-Apr-13 23:05    BackupCatalog      cicro4

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 14-Apr-13 14:34
Console connected at 14-Apr-13 14:56
No Jobs running.

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
     1  Full          3    4.035 M  OK       14-Apr-13 14:37 Client1
     2  Incr      1,882    7.625 M  OK       14-Apr-13 14:49 Client1
     3  Full      1,885    15.69 M  OK       14-Apr-13 14:55 Client




A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
     1: Client1
     2: Client
     3: BackupCatalog
     4: RestoreFiles
Select Job resource (1-4): 2
Run Backup job
JobName:  Client
Level:    Differential
Client:   dbfd
FileSet:  dbfs
Pool:     dbpool (From Job resource)
Storage:  dbsd (From Job resource)
When:     2013-04-14 14:58:43
Priority: 10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=4
You have messages.


Status available for:
     1: Director
     2: Storage
     3: Client
     4: All
Select daemon type for status (1-4): 1
baculaserver.test.com-dir Version: 5.2.6 (21 February 2012) x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu redhat
Daemon started 14-Apr-13 14:33. Jobs: run=4, running=0 mode=0,0
 Heap: heap=278,528 smbytes=100,173 max_bytes=113,842 bufs=277 max_bufs=313

Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
Differential   Backup    10  14-Apr-13 23:05    Client1            cicro4
Differential   Backup    10  14-Apr-13 23:05    Client             cicro4
Differential   Backup    10  14-Apr-13 23:05    BackupCatalog      cicro4

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 14-Apr-13 14:34
Console connected at 14-Apr-13 14:56
No Jobs running.

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
     1  Full          3    4.035 M  OK       14-Apr-13 14:37 Client1
     2  Incr      1,882    7.625 M  OK       14-Apr-13 14:49 Client1
     3  Full      1,885    15.69 M  OK       14-Apr-13 14:55 Client
     4  Diff          2    4.035 M  OK       14-Apr-13 14:58 Client





First you select one or more JobIds that contain files
to be restored. You will be presented several methods
of specifying the JobIds. Then you will be allowed to
select which files from those JobIds are to be restored.

To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:
     1: List last 20 Jobs run
     2: List Jobs where a given File is saved
     3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select
     4: Enter SQL list command
     5: Select the most recent backup for a client
     6: Select backup for a client before a specified time
     7: Enter a list of files to restore
     8: Enter a list of files to restore before a specified time
     9: Find the JobIds of the most recent backup for a client
    10: Find the JobIds for a backup for a client before a specified time
    11: Enter a list of directories to restore for found JobIds
    12: Select full restore to a specified Job date
    13: Cancel
Select item:  (1-13): 3
Enter JobId(s), comma separated, to restore: 3,4
You have selected the following JobIds: 3,4
#这里仅仅指定 差异备份的一个完全备份和差异备份的JobId就可以恢复数据
Building directory tree for JobId(s) 3,4 ...  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1,745 files inserted into the tree.

You are now entering file selection mode where you add (mark) and
remove (unmark) files to be restored. No files are initially added, unless
you used the "all" keyword on the command line.
Enter "done" to leave this mode.

cwd is: /
$ mark *
1,886 files marked.
$ done
Bootstrap records written to /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working/baculaserver.test.com-dir.restore.1.bsr

The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)

cicro4                    dbsd                      dbdev

Volumes marked with "*" are online.

1,886 files selected to be restored.

Defined Clients:  #指定恢复到那个FD上去
     1: dbfd
     2: dbfs1
Select the Client (1-2): 1
Run Restore job
JobName:         RestoreFiles
Bootstrap:       /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working/baculaserver.test.com-dir.restore.1.bsr
Where:           /data/bacula-Restores
Replace:         always
FileSet:         dbfs
Backup Client:   dbfd
Restore Client:  dbfd
Storage:         dbsd
When:            2013-04-14 15:10:41
Catalog:         MyCatalog
Priority:        10
Plugin Options:  *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): mod
Parameters to modify:
     1: Level
     2: Storage
     3: Job
     4: FileSet
     5: Restore Client
     6: When
     7: Priority
     8: Bootstrap
     9: Where
    10: File Relocation
    11: Replace
    12: JobId
    13: Plugin Options
Select parameter to modify (1-13): 9
Please enter path prefix for restore (/ for none): /
Run Restore job
JobName:         RestoreFiles
Bootstrap:       /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working/baculaserver.test.com-dir.restore.1.bsr
Replace:         always
FileSet:         dbfs
Backup Client:   dbfd
Restore Client:  dbfd
Storage:         dbsd
When:            2013-04-14 15:10:41
Catalog:         MyCatalog
Priority:        10
Plugin Options:  *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=5

6.增量备份恢复,增量备份的恢复我们只需要在Enter JobId(s), comma separated, to restore: 这一行



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